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[Abandoned] - Medieval Denmark

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Postby Balsiefen on Tue Nov 04, 2008 5:33 pm

Right, to give a better picture of what we have, I've added some numbers (97's to be different ;) ) Might help suggestions on where to go next.

Click image to enlarge.
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Postby oaktown on Wed Nov 05, 2008 7:32 pm

welcome back to the real world! :D
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Postby Mr. Squirrel on Wed Nov 05, 2008 9:53 pm

Balsiefen wrote:Do you mean the Bonus box font (which is very easy) or the main territories? (which will require either a changed font or borders to be redrawn a little to enlarge it - I'll have a little play with that when I get time)

I was referring to the main territories. A few of the letters looked very strange to me. For example, I have trouble telling the difference between a lower-case 'o' and 'a' on your map, and I also had no idea that the first letter of Langeland was indeed an 'L'. To me it looked like a boxy 'C'. (the only reason I figured it out was because you used the name in your last post) The legend text looks alright though.

Balsiefen wrote:As for the small islands, I'm less sure. Perhaps for the larger Islands (Laeso, Moon, Imbrae and possibly Samso) I could distort them a little to make them large enough to fit. For Anund, I am considering putting it in the sea on the north of the island. Langeland is more of a mess, but theres the possibility of again using the sea south-west of the islands, just above the name. Does that strike people as possible?

After seeing how you arranged them on your '97' map, they actually look pretty good. You are going to want to test with all the colors too to make sure that smaller territories like Laeso look fine when green for example is placed on it.

Also, does Thytae border Saling (or Soling, whichever its named)? It's hard to tell because one of the little islands in there does touch, but only barely.

Other than those little nitpicks, I think you're on your way to having a very nice map.
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Postby Balsiefen on Thu Nov 06, 2008 12:04 pm

oaktown wrote:welcome back to the real world! :D

Thanks oak :D

Okay then, I'll go have a shop for some fonts (though coursework and now exams'll be slowing me again) and put up a graphics test

Sometime I'll fiddle a few borders to make sure about the numbers (though it'll be a long job so It might take a while to get round to it) but I'm glad you think they dont look too awful.

Thytae does not boarder Saling (its an a ;) ) and I've been wondering myself how to show that. Maybe I could make the touching island part of the blue cont?
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Postby ZeakCytho on Thu Nov 06, 2008 12:20 pm

The neon-yellow color used for the northeastern most continent is very jarring. Consider toning it down a little?

Also, as has been said before, the font is kind of hard to read.

But, this is a wonderful improvement from last time!
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Postby e_i_pi on Thu Nov 06, 2008 2:26 pm

Beautiful update. Let's see what can be nit-picked ;)

The yellow continent looks out of place, needs much less saturation, and to be a little darker, kind of a gold colour rather than neon yellow.
The sky blue continent could be a little darker to fit with the rest of the colours nicer
Anund wins the cuteness award of 2008. Unfortunately though, it is impossible to tell which continent it belongs to

North Jutland is 5 provinces that can be defended from 2. A 3 bonus would probably be more fitting
Blekyng og Burghaendeholm might be better as 1 army bonus, as it can be defended through chained chokepoints (ie, only 1 province can attack each border)
The rest of the bonuses look about right though :)

Game Creation
Lots of chained chokepoints, but also a fair few crossroads, looks good for various game types
41 territories all up, interesting regarding neutrals:
3 player: 2
4 player: 1
5 player: 1
6 player: 5
7 player: 6
8 player: 1
Trips games will be very interesting, with a lot of neutrals interfering with continent bonuses, BUT, great small amount of neutrals for 3/4/5/8 player games. I think this map size is popular in the 6 player style, but I like the idea of it having a fair few neutrals. As a comparison, if you added 1 more territory:
3 player: 0
4 player: 2
5 player: 2
6 player: 0
7 player: 0
8 player: 2
Might be worth considering popping in one more province, though I think 41 would be interesting.
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Postby Balsiefen on Thu Nov 06, 2008 5:19 pm

Wehey more comments :D
e_i_pi wrote:Beautiful update. Let's see what can be nit-picked ;)

The yellow continent looks out of place, needs much less saturation, and to be a little darker, kind of a gold colour rather than neon yellow.
The sky blue continent could be a little darker to fit with the rest of the colours nicer
Anund wins the cuteness award of 2008. Unfortunately though, it is impossible to tell which continent it belongs to

Thanks (and Zeak), I'll do that next update and enlarge anund a little so you can see its colour, though probably not enough to fit the army no in.

North Jutland is 5 provinces that can be defended from 2. A 3 bonus would probably be more fitting
Blekyng og Burghaendeholm might be better as 1 army bonus, as it can be defended through chained chokepoints (ie, only 1 province can attack each border)
The rest of the bonuses look about right though :)

North jutland's bonus is I think a remenent of an earlier map, I'll give it a change. Blekyng & burg makes sense too. (actually, I was concidering to changing the islands name to one of its other names. While they would not be from the exact right centuary there is a choice of several slightly more pronouncable names avalable: Borghund (ancient) burghundeholm (a name now i look which, while still long winded, is actually a good era) and Bornholm (modern) )

Game Creation
Lots of chained chokepoints, but also a fair few crossroads, looks good for various game types
41 territories all up, interesting regarding neutrals:
3 player: 2
4 player: 1
5 player: 1
6 player: 5
7 player: 6
8 player: 1
Trips games will be very interesting, with a lot of neutrals interfering with continent bonuses, BUT, great small amount of neutrals for 3/4/5/8 player games. I think this map size is popular in the 6 player style, but I like the idea of it having a fair few neutrals. As a comparison, if you added 1 more territory:
3 player: 0
4 player: 2
5 player: 2
6 player: 0
7 player: 0
8 player: 2
Might be worth considering popping in one more province, though I think 41 would be interesting.

Actually, I count 42 myself. And I always like a good choke point to focus on ;)
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Postby MrBenn on Thu Nov 06, 2008 5:43 pm

Looking good....

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Postby e_i_pi on Fri Nov 07, 2008 1:59 am

Balsiefen wrote:Actually, I count 42 myself. And I always like a good choke point to focus on ;)

Damn straight, my eyes must need a service. 42 it is, good pick. I do like the number of chained chokepoints on this map. It's going to make for some very interesting play. I think the majority of play-winning styles will be to go for the north and east of the map, though it is possible to choke off the south continents and work to hit enemy provs behind the front in Skaggerak. Can't wait to give this one a run, looks like it could become one fo my faves :D
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Postby Balsiefen on Fri Nov 07, 2008 3:02 am

Thanks, I hope it will be :)

this is my current tally:

To Do
-Graphics test to decide a new font for territories
-Enlarge Anund enough to see its colour
-Enlarge other islands a little so their bonuses will fit nicely
-Switch the island touching saling to blue so its clearer that saling and thytae do not boarder.
-Darken sky blue and neon yellow conts
-Change bonus: North Jutland-2, Blekyng & burg-1

Edit: Just to say, I'm afraid due to real life its going to be at least a week before I can do anything
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Postby Skittles! on Wed Nov 12, 2008 5:54 am

I really like this map. The only things I see wrong are those already addressed, so all I can say is that this is really looking good.
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Postby Balsiefen on Wed Nov 12, 2008 2:31 pm

Thanks skittles, someday my exams will end and I'll be able to get back to it (only screwed up one so far ;) ) I had downloaded a load of nice fonts but for some reason the bastards dissapeared so I'll have to do it all again
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Re: Medieval Denmark- PICK-A-FONT!

Postby Balsiefen on Tue Nov 18, 2008 4:43 pm

Medieval Denmark FONTTEST
Click image to enlarge.

Current map comments
Downloaded a whole bunch of lovely new fonts for you to choose from. All have been scaled to the maximum size they need to be to fit in all territs. Annoyingly there is a 12 option limit on the polls ( :x ) so I've had to put some in one option. If you vote for one o em, could you post with which one please, even if you say nothing else :)

Also noticed I have two identicly named territs, is Denmarks fault but I'll rename the one in sweeden.
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Re: Medieval Denmark- PICK-A-FONT!

Postby Balsiefen on Tue Nov 18, 2008 6:18 pm


The poll appears to be having a spaz.


Doesn't seem to be much I can do about it.

I'll post a bug report to see if I can get it sorted.

In the mean time, could you use the old fasioned posting untill I can get this sorted. :)
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Re: Medieval Denmark- PICK-A-FONT!

Postby ZeakCytho on Tue Nov 18, 2008 6:36 pm

Balsiefen wrote::shock:

The poll appears to be having a spaz.


Doesn't seem to be much I can do about it.

I'll post a bug report to see if I can get it sorted.

In the mean time, could you use the old fasioned posting untill I can get this sorted. :)

It's a glitch in the polls that occurs in threads that were made when the board was on the old software - PM Andy and he can fix it, but you'll have to do that every time you want to post a poll ](*,)

Alternatively, you could start a new thread, since you're still on square 1, basically.
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Re: Medieval Denmark- PICK-A-FONT!-poll now works :o

Postby Balsiefen on Wed Nov 19, 2008 2:57 am

Hmnn, deleating the poll and redoing it seemed to work

Okay chaps, get voting :)
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Re: Medieval Denmark- PICK-A-FONT!-poll now works :o

Postby Mr. Squirrel on Wed Nov 19, 2008 4:12 pm

I think that Albo, Laland, and Imbrae are the best. I am going more for clarity than style though.
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Re: Medieval Denmark- PICK-A-FONT!-poll now works :o

Postby Balsiefen on Fri Nov 21, 2008 2:54 am

Thanks Mr S, can we have a few more votes please, I kind of need them before I can do anything else :)
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Re: Medieval Denmark- PICK-A-FONT-NEEDS VOTES!

Postby e_i_pi on Sun Nov 23, 2008 2:23 pm

Lookin sweet balsie.

I'm not going to vote in the poll (personally, I think there are far too many options hehe), but I'll give some feedback on things I think you should consider when choosing a font:
  • Something from the appropriate era
    • Good examples: Anund, Othaens (either), and Gything
    • Not so good examples: Moon, Langeland, Flacke
  • Something clearly legible
    • Good examples: Stro, Hox, Faxae
    • Not so good examples: Langeland, Vaetlands, Tuzae (? - the one north of Flacke and west of Tunae)
  • Something that will definitely fit in the smaller spaces
    • Good examples: Burghaendaeholm, Faruthusae, Halmstath
    • Not so good examples: Gything, Hox, Salstaer
Hope that helps :)
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Re: Medieval Denmark- PICK-A-FONT-NEEDS VOTES!

Postby MrBenn on Thu Nov 27, 2008 6:19 am

I'd agree that there are too many options for me to make a meaningful choice. Legibility is paramount - anything beyond that is down to artistic temperament!

If you wanted to get a better feeling for popular opinion, why not pick 3 or 4 you're happy with, and put them up for a vote?
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Re: Medieval Denmark- PICK-A-FONT-NEEDS VOTES!

Postby Balsiefen on Thu Nov 27, 2008 11:47 am

Yea, i'll do that, thanks guys
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Re: Medieval Denmark-Short vacation for coursework (just a week)

Postby Mr. Squirrel on Sat Dec 13, 2008 8:15 pm

So when are ya coming back? its been well over a week now, and I really thought this map looked good.
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Re: Medieval Denmark-Short vacation for coursework (just a week)

Postby Balsiefen on Sun Dec 14, 2008 6:39 am

Last few pages of a 43 page essay I'm afraid, I'll get the new fontest done to keep people occupied for the next week :)

Fraid I've got exams in January so I'm likely to be off then as well :?
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Re: Medieval Denmark-Shortlist for fonts!

Postby Balsiefen on Sun Dec 14, 2008 9:16 am

Here we go :)

Medieval Denmark

Medieval Denmark FONTTEST-2
Click image to enlarge.

Current map comments
Right A new map with the most popular fonts. Please note that with Vaendle on the dark red continent, the V looks like a D so it reads "Daendle". This may be a problem. Sorry for taking so long but its a hectic time for me in rl. ;)

Medieval Denmark FONTTEST
Click image to enlarge.

Current map comments
Here's all the other fonts.

Oh yes, and I renamed that othaens
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Re: Medieval Denmark-Shortlist for fonts!

Postby MrBenn on Sun Dec 14, 2008 2:37 pm

Balsiefen wrote:Here we go :)

Medieval Denmark

Medieval Denmark FONTTEST-2
Click image to enlarge.

Current map comments
Right A new map with the most popular fonts. Please note that with Vaendle on the dark red continent, the V looks like a D so it reads "Daendle". This may be a problem. Sorry for taking so long but its a hectic time for me in rl. ;)

Assuming that this is the version you wanted to get opinions on, then I'd plump for the font on the green region.

Oh, and Happy Christmas:
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