Conquer Club

Estonian Soccer League [Winner: killmanic]

Tournaments completed in 2009.

Moderator: Tournament Directors

Estonian Soccer League [Winner: killmanic]

Postby amazzony on Wed Nov 12, 2008 1:34 pm

2 open slots & 99%+ attendance needed for sign up!

Estonia is a small country with tiny leagues and therefore, before making this, I have previously consulted with Steelhorse to make sure that it is allowed and he has pre-approved the tournament. From Tournament Handbook:
Note: If you wish to run a tournament based upon a actual sports league or something similar, and it requires you to have less than 16 players, please contact a Tournament Director to discuss what options are available to you. Your tournament may possibly be approved if it is well prepared and features an acceptable format.

  • Global settings: Casual 1v1 Sequential
  • Map, Spoils, Reinforcements & FoW: each player must pick their home ground settings

You have entered into the center of Estonian Soccer League and to be more specific, into the highest division. It will be a simple league where you'll be playing 2 games per week so freemiums are welcome. Important thing is that it's a long tournament, at least 18 weeks long so if you don't have patience for it then please turn back now. Overall you'll be playing 36 games (4 games against each opponent - 2 home and 2 away) and the player with most overall points will win. In case of a tie head-to-head games will be used (if it won't help, 5-game-series will be played to decide winner).

Scoring. We'll be using soccer scoring. Note: draw = 15 or more rounds.
I've decided to use draw because I want to encourage aggressive playing.
    Win = 3 points
    Loss = 0 points
    Draw = 1 point

Important! As I'm a true patriot of my country and I want this tournament to be close to perfect then I leave myself the right to veto some players. If I've had bad experience with you in my previous tournaments then I will say no to you so lets make it friendly and don't come here to whine. Lets have fun now!

**When signing up, don't forget to post following**

  1. JK Tallinna Kalev - White Moose - [Battle for Iraq!, Escalating, Chained, Foggy]
  2. JK Sillamäe Kalev - HighlanderAttack - [Haiti, No Spoils, Chained, Sunny]
  3. Tallinna FC TVMK - vykingsfan64 - [USA, Flat Rate, Chained, Sunny]
  4. Tallinna FC Flora - dittoeevee8888 - [The Citadel, No Spoils, Chained, Sunny]
  5. Tallinna FC Levadia - Gypsys Kiss - [Discworld, No Spoils, Chained, Foggy]
  6. Nõmme JK Kalju - negoeien - [Iceland, No Cards, Chained, Foggy]
  7. Pärnu JK Vaprus - killmanic - [Waterloo, No Cards, Chained, Foggy]
  8. Tartu JK Maag Tammeka - Athiest - [Classic Shapes, Escalating, Chained, Sunny]
  9. Viljandi JK Tulevik - redbugal - [New World, Flat Rate, Unlimited, Foggy]
  10. Narva JK Trans - Megadeth666 - [Age of Realms 1, Flat Rate, Unlimited, Foggy]

  1. killmanic [Waterloo, No Cards, Chained, Foggy] {2nd coach of Pärnu JK Vaprus}
  2. denominator

  1. Army of Achilles - [Age of Realms 3, No Spoils, Chained, Foggy] {1st coach of Pärnu JK Vaprus}
Last edited by amazzony on Tue Jan 25, 2011 3:20 pm, edited 36 times in total.
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Postby amazzony on Wed Nov 12, 2008 1:35 pm


Last update: April 19, 2009


show: CAREFUL I AM A LONG TOURNAMENT SCHEDULE - click me on your own risk
Match 1 (finished)
Game 3661115; Viljandi JK Tulevik - Tallinna FC Levadia   
Game 3661119; JK Tallinna Kalev - Narva JK Trans 
Game 3661124; JK Sillamäe Kalev - Tartu JK Maag Tammeka 
Game 3661128; Tallinna FC TVMK - Pärnu JK Vaprus 
Game 3661160; Tallinna FC Flora - Nõmme JK Kalju 

Match 2 (finished)
Game 3661162; Tallinna FC Levadia - Pärnu JK Vaprus 
Game 3661165; Tartu JK Maag Tammeka - Tallinna FC TVMK 
Game 3661167; Nõmme JK Kalju - JK Sillamäe Kalev 
Game 3661173; Viljandi JK Tulevik - JK Tallinna Kalev 
Game 3661176; Narva JK Trans - Tallinna FC Flora 

Match 3 (finished)
Game 3683906; Tallinna FC Flora -Viljandi JK Tulevik 
Game 3683910; JK Sillamäe Kalev - Narva JK Trans 
Game 3683916; Tallinna FC TVMK - Nõmme JK Kalju 
Game 3683921; Pärnu JK Vaprus - Tartu JK Maag Tammeka 
Game 3683924; JK Tallinna Kalev - Tallinna FC Levadia 

Match 4 (finished)
Game 3683928; Tallinna FC Levadia - Tartu JK Maag Tammeka
Game 3683931; Narva JK Trans - Tallinna FC TVMK 
Game 3683933; Viljandi JK Tulevik - JK Sillamäe Kalev 
Game 3683936; JK Tallinna Kalev - Tallinna FC Flora 
Game 3683937; Nõmme JK Kalju - Pärnu JK Vaprus 

Match 5 (finished)
Game 3715188; JK Sillamäe Kalev - JK Tallinna Kalev 
Game 3715189; Tallinna FC TVMK -Viljandi JK Tulevik 
Game 3715192; Pärnu JK Vaprus - Narva JK Trans 
Game 3715199; Tartu JK Maag Tammeka - Nõmme JK Kalju
Game 3715201; Tallinna FC Flora - Tallinna FC Levadia 

Match 6 (finished)
Game 3740021; Viljandi JK Tulevik - Pärnu JK Vaprus 
Game 3740024; JK Tallinna Kalev - Tallinna FC TVMK 
Game 3740025; Tallinna FC Levadia - Nõmme JK Kalju 
Game 3740027; Narva JK Trans - Tartu JK Maag Tammeka
Game 3740030; Tallinna FC Flora - JK Sillamäe Kalev

Match 7 (finished)
Game 3740031; JK Sillamäe Kalev - Tallinna FC Levadia 
Game 3740032; Pärnu JK Vaprus - JK Tallinna Kalev 
Game 3740033; Tartu JK Maag Tammeka -Viljandi JK Tulevik 
Game 3740035; Nõmme JK Kalju - Narva JK Trans 
Game 3740038; Tallinna FC TVMK - Tallinna FC Flora 

Match 8 (finished)
Game 3740039; Viljandi JK Tulevik - Nõmme JK Kalju 
Game 3740041; JK Tallinna Kalev - Tartu JK Maag Tammeka
Game 3740042; Tallinna FC Flora - Pärnu JK Vaprus 
Game 3740043;   JK Sillamäe Kalev - Tallinna FC TVMK 
Game 3740044; Tallinna FC Levadia - Narva JK Trans 

Match 9 (finished)
Game 3740045; Tallinna FC TVMK - Tallinna FC Levadia 
Game 3740047; Narva JK Trans -Viljandi JK Tulevik 
Game 3740050; Pärnu JK Vaprus - JK Sillamäe Kalev 
Game 3740052; Nõmme JK Kalju - JK Tallinna Kalev
Game 3740056; Tartu JK Maag Tammeka - Tallinna FC Flora

Match 10 (finished)
Game 3799020; JK Tallinna Kalev - Nõmme JK Kalju 
Game 3799024; JK Sillamäe Kalev - Pärnu JK Vaprus 
Game 3799028; Viljandi JK Tulevik - Narva JK Trans
Game 3799029; Tallinna FC Flora - Tartu JK Maag Tammeka 
Game 3799035; Tallinna FC Levadia - Tallinna FC TVMK 

Match 11 (finished)
Game 3799038; Pärnu JK Vaprus - Tallinna FC Flora 
Game 3799040; Tallinna FC TVMK - JK Sillamäe Kalev 
Game 3799043; Narva JK Trans - Tallinna FC Levadia 
Game 3799054; Tartu JK Maag Tammeka - JK Tallinna Kalev 
Game 3799056; Nõmme JK Kalju -Viljandi JK Tulevik

Match 12 (finished)
Game 3799059; Tallinna FC Levadia - JK Sillamäe Kalev 
Game 3799060; Viljandi JK Tulevik - Tartu JK Maag Tammeka 
Game 3799062; Narva JK Trans - Nõmme JK Kalju 
Game 3799065; Tallinna FC Flora - Tallinna FC TVMK 
Game 3799069; JK Tallinna Kalev - Pärnu JK Vaprus 

Match 13 (finished)
Game 3859151; Nõmme JK Kalju - Tallinna FC Levadia 
Game 3859152; Tartu JK Maag Tammeka - Narva JK Trans 
Game 3859153; Tallinna FC TVMK - JK Tallinna Kalev 
Game 3859155; JK Sillamäe Kalev - Tallinna FC Flora 
Game 3859156; Pärnu JK Vaprus -Viljandi JK Tulevik

Match 14 (finished)
Game 3859157; Nõmme JK Kalju - Tartu JK Maag Tammeka
Game 3859159; JK Tallinna Kalev - JK Sillamäe Kalev 
Game 3859160; Viljandi JK Tulevik - Tallinna FC TVMK 
Game 3859163; Narva JK Trans - Pärnu JK Vaprus 
Game 3859164; Tallinna FC Levadia - Tallinna FC Flora 

Match 15 (finished)
Game 3950278; Tartu JK Maag Tammeka - Tallinna FC Levadia
Game 3950280; Pärnu JK Vaprus - Nõmme JK Kalju 
Game 3950282; Tallinna FC TVMK - Narva JK Trans 
Game 3950284; Tallinna FC Flora - JK Tallinna Kalev 
Game 3950286; JK Sillamäe Kalev -Viljandi JK Tulevik 

Match 16 (finished)
Game 3950294; Tallinna FC Levadia - JK Tallinna Kalev 
Game 3950297; Tartu JK Maag Tammeka - Pärnu JK Vaprus
Game 3950299; Viljandi JK Tulevik - Tallinna FC Flora 
Game 3950302; Nõmme JK Kalju - Tallinna FC TVMK 
Game 3950305; Narva JK Trans – JK Sillamäe Kalev 

Match 17 (finished)
Game 3950310; JK Sillamäe Kalev - Nõmme JK Kalju 
Game 3950311; Pärnu JK Vaprus - Tallinna FC Levadia 
Game 3950312; Tallinna FC TVMK - Tartu JK Maag Tammeka 
Game 3950315; JK Tallinna Kalev -Viljandi JK Tulevik 
Game 3950317; Tallinna FC Flora - Narva JK Trans

Match 18 (finished)
Game 3950321; Tallinna FC Levadia -Viljandi JK Tulevik 
Game 3950324; Tartu JK Maag Tammeka - JK Sillamäe Kalev
Game 3950327; Pärnu JK Vaprus - Tallinna FC TVMK
Game 3950330; Narva JK Trans - JK Tallinna Kalev
Game 3950335; Nõmme JK Kalju - Tallinna FC Flora

Match 19 (finished)
Game 4052994; Nõmme JK Kalju - JK Tallinna Kalev 
Game 4052995; Narva JK Trans -Viljandi JK Tulevik 
Game 4053003;  Pärnu JK Vaprus - JK Sillamäe Kalev 
Game 4053007; Tartu JK Maag Tammeka - Tallinna FC Flora
Game 4053010; Tallinna FC TVMK – Tallinna FC Levadia

Match 20 (finished)
Game 4053012; Viljandi JK Tulevik - Nõmme JK Kalju
Game 4053014; JK Tallinna Kalev - Tartu JK Maag Tammeka
Game 4053017; Tallinna FC Flora - Pärnu JK Vaprus 
Game 4053018; JK Sillamäe Kalev - Tallinna FC TVMK 
Game 4053021; Tallinna FC Levadia - Narva JK Trans

Match 21 (finished)
Game 4053025; Pärnu JK Vaprus - JK Tallinna Kalev
Game 4053026; Nõmme JK Kalju - Narva JK Trans 
Game 4053028; JK Sillamäe Kalev - Tallinna FC Levadia 
Game 4053029; Tartu JK Maag Tammeka -Viljandi JK Tulevik 
Game 4053033; Tallinna FC TVMK – Tallinna FC Flora

Match 22 (finished)
Game 4053036; Narva JK Trans - Tartu JK Maag Tammeka 
Game 4053039; JK Tallinna Kalev - Tallinna FC TVMK
Game 4053042; Tallinna FC Flora - JK Sillamäe Kalev
Game 4053045; Viljandi JK Tulevik - Pärnu JK Vaprus
Game 4053046; Tallinna FC Levadia - Nõmme JK Kalju 

Match 23 (finished)
Game 4173566; JK Sillamäe Kalev - JK Tallinna Kalev
Game 4173568; Tallinna FC TVMK -Viljandi JK Tulevik
Game 4173570; Pärnu JK Vaprus - Narva JK Trans 
Game 4173572; Tartu JK Maag Tammeka - Nõmme JK Kalju 
Game 4173574; Tallinna FC Flora - Tallinna FC Levadia

Match 24 (finished)
Game 4173576; Tallinna FC Levadia - Tartu JK Maag Tammeka 
Game 4173579; Nõmme JK Kalju - Pärnu JK Vaprus 
Game 4173580; Narva JK Trans - Tallinna FC TVMK
Game 4173581; JK Tallinna Kalev - Tallinna FC Flora 
Game 4173583; Viljandi JK Tulevik - JK Sillamäe Kalev

Match 25 (finished)
Game 4173585; JK Tallinna Kalev - Tallinna FC Levadia
Game 4173592; JK Sillamäe Kalev - Narva JK Trans
Game 4173590; Tallinna FC TVMK - Nõmme JK Kalju 
Game 4173594; Pärnu JK Vaprus - Tartu JK Maag Tammeka
Game 4173596; Tallinna FC Flora -Viljandi JK Tulevik 

Match 26 (finished)
Game 4173597; Tallinna FC Levadia - Pärnu JK Vaprus 
Game 4173599; Tartu JK Maag Tammeka - Tallinna FC TVMK 
Game 4173603; Nõmme JK Kalju - JK Sillamäe Kalev 
Game 4173606; Viljandi JK Tulevik - JK Tallinna Kalev
Game 4173611; Narva JK Trans - Tallinna FC Flora 

Match 27 (finished)
Game 4326560; JK Tallinna Kalev - Narva JK Trans
Game 4326563; JK Sillamäe Kalev - Tartu JK Maag Tammeka
Game 4326565; Tallinna FC TVMK - Pärnu JK Vaprus
Game 4326568; Tallinna FC Flora - Nõmme JK Kalju
Game 4326570; Viljandi JK Tulevik - Tallinna FC Levadia 

Match 28 (finished)
Game 4326573; Tallinna FC Levadia -Viljandi JK Tulevik 
Game 4326574; Nõmme JK Kalju - Tallinna FC Flora
Game 4326576; Pärnu JK Vaprus - Tallinna FC TVMK 
Game 4326578; Tartu JK Maag Tammeka - JK Sillamäe Kalev
Game 4326580; Narva JK Trans - JK Tallinna Kalev  

Match 29 (finished)
Game 4326582; Pärnu JK Vaprus - Tallinna FC Levadia
Game 4326584; JK Sillamäe Kalev - Nõmme JK Kalju
Game 4326586; JK Tallinna Kalev - Viljandi JK Tulevik 
Game 4326589; Tallinna FC TVMK - Tartu JK Maag Tammeka
Game 4326592; Tallinna FC Flora - Narva JK Trans

Match 30 (finished)
Game 4420489; Tallinna FC Levadia - JK Tallinna Kalev
Game 4326601; Narva JK Trans - JK Sillamäe Kalev
Game 4326603; Tartu JK Maag Tammeka - Pärnu JK Vaprus 
Game 4326605; Viljandi JK Tulevik - Tallinna FC Flora 
Game 4326608; Nõmme JK Kalju - Tallinna FC TVMK 

Match 31 (finished)
Game 4501445; Tallinna FC Flora - JK Tallinna Kalev 
Game 4501448; Tartu JK Maag Tammeka - Tallinna FC Levadia
Game 4501450; JK Sillamäe Kalev -Viljandi JK Tulevik
Game 4501452; Pärnu JK Vaprus - Nõmme JK Kalju
Game 4501454; Tallinna FC TVMK - Narva JK Trans

Match 32 (finished)
Game 4501458; JK Tallinna Kalev - JK Sillamäe Kalev 
Game 4501461; Viljandi JK Tulevik - Tallinna FC TVMK 
Game 4501462; Narva JK Trans - Pärnu JK Vaprus 
Game 4501463; Nõmme JK Kalju - Tartu JK Maag Tammeka
Game 4501465; Tallinna FC Levadia - Tallinna FC Flora 

Match 33 (finished)
Game 4501467; Pärnu JK Vaprus -Viljandi JK Tulevik
Game 4501469; Tallinna FC TVMK - JK Tallinna Kalev 
Game 4501470; JK Sillamäe Kalev - Tallinna FC Flora
Game 4501473; Nõmme JK Kalju - Tallinna FC Levadia 
Game 4501475; Tartu JK Maag Tammeka - Narva JK Trans

Match 34 (finished)
Game 4501477; Tallinna FC Levadia - JK Sillamäe Kalev 
Game 4501479; JK Tallinna Kalev - Pärnu JK Vaprus 
Game 4501480; Viljandi JK Tulevik - Tartu JK Maag Tammeka 
Game 4501481; Narva JK Trans - Nõmme JK Kalju
Game 4501484; Tallinna FC Flora - Tallinna FC TVMK 

Match 35 (finished)
Game 4616264; Narva JK Trans - Tallinna FC Levadia
Game 4616266; Tartu JK Maag Tammeka - JK Tallinna Kalev
Game 4616270; Pärnu JK Vaprus - Tallinna FC Flora
Game 4616271; Tallinna FC TVMK - JK Sillamäe Kalev 
Game 4616272; Nõmme JK Kalju -Viljandi JK Tulevik 

Match 36 (finished)
Game 4616273; JK Sillamäe Kalev - Pärnu JK Vaprus
Game 4616275; Tallinna FC Flora - Tartu JK Maag Tammeka
Game 4616276; JK Tallinna Kalev - Nõmme JK Kalju
Game 4616291; Viljandi JK Tulevik - Narva JK Trans
Game 4616305; Tallinna FC Levadia - Tallinna FC TVMK
Last edited by amazzony on Tue Jan 25, 2011 3:21 pm, edited 26 times in total.
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Re: Estonian Soccer League

Postby denominator on Wed Nov 12, 2008 2:13 pm

amazzony wrote:2 open slots & 99%+ attendance needed for sign up!

Damn. I knew my attendance rate would limit me from tournaments at some point.
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Re: Estonian Soccer League

Postby Army of Achilles on Wed Nov 12, 2008 2:31 pm

I'll play

Home field will be Feudal War, no fog, no spoils, and adjacent forts
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Re: Estonian Soccer League

Postby Gypsys Kiss on Wed Nov 12, 2008 3:18 pm

Team: Tallinna FC Levadia
Map: discworld
Spoils: no
Reinforcements: chained
FoW: yes

May as well be the best :D
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Re: Estonian Soccer League

Postby redbugal on Wed Nov 12, 2008 6:08 pm

Sounds like fun:

Viljandi JK Tulevik
New World
Flat Rate
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Re: Estonian Soccer League

Postby dittoeevee8888 on Wed Nov 12, 2008 6:13 pm

in please!

Team: Tallinna FC Flora
Map: The Citadel
Spoils: No Spoils
Reinforcements: Chained
FoW: Sunny
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Re: Estonian Soccer League

Postby Army of Achilles on Wed Nov 12, 2008 6:40 pm

Army of Achilles wrote:I'll play

Home field will be Feudal War, no fog, no spoils, and adjacent forts

May change the map. I'll post any changes to map and/or setting by tomorrow.

Parnu would be great

Last edited by Army of Achilles on Wed Nov 12, 2008 6:57 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Estonian Soccer League

Postby Megadeth666 on Wed Nov 12, 2008 6:51 pm

Team:Narva JK Trans
Map:AOR 1
FoW: yes
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Re: Estonian Soccer League

Postby amazzony on Thu Nov 13, 2008 5:45 am

Everybody, thank you for joining and welcome! \:D/

denominator wrote:
amazzony wrote:2 open slots & 99%+ attendance needed for sign up!

Damn. I knew my attendance rate would limit me from tournaments at some point.

I've never had problems with you in my tournaments (at least I can't remember) so I'm offering you a third reserve place (as you are missing 3%). And with a clause that if I get more reserves whose attendance rating is higher than yours then you will drop back even more. Interested?

Army of Achilles wrote:
Army of Achilles wrote:I'll play

Home field will be Feudal War, no fog, no spoils, and adjacent forts

May change the map. I'll post any changes to map and/or setting by tomorrow.

Parnu would be great


Sure, take your time, just give them before tournament starts :) I find it kinda funny that you've picked the most weakest team while you will surely be the highest rank in the tournament. Can't wait for you to make miracles with that young team :D

Gypsys Kiss wrote:Team: Tallinna FC Levadia
Map: discworld
Spoils: no
Reinforcements: chained
FoW: yes

May as well be the best :D

Clever :D Hopefully it brings you luck.

redbugal wrote:Sounds like fun:

Viljandi JK Tulevik
New World
Flat Rate

I'm hoping it to be fun :) You've picked one of the weakest, but if I'm not mistaken then one of the first founded teams so you have great traditions supporting your cause. Play well with the small city team!

dittoeevee8888 wrote:in please!

Team: Tallinna FC Flora
Map: The Citadel
Spoils: No Spoils
Reinforcements: Chained
FoW: Sunny

You've picked second best team, they always fight for the winning of the cup and sometimes succeed, sometimes don't. This year they can't win anymore but it doesn't mean you can't change it :D

Megadeth666 wrote:Team:Narva JK Trans
Map:AOR 1
FoW: yes

You've picked a middle-strength team, seems quite suitable to your rank :D They are fighting for the 3rd-6th place usually but it doesn't mean you can't do better.
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Re: Estonian Soccer League

Postby Army of Achilles on Thu Nov 13, 2008 2:03 pm

regarding picking the weakest team ... I don't yet know much about Estonian football :)
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Re: Estonian Soccer League

Postby Athiest on Thu Nov 13, 2008 2:26 pm


Team: Tartu JK Maag Tammeka
Reinforcements: chained
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Re: Estonian Soccer League

Postby Army of Achilles on Thu Nov 13, 2008 2:27 pm

I've made up my mind :)

Age of Realms 3
No spoils
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Re: Estonian Soccer League

Postby White Moose on Thu Nov 13, 2008 3:02 pm

Team: Anything avalible
Map: Battle for Iraq!
Spoils: Escalating
Reinforcements: Chained
FoW: Yes
Highest Score: 3374
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Re: Estonian Soccer League

Postby amazzony on Thu Nov 13, 2008 3:53 pm

Army of Achilles wrote:regarding picking the weakest team ... I don't yet know much about Estonian football :)

I'll let you in a secret... nobody besides me in CC knows much about it :-$ I've recorded your new settings.


Team: Tartu JK Maag Tammeka
Reinforcements: chained

You are added. But as I haven't seen you much in tournament forums then I would like to remind you that this is a long tournament and I want it to be a success so I want precision from players. Especially as you've taken a team of my hometown. Are you ready for the commitment?

White Moose wrote:Team: Anything avalible
Map: Battle for Iraq!
Spoils: Escalating
Reinforcements: Chained
FoW: Yes

Welcome! I've given you JK Tallinna Kalev. They are one of the weakest teams in the league but I thought as Army also got one of the weakest teams then it would be only logical if 2 weakest teams will get 2 highest ranks in the tourney :D
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Re: Estonian Soccer League

Postby White Moose on Thu Nov 13, 2008 4:04 pm

amazzony wrote:

White Moose wrote:Team: Anything avalible
Map: Battle for Iraq!
Spoils: Escalating
Reinforcements: Chained
FoW: Yes

Welcome! I've given you JK Tallinna Kalev. They are one of the weakest teams in the league but I thought as Army also got one of the weakest teams then it would be only logical if 2 weakest teams will get 2 highest ranks in the tourney :D

They are just weak because they had a bad coach. Now i'm coach, and i'll team my players how to win!!

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Re: Estonian Soccer League

Postby amazzony on Thu Nov 13, 2008 6:20 pm

White Moose wrote:
amazzony wrote:
White Moose wrote:Team: Anything avalible
Map: Battle for Iraq!
Spoils: Escalating
Reinforcements: Chained
FoW: Yes

Welcome! I've given you JK Tallinna Kalev. They are one of the weakest teams in the league but I thought as Army also got one of the weakest teams then it would be only logical if 2 weakest teams will get 2 highest ranks in the tourney :D

They are just weak because they had a bad coach. Now i'm coach, and i'll team my players how to win!!


:lol: That's true - can't win without a proper coach.

Just a note, I finished the scoreboard and it's in the second post on first page. I know it is not the best because I can't sort names according to place/wins but I really wanted to add the logos of the teams so this is how it will be. I think that it won't cause too much trouble because there's only 10 players and finding your name there shouldn't be that big problem. I will also mark leader (or top 3) in some special way, either colorful or sth, so I think we'll be alright :)
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Re: Estonian Soccer League

Postby HighlanderAttack on Thu Nov 13, 2008 6:26 pm

Highlander Attack wants in:

Team-JK Sillamäe Kalev -

I will edit and have the rest in a second--didnt want to miss with 2 spots left.


Thanks a lot, HighlanderAttack
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Re: Estonian Soccer League

Postby denominator on Thu Nov 13, 2008 6:54 pm

amazzony wrote:Everybody, thank you for joining and welcome! \:D/

denominator wrote:
amazzony wrote:2 open slots & 99%+ attendance needed for sign up!

Damn. I knew my attendance rate would limit me from tournaments at some point.

I've never had problems with you in my tournaments (at least I can't remember) so I'm offering you a third reserve place (as you are missing 3%). And with a clause that if I get more reserves whose attendance rating is higher than yours then you will drop back even more. Interested?

You have a deal.
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Re: Estonian Soccer League

Postby dittoeevee8888 on Thu Nov 13, 2008 10:21 pm

amazzony wrote:
White Moose wrote:Team: Anything avalible
Map: Battle for Iraq!
Spoils: Escalating
Reinforcements: Chained
FoW: Yes

Welcome! I've given you JK Tallinna Kalev. They are one of the weakest teams in the league but I thought as Army also got one of the weakest teams then it would be only logical if 2 weakest teams will get 2 highest ranks in the tourney :D

[-X You're playing favourites!

amazzony wrote:
dittoeevee8888 wrote:in please!

Team: Tallinna FC Flora
Map: The Citadel
Spoils: No Spoils
Reinforcements: Chained
FoW: Sunny

You've picked second best team, they always fight for the winning of the cup and sometimes succeed, sometimes don't. This year they can't win anymore but it doesn't mean you can't change it :D

Meh...I didn't know. Not that I looked that much into Estonian Football...I only picked because of the name...not much else you can do...
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Re: Estonian Soccer League

Postby amazzony on Fri Nov 14, 2008 5:09 am

HighlanderAttack wrote:Highlander Attack wants in:

You're in, welcome! You've picked one of the teams that fights to being in the middle of the scoreboard. I'm glad that you didn't want to miss it though it seems that you were in no hurry because this is one of my slowest filling tournaments :lol:

denominator wrote:You have a deal.

Great :D

dittoeevee8888 wrote:[-X You're playing favourites!

If any, then later on I'll be cheering for the only female coach ;)

dittoeevee8888 wrote:
amazzony wrote:You've picked second best team, they always fight for the winning of the cup and sometimes succeed, sometimes don't. This year they can't win anymore but it doesn't mean you can't change it :D

Meh...I didn't know. Not that I looked that much into Estonian Football...I only picked because of the name...not much else you can do...

No way, I thought you are an expert on Estonian soccer :lol:
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Re: Estonian Soccer League

Postby vykingsfan64 on Fri Nov 14, 2008 6:33 am

I'll give it a shot if still open.

Team: Tallinna FC TVMK
Map: USA
Spoils: Flat
Reinforcements: Chained
FoW: None
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Re: Estonian Soccer League

Postby negoeien on Fri Nov 14, 2008 7:47 am

Nõmme JK Kalju is my team and I think I get the alst spot with that.
I would like to have, iceland ,chained, no cards, FOW as settings.
And my current goal is to end first :).
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Re: Estonian Soccer League

Postby amazzony on Fri Nov 14, 2008 11:24 am

Welome, vykingsfan64 and negoeien! I will add both of you when I change computers and get to mine. I will also update scoreboard and ask privileges then. Please, everybody check that settings are correct and make sure you will get along with all players in the league during the next 18+ weeks. We'll be starting as soon as I get privileges so in a few hours hopefully.

Still accepting reserves!

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Re: Estonian Soccer League

Postby Army of Achilles on Fri Nov 14, 2008 11:27 am

The Parnu fans are going crazy about being tied for first place =D>

With a new coach they are confident that they will no longer be the door mat of the Estonian Soccer League :D
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