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2dank: "Gross abuse of game", obnoxiousness [closed]

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2dank: "Gross abuse of game", obnoxiousness [closed]

Postby OnlyAmbrose on Mon Nov 10, 2008 4:39 pm


The accused is suspected of:
Gross abuse of game (deliberately throwing game), spewing drivel and nastiness in game chat WELL after he was eliminated.

Game number(s):
Game 3306497


2dank held Asia, decided he didn't want to play anymore after we broke it a few times, placed all his troops on one territory and suicided into a territory of equal strength. Looked like it was going to seriously mess up the game, but I recovered, and myself and the other remaining 3 players have a pretty even match at the present.

Of course that hasn't stopped him from filling the chat box with nonsense, and now just disgusting insults directed at gisbert.

I'm not sure if his disgusting chat is against the rules, but i know for a fact that throwing the game is.

If there's anything the mods can do about this, I'd appreciate it if you could at least shut him up so we can finish our game in peace.

Thanks! :)
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Re: 2dank: "Gross abuse of game", misc obnoxiousness

Postby lancehoch on Mon Nov 10, 2008 4:57 pm

CC tries to not police what is said in game chat unless it is racist or bigoted. If you do not want to read what he has written or continues to write, put him on your Foe List. This will remove from your view the game chat and will have the added effect of not allowing the user to join any more of your games.
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Re: 2dank: "Gross abuse of game", misc obnoxiousness

Postby OnlyAmbrose on Mon Nov 10, 2008 5:02 pm

Right, so what about throwing the game?

The Rules wrote:Obviously any gross abuse of the game is forbidden. This includes but is not limited to: throwing games or deliberately benefiting from thrown games, intentional deadbeating, serial teammate killing, hijacking accounts.

This seriously would have screwed me over if the other players weren't gracious enough to not attack me for a turn.
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Re: 2dank: "Gross abuse of game", misc obnoxiousness

Postby Digital Jihad on Mon Nov 10, 2008 6:19 pm

OnlyAmbrose wrote:Right, so what about throwing the game?

The Rules wrote:Obviously any gross abuse of the game is forbidden. This includes but is not limited to: throwing games or deliberately benefiting from thrown games, intentional deadbeating, serial teammate killing, hijacking accounts.

This seriously would have screwed me over if the other players weren't gracious enough to not attack me for a turn.

Well technically he didn't try to throw the game to anyone. He just wanted you out of the game which falls under revenge or suicide. All you can really do it seems is to foe him and leave him appropriate ratings.
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Re: 2dank: "Gross abuse of game", misc obnoxiousness

Postby king achilles on Fri Nov 14, 2008 1:15 am

The two who replied to your report basically answered correctly what is to be done.
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