by Nephilim on Tue Dec 26, 2006 10:48 pm
just to clarify, i never filled in the form accusing these two of being multis. my original post was modified to fit the form, with no designation between multi/secret alliance. i never thought these two players were multis, just very suspicious and probably working together in the game. i am not the only player to notice the shadiness here--check samuraj's feedback.
so, although i appreciate Andy's diligent work on behalf of CC, I resent somewhat the appearance of the words "Samuraj and Stoned Ryder [Cleared]" on this forum. i never actually accused them of being multis, so they cannot be cleared of a charge that was never made. and they have not (cannot?) be cleared of secret alliance charges. but now they have a semblance of exoneration b/c "Cleared" is next to their names on this forum. i should have avoided this problem by filling in the form, i guess, and Andy can't be faulted for exculpating them of the charges that he can actually investigate.
So, while they're not multis, and were never accused in this thread of such, samuraj and stoned ryder are still shady. they work in the same office and play games together while at work. they don't attack each other, but instead seem to stake out their respective territories then withdraw from each other's zones. in my game with them, this behavior stopped when i pointed out their bullshit. pretty risky to play with them, methinks.