[These cases have been closed. If you would like to appeal the decision of the hunter please open a ticket on the help page and the case will be looked into by a second hunter.]
and it is going to take 2 days for this chode to miss those turns o well thanks any how every barel has atleast one bad apple but i like the game enugh to stick it out the other game i'm in the people are great
dick face hmmm nice learned that in 2nd grade over hear how about you ? and as far as spaming i guess you should hav PM'd the mods if you didnt want noone to put no coments in your little thread now why dont you take your move so me and whinner can wipe your ass off the map and get about having a fun game amongst ourselfs ....dick face
hendy if we have to move this thread into the flame wars because of what you're posting, it might not get investigated. The accusation is enough.. no need to continue on.