04/11/2008 16:22:59 ‹xruan› how do you paint a wall
04/11/2008 16:23:05 ‹nemrehs1› lmao x
04/11/2008 16:23:06 ‹InkL0sed› a blender
04/11/2008 16:23:13 ‹xruan› LOL
04/11/2008 16:23:13 ‹InkL0sed› how do you get a baby out of a bowl?
04/11/2008 16:23:20 ‹xruan› throw a bunch of dead babies out of it
04/11/2008 16:23:25 ‹InkL0sed› chips
04/11/2008 16:23:25 ‹xruan› Tortilla chisp
04/11/2008 16:23:34 ‹InkL0sed› lol
04/11/2008 16:23:43 ‹jako› i was thinking of using xy's boobs as brushes
04/11/2008 16:23:46 ‹jako› <oops>
04/11/2008 16:23:56 ‹xruan› jako,
04/11/2008 16:23:58 * InkL0sed quit (timeout)
04/11/2008 16:23:59 ‹jako› my bad
04/11/2008 16:24:13 ‹jako› it technically would get the job done twice as fast
04/11/2008 16:24:18 ‹jako› cause there is 2
04/11/2008 16:24:23 ‹jako› there is 2 right?
04/11/2008 16:24:31 ‹jako›
04/11/2008 16:25:51 ‹jako› hello.....?
04/11/2008 16:25:56 ‹jako› still waiting for an answer
04/11/2008 16:25:59 ‹InkL0sed› hello.
04/11/2008 16:26:01 ‹jako› or are u checking?
04/11/2008 16:26:03 ‹nemrehs1› lol jako
04/11/2008 16:26:03 ‹jako›
04/11/2008 16:26:37 * InkL0sed quit (timeout)
04/11/2008 16:26:39 ‹jako› it was a serious qeustion
04/11/2008 16:26:42 ‹jako› *question
04/11/2008 16:26:53 ‹jako› but shes not answering
04/11/2008 16:27:37 ‹nemrehs1› jako...u dont want to know
04/11/2008 16:27:45 ‹xruan› :neutral:
04/11/2008 16:27:56 ‹xruan›
=;=;=;=;=;=;=;=;=;=;=;=;=;=;=; (these were "talk to the hand" smileys)
04/11/2008 16:27:59 ‹jako› well, i have an idea of her answer
04/11/2008 16:28:09 ‹jako› is that a count?
04/11/2008 16:28:59 ‹jako› okay.....so 5 fingers per hand per smily x 16 smilies = wow, thats a lot of boobs
04/11/2008 16:29:06 ‹jako›
04/11/2008 16:29:09 ‹nemrehs1› lmao
04/11/2008 16:29:21 ‹nemrehs1› 80 boobs