Okay, I understand that this is late in the day. However, the whole idea of Beta is to figure out problems in gameplay, right? (By the way the argument "especially since so many people are playing it." is irrelevant since those people, including me, are playing with the knowledge that the gameplay may change in the middle..).
I think the map is nice the way it is but large parts of it go wasted in 2- or 3- player games and I think it might be better to fix it.
MAp is in beta stage, and if you think that gameplay of these map is not good,then you must explane why i must connect Africa proconsularis with Sicilia,and what will geyt with that in gameplay.
Your Argument abouth Punic wars is for RUbben Casar map(he create map who story is Roma -Cartage wars).
When i want to find any wars in years when Trajanus whas emperor i have big troubles to find any significant war (except with dacia),and for seas i dont find nothing.
For now you are first who think that gameplay can be better,so i waiting yours solution for better gameplay,still i think that gameplay is very good balanced and that nobody have any advantage,even if you play first.