Conquer Club

Olympic Tournament [WINNER: djelebert]

Tournaments completed in 2011.

Moderator: Tournament Directors

Re: Olympic Tournament [370 players, 75 countries, ONGOING]

Postby falcon85 on Fri Sep 26, 2008 2:52 pm

Just an FYI to all of the players in this Tournament, Iron Maid who I think was running this tournament has been busted as a MULTI (see Policeboy & Top-Gun by Kueb thread in cheating and abuse forum). Therefore, I don't think he has the ability to manage this tournament at the moment (and maybe going forward).

Just thought you might like to know.
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Re: Olympic Tournament [370 players, 75 countries, ONGOING]

Postby JimMaWong on Fri Sep 26, 2008 11:42 pm

Most of the work is done, is anyone willing to step up and stake control, we should only have 30 players left in the near future.
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Re: Olympic Tournament [370 players, 75 countries, ONGOING]

Postby Shu on Tue Sep 30, 2008 5:24 am

falcon85 wrote:Just an FYI to all of the players in this Tournament, Iron Maid who I think was running this tournament has been busted as a MULTI (see Policeboy & Top-Gun by Kueb thread in cheating and abuse forum).

am i the only one that can't find this thread?? can you post a link to it please?
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Re: Olympic Tournament [370 players, 75 countries, ONGOING]

Postby gertvanreusel on Tue Sep 30, 2008 7:12 am

IRON MAID was caught as a multi.

I am/was teamed up with him in a game in our Olympic Tournament.

cheating & abuse rapport van policeboy & Top-Gun

For the people who understand dutch:

2008-09-25 17:18:37 - Iron Maid [team]: viewtopic.php?f=239&t=64770&start=0&st=0&sk=t&sd=a
2008-09-25 17:18:58 - Iron Maid [team]: Hoi, ze hebben me gepakt als multi
2008-09-25 17:19:23 - Iron Maid [team]: dit is zeer rottig voor het toernooi
2008-09-25 17:19:41 - Iron Maid [team]: wellicht kun jij actie voor me ondernemen
2008-09-25 17:20:13 - Iron Maid [team]: ik kan niet meer PM-men, en verder alleen mijn game afmaken
2008-09-26 11:48:35 - gertvanreusel [team]: mm, lastig. Kan je me dan toch nog je legers uit helsinki G naar stockholm G doorsturen? Thx
2008-09-26 14:53:01 - Iron Maid [team]: ik kan deze game afmaken
2008-09-26 14:55:23 - Iron Maid [team]: gert informeer ze aub op het forom van het Olympic Tournament dat ik gebanned ben
2008-09-26 14:55:52 - Iron Maid [team]: met verwijzing naar het cheating & abuse rapport van policeboy & Top-Gun
2008-09-26 14:56:25 - Iron Maid [team]: en wellicht dat iemand van de mede toernooideelnemers dan actie voor me kan ondernemen
2008-09-27 10:00:06 - Iron Maid [team]: wellicht kun je ook voor vragen linken naar deze game
2008-09-27 10:00:22 - Iron Maid [team]: hier kan ik namelijk wel nog chatten
2008-09-28 17:28:03 - Iron Maid [team]: aangezien het je schijnbaar niet interesseert wat er verder met het toernooi gebeurt, heeft het voor mij ook geen zin meer om deze game af te maken
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Re: Olympic Tournament [370 players, 75 countries, ONGOING]

Postby Natali on Tue Sep 30, 2008 11:26 am

What will happen' with this tournament? Sorry, can't speak dutch. :oops:
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Re: Olympic Tournament [370 players, 75 countries, ONGOING]

Postby GROND 2cd. on Wed Oct 01, 2008 12:51 am

Just in case that this tournament will go on: I was the only one who received armies on the 30th of september, so I would be in the next round
2008-09-30 19:58:09 - GROND 2cd. receives 4 armies for 12 territories
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Postby gertvanreusel on Wed Oct 01, 2008 1:59 am

Mail from iron maid:

2008-09-30 18:07:21 - Iron Maid [team]: Hi, as you al see thay busted me as a multi
2008-09-30 18:08:05 - Iron Maid [team]: I now have only 1 active game in which I can chat: Game 3226315
2008-09-30 18:08:28 - Iron Maid [team]: If you have questions you can ask them there.
2008-09-30 18:09:15 - Iron Maid [team]: I have contacted some people at CC and got a reaction from: andydufresne
2008-09-30 18:09:54 - Iron Maid [team]: He said if I turn to premium I can play again and go on with hosting
2008-09-30 18:10:36 - Iron Maid [team]: I told him that I won't pay for Premium, unless someone pays it for me
2008-09-30 18:11:44 - Iron Maid [team]: If you players want me to go on with the Tourney than please try to arrange something
2008-09-30 18:12:44 - Iron Maid [team]: I can't read my PM's and I cannot place messages on forums
2008-09-30 18:14:21 - Iron Maid [team]: Shu, JimMaWong & nykhone also qualified for Asia
2008-09-30 18:15:53 - Iron Maid [team]: cm3207 is the 7th Asian in the Main Tournament as he won the Play-Off
2008-09-30 18:16:29 - Iron Maid [team]: Please try to help me back on CC and save the Tourney
2008-09-30 18:16:36 - Iron Maid [team]: Regards, Iron Maid
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Re: Olympic Tournament [370 players, 75 countries, ONGOING]

Postby Silver- on Tue Oct 07, 2008 6:01 am

What will happen with this tournement. Can somebody else take over for it?
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Re: Olympic Tournament [370 players, 75 countries, ONGOING]

Postby Zemljanin on Thu Oct 09, 2008 8:36 am

Silver- wrote:What will happen with this tournement. Can somebody else take over for it?

Well, I could do it... IF I win my game (which is completely lost at the very moment :mrgreen:)
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Re: Olympic Tournament [370 players, 75 countries, ONGOING]

Postby vax on Fri Oct 10, 2008 8:19 am

this is what happens to Multis...
don't let it happen to u !
damn pirates :lol:
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Re: Olympic Tournament [370 players, 75 countries, ONGOING]

Postby Lufsen75 on Mon Oct 13, 2008 4:11 pm

Now 8th of October are here. Where are the organizer?
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Re: Olympic Tournament [370 players, 75 countries, ONGOING]

Postby ctgottapee on Fri Oct 24, 2008 1:04 am

i would be more than happy to take over the tourney, but i feel ironmaid may not reliquish control or help out in order to try and gain a premium donation

sad as it was a massive tourney with a lot of potential
'cHANCE favors the prepared mind' Louis Pasteur | Latest Tourney Wins:
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Re: Olympic Tournament [370 players, 75 countries, ONGOING]

Postby Chariot of Fire on Fri Oct 24, 2008 1:16 am

ctgottapee wrote:i would be more than happy to take over the tourney, but i feel ironmaid may not reliquish control or help out in order to try and gain a premium donation

sad as it was a massive tourney with a lot of potential

Have u approached him? I'm sure you could take it over without a problem. Be great if you could. You've my full support (but not my help I'm afraid) ;)

Good luck
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Re: Olympic Tournament [370 players, 75 countries, ONGOING]

Postby ctgottapee on Fri Oct 24, 2008 1:40 am

it is no longer possible, the only game he could talk in is over and his account i locked, i'll try and ask some mods

Chariot of Fire wrote:
ctgottapee wrote:i would be more than happy to take over the tourney, but i feel ironmaid may not reliquish control or help out in order to try and gain a premium donation

sad as it was a massive tourney with a lot of potential

Have u approached him? I'm sure you could take it over without a problem. Be great if you could. You've my full support (but not my help I'm afraid) ;)

Good luck
'cHANCE favors the prepared mind' Louis Pasteur | Latest Tourney Wins:
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Re: Olympic Tournament [370 players, 75 countries, ONGOING]

Postby ctgottapee on Sun Oct 26, 2008 8:10 am

i've contacted the tournament mods and ask to take this over but so far it appears that iron maid is trying to gain a free premium out of it so it is doubtful he will turn things over

i'm not sure if he has to agree for the tourney mods to do it, but that would be the best way i guess.
my only suggestion is that if you want to see this tourney continued, someone should create a thread in the tournament issues section and others post in it so as to show need.
'cHANCE favors the prepared mind' Louis Pasteur | Latest Tourney Wins:
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Re: Olympic Tournament [370 players, 75 countries, ONGOING]

Postby Lufsen75 on Tue Oct 28, 2008 4:16 am

ctgottapee wrote:i've contacted the tournament mods and ask to take this over but so far it appears that iron maid is trying to gain a free premium out of it so it is doubtful he will turn things over

i'm not sure if he has to agree for the tourney mods to do it, but that would be the best way i guess.
my only suggestion is that if you want to see this tourney continued, someone should create a thread in the tournament issues section and others post in it so as to show need.

Hope you get the privs. Though the swedish qualify are not finnished. But if you look at it as the rules and what is said before I am qualified due to have the most deployment at the specific time but I dont know.
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Re: Olympic Tournament [370 players, 75 countries, ONGOING]

Postby ctgottapee on Thu Nov 13, 2008 9:21 pm


give me some time to get things organized first. i will continue with the way Iron Maid organized things.
BUT i will not hold the 'most elimenated side tourney' thing unless someone else wants to go through all the games and count them
AND I will not do the play by play posting, but your welcome to chime in

it is my first tourney and i want to do things fairly so be patient and help me out if you can
also fyi: i'm still in the tourney at this point

i can not edit Iron Maids first post so this will be the new results page

Qualifying - Stage 1
[Round 115]Game 2961953 [Round 50] Q1 Sweden - on Scotland map (winner qualifies)
X - (SWE) Lufsen75
X - (SWE) znoork
X - (SWE) artur1
4 - (SWE) big o
5 - (SWE) Phlaim
6 - (SWE) White Moose

Qualifying - Stage 2
[Round 45]Game 3250130 Q2 Canada - on North America map (winner qualifies)
X - (CAN) Bad Speler
X - (CAN) elfcasino
X - (CAN) Silver-
X - (CAN) track800
X - (CAN) mwcc
6 - (CAN) tvanherk
7 - (CAN) n8tius
8 - (CAN) im2good4theboard

xGame 3179711 Finished R.] Q2 United States - on North America map (winner qualifies)
>>>1 - (USA) ctgottapee
2 - (USA) Bboru
3 - (USA) Mr. Gix
4 - (USA) MuEagles79
5 - (USA) cougfan82
6 - (USA) Muleyak
7 - (USA) Darin44
8 - (USA) ralphcptc

Other North America - on North America map (2x5) (best 4 from different countries qualify)

xGame 3151081 [Finished R.24] Q2 Other North America Group 1 - on North America map (qualification, see Other North America)
>>>1 - (HON) vtonic
>>>2 - (ISV) jackupton
3 - (TRI) vax
4 - (CRC) Elegarth
DNF - (MEX) Ricky69

xGame 3151092 [Finished R.9] Q2 Other North America Group 2 - on North America map (qualification, see Other North America)
>>>1 - (PAN) Darik
>>>2 - (NCA) Sid Caracas
3 - (TRI) ZydnItachi
4 - (ANT) dcozyslayer
5 - (MEX) Beach Bum

South America - on South America map (2x5) (best 4 from different countries qualify)

xGame 3138253 [Finished R.9] Q2 South America Group 1 - on South America map (qualification, see South America)
>>>1 - (URU) nejda
>>>2 - (BRA) RADAGA
3 - (ARG) italianipastido
4 - (CHL) maxvicu
5 - (COL) Falkomagno

xGame 3138260 [Finished R.13] Q2 South America Group 2 - on South America map (qualification, see South America)
>>>1 - (CHL) deego86
>>>2 - (ARG) Campanita
3 - (PER) locojes
4 - (BRA) danyboy
5 - (URU) Captain Sparrow

Europe - on Europe map (4x8) (best 8 from different countries qualify)

xGame 3205280 Finished R.] Q2 Europe Group 1 - on Europe map (qualification, see Europe)
>>>1 - (FRA) djelebert
2 - (DEN) Sovsotif
3 - (POL) Master Yoda
4 - (CRO) Natali
5 - (ITA) Neurone
6 - (ISL) Olafsson
7 - (RUS) Beadle
8 - (MLT) tango

[Round 37]Game 3255909 Q2 Europe Group 2 - on Europe map (qualification, see Europe)
X - (NOR) duckers
X - (POR) lisbon101
X - (GBR) Killakazooma
X - (MKD) SalvatoreLuciano
X - (BUL) eorg
X - (HUN) MC Don Key
7 - (SUI) Blondiech
8 - (BIH) povucimezakurac

[Round 30]Game 3303053 Q2 Europe Group 3 - on Europe map (qualification, see Europe)
X - (ROM) tumpi
X - (AUT) speckknoedelsup
X - (TUR) khan73
X - (BEL) gertvanreusel
X - (SRB) Zemljanin
7 - (FIN) Jantti85
8 - (IRL) ronhugh

Q2 Europe Group 4 - on Europe map (qualification, see Europe) (NED) Iron Maid DQ as multi
X - *(SWE) Qualifier
X - (GBR) drake_259
X - (NED) Gisbert [replaces Iron Maid]
X - (ESP) Hesoos
X - (GER) GROND 2cd.
X - (SLO) Pecka
X - (GRE) psaxnoulis
X - (EST) walar

xGame 3172326 [Finished R.21] Q2 South Africa - on Africa map (winner qualifies)
>>>1 - (RSA) foregone
3 - (RSA) cloudcatcher
4 - (RSA) scholtz
5 - (RSA) musteriuz
6 - (RSA) C_FOUR
7 - (RSA) terrafutan
8 - (RSA) MrOpolo

xGame 3104011 [Finished R.19] Q2 Other Africa & Oceania - on Africa map (best 2 from different countries qualify)
>>>1 - (MAR) Lord James 16
2 - (EGY) diddos3
3 - (EGY) Commando23
4 - (NMA) Tai_pan

Asia - on Asia map (4x5) (best 7 from different countries qualify)

xGame 3192533 [Finished R.8] Q2 Asia Group 1 - on Asia map (qualification, see Asia)
>>>1 - (HKG) Chariot of Fire
2 - (KOR) Idashla [lesser stage 1 record of other KOR qualifier]
3 - (IND) Digibomb > qualified for Q2X Asia Play-Off Game 3322426
4 - (PHI) MRniceGUY
5 - (LIB) chac

xGame 3192555 [Finished R.13] Q2 Asia Group 2 - on Asia map (qualification, see Asia)
>>>1 - (CAM) cinematic
>>>2 - (IRI) leyla
>>>3 - (UAE) cm3207 > qualified for Q2X Asia Play-Off Game 3322426 Winner
4 - (JPN) MuSaShi[X]
5 - (CHN) drunkenmarauder

xGame 3192592 Finished R.] Q2 Asia Group 3 - on Asia map (qualification, see Asia)
>>>1 - (SIN) nykhone
2 - (HKG) xiaotian [2nd HKG player]
3 - (THA) Didda > qualified for Q2X Asia Play-Off Game 3322426
4 - (ISR) Shai
5 - (MAS) easontai

xGame 3192619 [Finished R.] Q2 Asia Group 4 - on Asia map (qualification, see Asia)
>>>1 - (CHN) Shu
>>>2 - (KOR) JimMaWong [better Stage 1 record than other KOR qualifier]
3 - (IRI) goozook
4 - (ISR) ifinci
5 - (SIN) anamainiacks

xGame 3077138 [Finished R.27] Q2 Australia - on Australia map (winner qualifies)
>>>1 - (AUS) aristotea
2 - (AUS) Cral42
3 - (AUS) nukie
4 - (AUS) Aussierager
5 - (AUS) e_i_pi
6 - (AUS) CaptainGoatshead

xGame 3302980 Q2 New Zealand - on Australia map (winner qualifies)
>>>1 - (NZL) lexie3000
2 - (NZL) Pulinski
3 - (NZL) bazmac
4 - (NZL) n8dog
5 - (NZL) Captain Darling
6 - (NZL) NewVEmpire
7 - (NZL) lkmgray
8 - (NZL) nomadicchris

--Main Tournament--
North America
1 - (CAN) Qualifier 2 - (USA) ctgottapee 3 - (PAN) Darik 4 - (NCA) Sid Caracas 5 - (HON) vtonic 6 - (ISV) jackupton

-South America
7 - (URU) nejda 8 - (CHL) deego86 9 - (BRA) RADAGA 10 - (ARG) Campanita

11 - [EUR] Qualifier 1-1 12 - [EUR] Qualifier 1-2 13 - [EUR] Qualifier 1-3 14 - [EUR] Qualifier 1-4 15 - [EUR] Qualifier 2-1 16 - [EUR] Qualifier 2-2 17 - [EUR] Qualifier 2-3 18 - [EUR] Qualifier 2-4

-Africa & Oceania
19 - (RSA) foregone 20 - (MAR) Lord James 16 21 - (EGY) diddos3

22 - (HKG) Chariot of Fire 23 - (CAM) cinematic 24 - (SIN) nykhone 25 - (CHN) Shu 26 - (KOR) JimMaWong 27 - (IRI) leyla 28 - (UAE) cm3207

29 - (AUS) aristotea 30 - (NZL) lexie3000


First Round: 5 games (of 6 players) on Classic World map (winner gets 6 points, 2nd gets 4 points, 3rd gets 3 points etc.)
The best 18 players advance to the second round, with the following restrictions: The best player of each continent is automatically qualified.
[Iron Maid did not specify how the draw would work so i will conduct a random draw]
Game 1 Classic World

Game 2 Classic World

Game 3 Classic World

Game 4 Classic World

Game 5 Classic World

Second Round: 3 games (of 6 players) on Classic World map (winner gets 6 points, 2nd gets 4 points, 3rd gets 3 points etc.)
These points, together with those from the first round make a ranking. The best 8 players will advance to the final, with the following restriction: 4 continents have to be represented.
Game 1 Classic World

Game 2 Classic World

Game 3 Classic World

Olympic Final: 1 game (of 8 players) on World 2.1 map, the Winner becomes the first Olympic Champion!!
Game Final World 2.1
Last edited by ctgottapee on Fri Nov 14, 2008 5:20 pm, edited 4 times in total.
'cHANCE favors the prepared mind' Louis Pasteur | Latest Tourney Wins:
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Re: Olympic Tournament [370 players, 75 countries, ONGOING]

Postby ctgottapee on Fri Nov 14, 2008 12:42 am

ok, got the tourney board updated....

still one stage one game going with three sweedes mounting a cold war well into round 115, the to be determined winner moves on to stage two

only one stage two game waiting to start due to the round one game going, will create that game and invite the other seven qualifiers next

the asia qualifier is near full with one tie breaker match already fought and another tie breaker between two Korean players to come
the remaining regions are full apart from Europe where all qualifier matches are still ongoing or yet to start

three stage two games are still on going and proving to be fierce battles

gisbert was notified he advanced to stage two replacing Iron Maid who was DQ'd as a multi

and as noted above i suspended the elimenator trophy side tourney

if you see anything wrong with the standings or have any questions, post a reply in this thread
'cHANCE favors the prepared mind' Louis Pasteur | Latest Tourney Wins:
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Re: Olympic Tournament [370 players, 75 countries, ONGOING]

Postby ctgottapee on Fri Nov 14, 2008 5:16 pm

it was clarified the 2nd asia tie breaker match was not needed as Iron Maid devised a tie breaker scheme based on stage 1 results that i will honor
"The following happens: If both players of the same country end the same in their game, this means both winner or both runner-up, the player who ended better in the Stage 1 game qualifies. The other player will be replaced by a player from another country."

the asia qualifiers are now filled

i have decided to not artificially cut off any of the remaining games to determine a winner; they will play to their conclusion at this point in time
'cHANCE favors the prepared mind' Louis Pasteur | Latest Tourney Wins:
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Re: Olympic Tournament [370 players, 75 countries, ONGOING]

Postby JimMaWong on Tue Nov 25, 2008 9:28 am

ctgottapee wrote:it was clarified the 2nd asia tie breaker match was not needed as Iron Maid devised a tie breaker scheme based on stage 1 results that i will honor
"The following happens: If both players of the same country end the same in their game, this means both winner or both runner-up, the player who ended better in the Stage 1 game qualifies. The other player will be replaced by a player from another country."

the asia qualifiers are now filled

i have decided to not artificially cut off any of the remaining games to determine a winner; they will play to their conclusion at this point in time

How many games are still going ?
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Re: Olympic Tournament [370 players, 75 countries, ONGOING]

Postby JimMaWong on Tue Nov 25, 2008 9:13 pm

Update on Remaining games for those of us waiting for another chance to kill.

Tournament Game: Olympic Tournament - Q2 Canada
Round 55
Bad Speler / 5 Cards / 300 Armies
elfcasino / 5 Cards / 289 Armies
Silver / 2 Cards / 266 Armies
track800 / 3 Cards / 328 Armies
mwcc / 5 Cards / 117 Armies
Summary: Most of the territories are not protected 100% and every player has access to a small area to get their spoils. It looks like they could all keep attacking small areas and moving back until someone gets bored.

Tournament Game: Olympic Tournament - Q2 Europe Group 2
Round 46
duckers / 3 Cards / 406 Armies
lisbon101 / 4 Cards / 101 Armies
Killakazooma / 3 Cards / 58 Armies
SalvatoreLuciano / 1 Card / 196 Armies
eorg / 3 Cards / 308 Armies
MC Don Key / 4 Cards / 209 Armies
Summary: All the large armies are seperated from each other and not many large wars look to be forming.

Tournament Game: Olympic Tournament - Q2 Europe Group 3
Round 36
tumpi / 5 Cards / 123 Armies
speckknoedelsup / 5 Cards / 123 Armies
khan73 / 2 Cards / 151 Armies
MEP / 3 Cards / 99 Armies
gertvanreusel / 5 Cards / 195 Armies
Zemljanin / 3 Cards / 154 Armies
Summary: All the large armies are seperated from each other and not many large wars look to be forming.

I think thats the 3 remaining games we have to wait for. Since I asked how many games are left I thought I should get off my ass and look.
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Re: Olympic Tournament [370 players, 75 countries, ONGOING]

Postby ctgottapee on Tue Nov 25, 2008 10:15 pm

i see your point...
when taking over the tourney - and because i'm still alive in it - i decided to honor all the rules iron maid put in place, and he didn't specify much about long games, so i've decided to let it ride for a while. also, the three games you mentioned are not the hold up, there is actually still a Q1 game going on noted on my updated brackets page, which has tied up the final Q2 game from starting. obviously people will change play styles knowing the rules ahead of time. for the Olympic games, i may implement some sort of limiter or tie-breaker, but this is my first tourney, so i don't know for sure what that should be. long games in large tourneys with high quality players are just a fact of life IMHO.
Qualifying - Stage 1
[Round 132]Game 2961953 [Round 50] Q1 Sweden - on Scotland map (winner qualifies)
X - (SWE) Lufsen75
X - (SWE) znoork
X - (SWE) artur1
4 - (SWE) big o
5 - (SWE) Phlaim
6 - (SWE) White Moose

Entering round 132 Lufsen75 with 918 armies, znoork with 899, and arturf1 trailing in territories and armies with 616; note a high ranking general Phlaim is eliminated.
and the winner fills the final spot of the europe qualifier:

Q2 Europe Group 4 - on Europe map (qualification, see Europe) (NED) Iron Maid DQ as multi
X - *(SWE) Qualifier
joinedX - (GBR) drake_259
joinedX - (NED) Gisbert [replaces Iron Maid]
joinedX - (ESP) Hesoos
joinedX - (GER) GROND 2cd.
joinedX - (SLO) Pecka
X - (GRE) psaxnoulis
X - (EST) walar
'cHANCE favors the prepared mind' Louis Pasteur | Latest Tourney Wins:
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Re: Olympic Tournament [370 players, 75 countries, ONGOING]

Postby Lufsen75 on Mon Dec 01, 2008 3:40 pm

And you have to set a winner in the swedish game at some other way than wait until we are finnished. cause that will be waiting for if anyone of us dont make a stupid move
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Re: Olympic Tournament [370 players, 75 countries, ONGOING]

Postby ctgottapee on Tue Dec 02, 2008 9:33 pm

heh, the olympic committee would like to avoid determining a winner; i mean all CC games can go on like the swedes is, so it is nothing new or unexpected, and the games settings are not preventing any conclusions. if i'm enventually forced to determine a winner, i will say that i will almost certainly not go by the games statistics, i will probably use a random way that allows all remaining players to win; this will prevent current players just hoarding and waiting.

if the remaining players of any game want to discuss a way to decide who should be the winner, i'll accept your decision. there are a number of ways you can do it. remember there can only be one winner

Lufsen75 wrote:And you have to set a winner in the swedish game at some other way than wait until we are finnished. cause that will be waiting for if anyone of us dont make a stupid move

... and all ongoing games remain ongoing at this time, and the sign up for Europe group 1 was pulled due to the delay, i'll reset it once a winner of the Q1 match comes forward
note (GRE) psaxnoulis and (EST) walar did not reply to the join request so they may be replaced by alternates

as of now:
Qualifying - Stage 1
[Round 142]Game 2961953 [Round 50] Q1 Sweden - on Scotland map (winner qualifies)
X - (SWE) Lufsen75
X - (SWE) znoork
X - (SWE) artur1
4 - (SWE) big o
5 - (SWE) Phlaim
6 - (SWE) White Moose
Summary: both Lufsen75 and znoork cross the one thousand (1000) army barrier, with arturf1 trailing almost by half in armies and bonus. Note a high ranking general Phlaim has been eliminated. The winner fills the final spot of the europe qualifier:

Qualifying - Stage 2 - Q2 Canada
[Round 61]
Bad Speler / 5 Cards / 300 Armies
elfcasino / 5 Cards / 289 Armies
Silver / 2 Cards / 266 Armies
track800 / 3 Cards / 328 Armies
mwcc / 5 Cards / 117 Armies
Summary: All remaining players have near equal strength except for mwcc who holds a lone territory. It looks like they could all keep attacking small areas and moving back until someone gets bored.

[Round 51]Game 3255909 Q2 Europe Group 2 - on Europe map (qualification, see Europe)
X - (NOR) duckers
X - (POR) lisbon101
X - (GBR) Killakazooma
X - (MKD) SalvatoreLuciano
X - (BUL) eorg
X - (HUN) MC Don Key
7 - (SUI) Blondiech
8 - (BIH) povucimezakurac
Summary: Two players elimenated early. Killakazooma struggling with the low army count to stay alive. Duckers holding the lead in all stats and has a strong position.

[Round 40]Game 3303053 Q2 Europe Group 3 - on Europe map (qualification, see Europe)
X - (ROM) tumpi
X - (AUT) speckknoedelsup
X - (TUR) khan73
X - (BEL) gertvanreusel
X - (SRB) Zemljanin
7 - (FIN) Jantti85
8 - (IRL) ronhugh
Summary: Similar to the other european game, two players knocked out near round 17. gertvanreusel holds the most strength with the remaining players fairly balanced; not quite the massing of troops as other games (yet).

Q2 Europe Group 4 - on Europe map (qualification, see Europe) (NED) Iron Maid DQ as multi
X - *(SWE) Qualifier
joinedX - (GBR) drake_259
joinedX - (NED) Gisbert [replaces Iron Maid]
joinedX - (ESP) Hesoos
joinedX - (GER) GROND 2cd.
joinedX - (SLO) Pecka
X - (GRE) psaxnoulis
X - (EST) walar
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Re: Olympic Tournament [370 players, 75 countries, ONGOING]

Postby walar on Sat Dec 06, 2008 5:10 pm

hey please don't remove me from the tournament.. I was on the vacation at this time but now I'm back and cant find a game to join..

Sergeant walar
Posts: 2
Joined: Fri Mar 21, 2008 3:19 am


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