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[Abandoned] - Trench Warfare!

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Re: Trench Warfare! V3 w/neutrals, MG Inset Poll Pg 1/7 [I]

Postby oaktown on Wed Sep 17, 2008 8:36 am

yeti_c wrote:Remember that Neutrals respawn at the beginning of the holding players turn...

So if you bombard out those players to neutral 1s then the squares never reset... thus leaving a treacherous path of death - with which you can only close off by committing forces back in (i.e. to remine the area or something if you're looking for a trench analogy!)

Hmm... this adds quite a fascinating twist to the gameplay - thanks yeti.
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Re: Trench Warfare! V3 w/neutrals, MG Inset Poll Pg 1/7 [I]

Postby yeti_c on Wed Sep 17, 2008 8:44 am

oaktown wrote:
yeti_c wrote:Remember that Neutrals respawn at the beginning of the holding players turn...

So if you bombard out those players to neutral 1s then the squares never reset... thus leaving a treacherous path of death - with which you can only close off by committing forces back in (i.e. to remine the area or something if you're looking for a trench analogy!)

Hmm... this adds quite a fascinating twist to the gameplay - thanks yeti.

Indeed - could lead to reprisal attacks unless the attacking army decides to leave a blockage on the path - thus commiting those troops to certain death!!

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Re: Trench Warfare! V3 w/neutrals, MG Inset Poll Pg 1/7 [I]

Postby mibi on Wed Sep 17, 2008 11:06 am

yeti_c wrote:
oaktown wrote:
yeti_c wrote:Remember that Neutrals respawn at the beginning of the holding players turn...

So if you bombard out those players to neutral 1s then the squares never reset... thus leaving a treacherous path of death - with which you can only close off by committing forces back in (i.e. to remine the area or something if you're looking for a trench analogy!)

Hmm... this adds quite a fascinating twist to the gameplay - thanks yeti.

Indeed - could lead to reprisal attacks unless the attacking army decides to leave a blockage on the path - thus commiting those troops to certain death!!


In Flanders fields the poppies blow
Between the crosses, row on row,

That mark our place; and in the sky

The larks, still bravely singing, fly

Scarce heard amid the guns below.

We are the Dead. Short days ago
We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,

Loved and were loved, and now we lie

In Flanders fields.

Take up our quarrel with the foe:
To you from failing hands we throw

The torch; be yours to hold it high.

If ye break faith with us who die

We shall not sleep, through poppies grow

In Flanders fields.
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Re: Trench Warfare! V3 w/neutrals, MG Inset Poll Pg 1/7 [I]

Postby mibi on Thu Sep 25, 2008 8:48 pm


1. Added a piece of wood to M11
2. Changed mortar wording to include trenches
3. Added some graphical elements to the Orders
4. Removed bunkers and foxholes from the mini graphic

Click image to enlarge.
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Re: Trench Warfare! V4 Pg 1/9 [I]

Postby t-o-m on Sun Sep 28, 2008 8:06 am

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Re: Trench Warfare! V3 w/neutrals, MG Inset Poll Pg 1/7 [I]

Postby pookey on Sun Sep 28, 2008 8:56 am

This is the first time i have seen this map and i must say i absolutely love it and can't wait to play on it, i love the idea of no mans land being packed with neutrals. :D

t-o-m wrote:Would there be any way to make sure a team gets a drop on the same side?

That is a really shame because that would have made this map unbelievably amazing, and if this was do able i would say this map would be the best map on CC for team play. It is a real shame it isn't though. :(
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Re: Trench Warfare! V4 Pg 1/9 [I]

Postby hulmey on Sun Sep 28, 2008 6:03 pm

could you put a flag on both bunkers...Graphically thats the only cool thing it is missing :D
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Re: Trench Warfare! V4 Pg 1/9 [I]

Postby mibi on Sun Sep 28, 2008 6:25 pm

hulmey wrote:could you put a flag on both bunkers...Graphically thats the only cool thing it is missing :D

We did in version 1, but scrapped it. Were you thinking something different? ... f5tjv2.jpg
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Re: Trench Warfare! V4 Pg 1/9 [I]

Postby Incandenza on Thu Oct 02, 2008 1:27 am

Okay, a few things I'd like to throw out there:

1. oaktown's suggestion of eliminating the top and bottom rows and moving the bunkers one inward. I can't speak for mibi, but I would at least be willing to put this concept On The Table. I'm not convinced that it would add to the space available for the legend (in fact, given that the map itself will be shorter, there may even be less legend space unless, say, the orders were moved to each end of the map, which would probably be confusing given the numbering system), but I can see strategic implications to such a move, and I'd like to hear some opinions on the concept.
2. the use of the term "killer neutrals". This is more for the CA type folk, but the question remains: can we use the term "killer neutrals", with all that term implies, in the instructions the same way that people can use the term "bombard" (i.e. with no explanation of the term, and the knowledge that the term itself will be fully understood)?
3. machine gun and No Man's Land instructions: there's been a lot of discussion about these instructions. If anyone has a better concept for how to succinctly describe the capacities of these terits, then please, don't be shy. Obviously the latter ties into Thing #2.
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Re: Trench Warfare! V4 Pg 1/9 [I]

Postby Incandenza on Fri Oct 03, 2008 3:20 am

hulmey wrote:could you put a flag on both bunkers...Graphically thats the only cool thing it is missing :D

Riddle me this: which flag do you put on the Allied bunker? :D

EDIT: btw, we had this exact same conversation back on page 5. Are you really that wedded to the concept of flags on the bunkers?
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Re: Trench Warfare! V4 Pg 1/9 [I]

Postby oaktown on Sun Oct 05, 2008 12:22 am

Incandenza wrote:1. oaktown's suggestion of eliminating the top and bottom rows and moving the bunkers one inward.

Obviously my thoughts on this are above. And it was just an idea, not a requirement for being stamped.

Incandenza wrote:2. the use of the term "killer neutrals". This is more for the CA type folk, but the question remains: can we use the term "killer neutrals", with all that term implies, in the instructions the same way that people can use the term "bombard" (i.e. with no explanation of the term, and the knowledge that the term itself will be fully understood)?

I doubt that most players outside of the foundry are familiar with the term, in part because it was unfortunate that "killer neutral" was the term that we settled on... it's not as clearly descriptive of the function as "bombard" is. "Reseting Neutral" would have been a better term, but it doesn't have much of a ring to it, now does it. So, sadly, I think you need to describe what's happening there.

Incandenza wrote:3. machine gun and No Man's Land instructions: there's been a lot of discussion about these instructions. If anyone has a better concept for how to succinctly describe the capacities of these terits, then please, don't be shy. Obviously the latter ties into Thing #2.

No man's land: reset to neutral at half original strength if held for one round.

Machine Guns: +2 auto-deploy; bombard no-mans land in a 90° forward arc (below); trenches and foxholes are safe from machine guns.

Not sure that helps much, but nobody else is stepping forward.
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Re: Trench Warfare! V4 Pg 1/9 [I]

Postby Incandenza on Tue Oct 07, 2008 11:24 pm

oaktown wrote:
Incandenza wrote:1. oaktown's suggestion of eliminating the top and bottom rows and moving the bunkers one inward.

Obviously my thoughts on this are above. And it was just an idea, not a requirement for being stamped.

I get that you're not insisting on it or anything... I'm just kinda weakly lobbing the concept in the general direction of the foundry at large and seeing if anyone (other than you, of course) leaps to its defense. I'm not sold on the concept, but it's certainly not bad enough to dismiss out of hand.

oaktown wrote:
Incandenza wrote:3. machine gun and No Man's Land instructions: there's been a lot of discussion about these instructions. If anyone has a better concept for how to succinctly describe the capacities of these terits, then please, don't be shy. Obviously the latter ties into Thing #2.

No man's land: reset to neutral at half original strength if held for one round.

Machine Guns: +2 auto-deploy; bombard no-mans land in a 90° forward arc (below); trenches and foxholes are safe from machine guns.

Not bad. More words for NML, but fewer for the MGs. How about just "trenches and foxholes are safe", omitting what could be seen as the redundant "from machine guns" bit?

oaktown wrote:Not sure that helps much, but nobody else is stepping forward.

I appreciate it. I've been thinking about posting a link to a Sarah Palin homemade, uh, movie that I found on bittorrent the other day, think that'll increase traffic? :lol:
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Re: Trench Warfare! V4 Pg 1/9 [I]

Postby Juan_Bottom on Tue Oct 07, 2008 11:38 pm

Incandenza wrote:I appreciate it. I've been thinking about posting a link to a Sarah Palin homemade, uh, movie that I found on bittorrent the other day, think that'll increase traffic?

What? Am I in time? Can we add it to the map? What's gong on? Incandenza, buddy?
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Re: Trench Warfare! V4 Pg 1/9 [I]

Postby oaktown on Sat Oct 11, 2008 1:18 am

Incandenza wrote:
oaktown wrote:Machine Guns: +2 auto-deploy; bombard no-mans land in a 90° forward arc (below); trenches and foxholes are safe from machine guns.

Not bad. More words for NML, but fewer for the MGs. How about just "trenches and foxholes are safe", omitting what could be seen as the redundant "from machine guns" bit?

How about just:
Machine Guns: +2 auto-deploy; bombard no-man's land in a 90° arc (below); cannot hit trenches or foxholes.
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Re: Trench Warfare! V4 Pg 1/9 [I]

Postby mibi on Tue Oct 14, 2008 8:23 pm

Ok changes:

1. By glory of god some extra space has been found for the NML text and it was changed to"neutrals respawn at half their original strength if held for one round" I think this is sufficient.

2. Taking oaktowns suggestion on the mortar text, it has been changed.

3. The machine gun in the MG grap[hic has been increased ever so slightly.

Click image to enlarge.

As for the flags, its not going to happen. it has been tried and looks dumb.

As for oaktowns suggestion of cutting the top and bottom rows and moveing the bunkers inward, i don't particularly like it. The back row consisting of 13 of the weakest spots on the map will have strategic value in the +1 for every 3 bonus. Since there are no tradtional deployable bonuses, the +1 for 3 will be very useful. If one were to have their entire front, thats an additional +12.
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Re: Trench Warfare! V5 Legend goodness Pg 1/10 [I]

Postby Incandenza on Wed Oct 15, 2008 1:42 am

Could a mod or CA type please delete the poll? Final results 12-9 in favor of option B (wide view), which is what we'll be going with.
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Re: Trench Warfare! V5 Legend goodness Pg 1/10 [I]

Postby Juan_Bottom on Wed Oct 15, 2008 1:48 am

I can't tell... Is there a lack of interest or is this map just close to being finished? I mean, I'd like to try it, and can't find anything to critisize... so I think it's pretty much done.... I hope that's whats going on.
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Re: Trench Warfare! V5 Legend goodness Pg 1/10 [I]

Postby Incandenza on Wed Oct 15, 2008 1:59 am

Juan_Bottom wrote:I can't tell... Is there a lack of interest or is this map just close to being finished? I mean, I'd like to try it, and can't find anything to critisize... so I think it's pretty much done.... I hope that's whats going on.

You and me both, bro.... oh, and sorry about not being able to hook you up with the Palin video. I'm typing this as Karl Rove holds a large caliber pistol to the base of my skull, so I'm required to say that it doesn't exist. :D
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Re: Trench Warfare! V5 Legend goodness Pg 1/10 [I]

Postby Juan_Bottom on Wed Oct 15, 2008 2:30 am

Kick him in the vagina, he hates that. And pain is his only weakness......

I'm serious though about the map. I wasn't too exited at first, but over time I've definitly warmed up to the map. It's got a nice balance of colors... gameplay seems hammered out.... the overall presentation is attractive..... it's well researched..... and it has a unique style of play. I want to give it a go, but I can't unless there is more support. But we won't hear from more people unless there is something wrong with the map?... Learn a lesson from this and only submit quarter finished piles of crap from now on :cry: ... It's a shame this is happening to you fellers...

BUT! I'd still like to see some big fish giving this a once over now please. I know that there are some important people who should be helping to kick this one out the door and onto the 'Start A Game' field. This map doesn't deserve to sit here.
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Re: Trench Warfare! V5 Legend goodness Pg 1/10 [I]

Postby mibi on Wed Oct 15, 2008 9:09 am

Juan_Bottom wrote: But we won't hear from more people unless there is something wrong with the map?...

so true, I will make a version with a sperm donation room and pastels so I can then fix it and look like there is progress made.
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Re: Trench Warfare! V5 Legend goodness Pg 1/10 [I]

Postby Androidz on Wed Oct 15, 2008 10:01 am

Still think the tittle is to "happy Colours"
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Re: Trench Warfare! V5 Legend goodness Pg 1/10 [I]

Postby Incandenza on Wed Oct 15, 2008 10:35 pm

Thanks androidz, but I think if we grunge up the title any more, or go with earth tones, then it simply won't pop the way that a map title needs to.
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Re: Trench Warfare! V5 Legend goodness Pg 1/10 [I]

Postby gimil on Fri Oct 17, 2008 7:14 am

please delete this poll
You may select 1 option

A (closer view) 9-42% B (wider view) 12-57% Total votes : 21
What do you know about map making, bitch?

natty_dread wrote:I was wrong

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Re: Trench Warfare! V5 Legend goodness Pg 1/10 [I]

Postby Incandenza on Fri Oct 17, 2008 1:06 pm

Thanks gim.
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Re: Trench Warfare! V5 Legend goodness Pg 1/10 [I]

Postby Kaplowitz on Sat Oct 18, 2008 7:35 pm

blood dripping title! and make it metal!
=P~ =P~ =P~ =P~
this map looks so epic
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