Name: Monsters! Battle for the Powerstones.
Cartographer: Dolomite 13
As a honored wizard you have volunteered to explore the Caverns of Power and retrieve the legendary
Powerstones. This wonāt be easy as vicious monsters guard the stones and each kingdom is sending their
own wizard. As if that wasnāt enough something in the cavern seems to have weakened all of your powers.
Lucky for you that some of the monsters are vulnerable to your Mind Control.
Territories: 88
- 40 Basic Monsters
- 8 Runebound Monsters
- 8 Powerstones
- 16 Spells
- 8 Wizards
- 8 Shields
- Wizards can assault runebound monsters with the same rune as their own.
- Runebound monsters can assault the shield of the wizards with the same rune as their own.
- Wizards can only be assaulted from their shield.
- Spells can only be assaulted from their powerstone.
- Spell "Mind Blast" can assault any runebound monster.
- Spell "Lightning Bolt" can bombard any powerstone or shield.
Starting Forces
- Powerstones start with 6 neutral.
- Shields start with 8 neutral.
- All monsters start with 2-3 neutral (see starting forces map).
- Runebound monsters start with 5 neutral.
- Wizards start with 1.
- Spell "Mind Blast" starts with 3 neutral.
- Spell "Lightning Bolt" starts with 3 neutral.
Bonus Forces
+2 for each runebound monster/wizard pair.
+3 for each powerstone if you hold at least 1 wizard.
Standard territory bonus is applied only to monsters - Minimum +3
0-11 = +3
12=14 = +4
15-17 = +5
18-20 = +6
21-23 = +7
24-26 = +8
27-29 = +9
30-32 = +10
33-35 = +11
36-38 = +12
39-41 = +13
42-44 = +14
45-47 = +15
48 = +16
- Wizards autodeploy 1.
- Shields reset to 8 neutral when controlled.
- Mind Blast reset to 3 neutral when controlled.
- Lightening Bolt looses 2 every turn.
Spells - Each powerstone has 2 "spell" locations detailed below.
- "Mind Blast" can assault any runebound monster.
- "Lightning Bolt" can bombard any powerstone or shield.
Victory Conditions
- Defeat all opponents or control all 8 powerstones for one round.
SMALL (v0_13_21) ... 590a_o.png
LARGE (v0_13_21) ... d9aa_o.png
88/888 Applied (v0_13_17)
LARGE 88 - ... fb1f_o.png
LARGE 888 - ... 7197_o.png
SMALL 88 - ... 0b16_o.png
SMALL 888 - ... 7aaa_o.png
I will try and compile things that people seem to be needing guidance on with the map and post it here as a payers guide for the map.
Assault vs Bombardment: As described in the CC rules. Assault is the basic attack of CC. You may attack and conquer a territory via assault, this is the type of attack the the "Mind Blast" spell has. Bombardment allows you to attack a territory but not move armies to conquer it, this is the type of attack that the "Lightening Bolt" spell has.
Spells: The spells may be attacked from their corresponding powerstone. This is a one way assault from the powerstone to the spell. "Mind Blast" allows you to assault any runebound monster on the map and conquer it. "Lightening Bolt" allows you to bombard any powerstone or shield on the map. Mind Blast resets to 3 neutral on your turn so any armies left there are lost. Lightening Bolt looses 2 armies per turn.
Runebound Monster/Wizard Pair: To get the +2 bonus for a runebound monster/wizard pair you need to hold both the wizard and monster that share the same rune.
Powerstones: To get the +3 bonus for a powerstone you need to hold at least 1 wizard. This can be any wizard.
Monster Connections Map ... a9fec1.jpg
Starting Forces ... 767901.jpg
8 wizards (red circles on the above map)
16 monsters (blue circles on the above map)
In a 2 player game
- both players would have 4 wizards each. (8/2)
- both players would have 5 monsters each with 6 remainder set to 3 neutral. (16/3)
In a 3 player game
- all players would have 3 wizards each with 2 remainder set to 1 neutral. (8/3)
- all players would have 5 monsters each with 1 remainder set to 3 neutral. (16/3)
In a 4 player game
- all players would have 2 wizards each. (8/4)
- all players would have 4 monsters each. (16/4)
In a 5 player game
- all players would have 1 wizard each with 3 remainder set to 1 neutral. (8/5)
- all players would have 3 monsters each with 1 remainder set to 3 neutral. (16/5)
In a 6 player game
- all players would have 1 wizard each with 2 remainder set to 1 neutral. (8/6)
- all players would have 2 monsters each with 4 remainder set to 3 neutral. (16/6)
In a 7 player game
- all players would have 1 wizard each with 1 remainder set to 1 neutral. (8/7)
- all players would have 2 monsters each with 2 remainder set to 3 neutral. (16/7)
In a 8 player game
- all players would have 1 wizards each. (8/8)
- all players would have 2 monsters each. (16/8)
Wizard Connections Map
Powerstone & Spell Connections Map
Deuteranope - ... e758_o.jpg
Protanope - ... b495_o.jpg
Tritanope - ... a425_o.jpg
The Copyright Agreement
The author retains copyright on their work, and gives Conquer Club permission to use the imagery free of charge, for as long as Conquer Club sees fit on the Conquer Club website. Conquer Club cannot sell, lease, or lend the right to use the images to anyone else. The author swears that their map is their own work, or a legal derivative work and by submitting it, do hereby claim all responsibility for that being true.