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dirtyhawk16 kelly617 multi [No Form]

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Moderators: Multi Hunters, Cheating/Abuse Team

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dirtyhawk16 kelly617 multi [No Form]

Postby wolfhound01 on Sat Oct 11, 2008 6:06 pm

id like to report Dirtyhawk16 and Kelly617 every game kelly has played has bin doubles and his teamate has bin dirtyhawk and they seem to always be on at the same time
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Re: dirtyhawk16 kelly617 multi [No Form]

Postby lancehoch on Sat Oct 11, 2008 6:18 pm

Hi, I just wanted to point out that people who play on the same team tend to play at the same time, to synchronize their moves. Also, I (and the hunters) ask that you fill out the form. This makes it easier for the hunters to search through the reports, since the format is standardized.
The Form wrote:Name(s) of Accused:

Accused of: (delete what does not apply) multi/secret alliance/abuse/other

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Re: dirtyhawk16 kelly617 multi [No Form]

Postby e_i_pi on Sat Oct 11, 2008 6:47 pm

lancehoch wrote:Hi, I just wanted to point out that people who play on the same team tend to play at the same time, to synchronize their moves.

They've also played 5 standard four player games together and between them won 4. I had a look, there could be favouritism in who they attack, but it isn't immediately obvious. Their log times are similar, but there's very little to go on.
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Re: dirtyhawk16 kelly617 multi [No Form]

Postby Dirtyhawk16 on Sun Oct 12, 2008 12:31 pm

Oh hey look, there are forums here, =O. And...I'm being told that I'm multi accounting! Heh. *isn't multi accounting* But I suppose everyone says that, don't they?

Kelly is a friend and I'm the one that convinced her to start playing here because I wanted a doubles partner(and I'm not silly enough to cheat...I like playing here too much to get myself banned - and don't know how to multi account lol.). The first few games were played so that she could enter doubles, but there wasn't any secret alliance or talking about our moves or anything. We attacked each other to break continents and exploit weaknesses just like we would to anyone else...though the fact that we won a lot of those games looks bad. : /

If you look through all of our games, we're not ALWAYS taking our turn at the same time. We're on at the same time a lot because...well, we're both on the computer a ton. Still, the turns aren't always at the same time and on top of that...we've had comments in chat at the same exact time. I don't know how a multi account user works...but can they do that? Lol.

Besides all of this, the person who is 'reporting' us 'took back' the report in the same game that he accused us of it. Its even in the chat logs. I don't really know what else I can say here, or if anything else needs to be said.
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Re: dirtyhawk16 kelly617 multi [No Form]

Postby lancehoch on Tue Nov 18, 2008 9:33 pm

This thread has not had the form filled out for over 1 month. Because of this, it was becoming clutter at the bottom of the C&A forum. It has been moved to the Closed Reports forum. If you would like to have this looked at, please fill out the form and it will be returned to the main C&A forum.
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