we aren´t afraid, but we believe it´s a more fair challenge with our restrictions. We have played Waterloo in fog too, or unlimited and Flat Rate, but we believe that some settings are more about luck than others.
richardgarr wrote:Let me get this straight.
You Monkeys challenged us . Then you have the nerve to make a ridiculous list of maps and settings that your clan is scared to play. Since we Dragoons are able to play any map, we thought it fair that our home games be our games. You guys all of a sudden lose your balls, and cry foul, because you cannot dictate all the terms.
Well I am glad that this challenge is now canceled. I for one would not want to give you even a remote chance at complaining later that it was unfair.
Go back to the sand box, and stay out of the BIg Kids Park ! !

Let me get this straight. You guys challenged us and accepted our restrictions (nobody knows if they are good or bad, necessary or ridiculous, but that doesn´t matter, you agreed to them)
We are able to play all maps too (btw, you don´t even have a gold cross map medal?) but we made restrictions your clan accepted.
If you suddenly want to change the rules , that´s strange, no?
richardgarr wrote:OFFICIAL DISCLAIMER:
All previous posts in this thread by this author, were made in jest. They were made in the spirit of competitive banter and were not meant at anytime to be taken so seriously.
I am saddened to have to explain myself and only hope that people can see the humor of taunting for what it is.
there is a difference between teasing and laughing about us because you suddenly don´t want to follow the rules after your clan accepted them and we don´t agree in that change?
I can understand that several people don´t like our restrictions (including me) but it´s poor sport to agree to rules and laugh about after, isn´t it. Maybe it better you don´t accept them, laugh about us and then we find a solution together?