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mbohn2 [noted]

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mbohn2 [noted]

Postby Merrijk on Sun Oct 12, 2008 6:40 am



The accused are suspected of:

the use of abusive and extremely obscene language.

Game number(s):

Game 3410676

I tried to rally some other players to bust the accused's bonuses. He replied with the following disgusting language:

2008-10-11 21:40:24 - mbohn2: go f*ck your self red...this is a fog game for a reason you cock sucking faggot

While i understand the need to take a liberal stance in relation to language and game chat, i can not believe that this homophobic and hate filled speech would ever be acceptable.
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Re: mbohn2

Postby FabledIntegral on Sun Oct 12, 2008 6:43 am

You are highly mistaken. Suck it up. No pun intended concerning his comments.
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Re: mbohn2

Postby Megadeth666 on Sun Oct 12, 2008 7:45 am

I have had people tell each other in fog how many armies others have;
008-10-10 11:17:56 - Dark_Christ: red u better pull this back
2008-10-10 11:17:58 - Flailing-Axes: lol, as if we've been silent this whole time
2008-10-10 11:18:01 - Dark_Christ: 3 a turn dont beat 8
2008-10-10 11:18:21 - Flailing-Axes: Red has 12 on Wiltshire, he'll be fine
2008-10-10 11:18:37 - Flailing-Axes: Call it his insurance policy
2008-10-10 11:19:28 - Dark_Christ: Carl, If I see that you dont completely dominate him in reinforcement, I wont be forced to attack you

I was red and Dark just gave the game to Failing, It sucks but I guess people don't know the meaning of fog...and if they post something in chat(like they did with me and you), how do we know they ain't saying more shit in pm, this way you can't accuse them of secret alliance, but again theres no way to prove they don't talk more in pm....just another flaw in CC
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Re: mbohn2

Postby Merrijk on Sun Oct 12, 2008 8:10 am

I would like to point out that a spectator has posted the following in the same game chat:

2008-10-12 11:50:08 - t-o-m: Merrijk shut the f*ck up you cock sucking faggot, k?

I dont expect clean language, but this is just repulsive;

And Megadeath, this has nothing to do with the a perfectly understandable discussion on the purpose of fog of war.
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Re: mbohn2

Postby Megadeth666 on Sun Oct 12, 2008 5:48 pm

Fuckin right it does......I am pointing out that ,I'd probably tell you to go f*ck yourself tooo, cause its fog, and you don't say shit, for example in your GAME:

08-10-10 21:23:23 - Merrijk: Id like topoint out that light blue has india china and russia
2008-10-10 21:24:13 - Merrijk: so, if we all dont want him to take control of this game, i suggest we try to break his bonuses
2008-10-10 21:24:54 - Merrijk: if we dont he will get 16+ next turn

So quit your whining and don't say shit in fog and you won't get chat abused, Fucker
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Re: mbohn2

Postby prismsaber on Sun Oct 12, 2008 6:17 pm

Revealing armies in fog of war is bad sportsmanship imo and I'd leave someone a bad rating for it. That said, such obscene language is unnecessary. The people who engaged in it are repeat offenders. Just foe them and move on.
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Re: mbohn2

Postby Timminz on Sun Oct 12, 2008 8:37 pm

The 'foe' list is a wonderful thing. Use it.
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Re: mbohn2

Postby mbohn2 on Mon Oct 13, 2008 10:40 am

He only proved my point to all here.....NUFF SAID...
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Re: mbohn2

Postby demonfork on Mon Oct 13, 2008 11:08 am

Quit wasting bandwidth, If you don't like his language, foe him! You fucking retarded faggot!!!!!!
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Re: mbohn2

Postby king achilles on Tue Oct 14, 2008 1:48 am

If you find yourself in a game with someone who offends you, simply add the member in question to your foes list and his/her comments will disappear.

To put someone in your foes list, simply click on the member's username to get into his profile, then click on Add Foe. You can even place a note when you add someone in your foes list to remind you why you placed that person in that particular list.

Also, when you are playing in a fog of war game, it is highly suggested that you keep any information to yourself. That is part of the gamble when you play in this type of game.
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Re: mbohn2 [noted]

Postby Woodruff on Wed Oct 15, 2008 4:30 pm

It's also a great reason why many people (including myself) are growing painfully weary of the site.

I understand the liberality regarding language, but when people are abusive just to be abusive
and nothing is done about it, you're going to lose your user base.

It would be different if it were just an occasional problem. Sadly, it seems to happen
in about every third game I play here.

Eventually, you'll have a bunch of jerks and nobody else left here.

Apparently, you're all ok with that, but it seems like a very shortsighted attitude, from
a fiscal standpoint.

(Very short for the site myself, and I'm a paying customer who used to absolutely
love this place.)
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Re: mbohn2 [noted]

Postby Beagle Brigade on Wed Oct 15, 2008 4:35 pm

I'm torn about the fog of war question. Think about it. Forces on a real battlefield could choose to share information they had about a common enemy. Of course, that information may or may not be correct.
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