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Monki v Dragoon, Challenge [Locked]

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Postby nesterdude on Mon Sep 22, 2008 6:38 pm

Well boys (and chica)
This challenge is over.
I don't want to hear any of this forfeit crap, the same argument can be used on both sides, and already has.
So canceled it is.
You'll find that few other clans will accept these kinds of terms.
Sorry Jim but it's a crap argument that unlimited forts weakens chances on a win as does flat rate. Both those settings take a different strategy, and nearly every game (I'd venture to say 95 percent is winnable, just depends on how you play it). What's the next argument no dice? Preplanned placement?
It's your choice how you want to do your challenges. Personally I don't agree with allowing certain maps like AOR or the Egypt maps or freestyle and fog in a clan war, but there is a limit to limitations.
You'll find, and I'm sorry to say this, that the more limitations you have on your challenges, the less respect you'll gain from your wins.
Now I know nearly all your clan and am on good terms, even dare say friends. But I have to draw the line on this one.
Oh and First, sigh on your trips games comment, no place here.
Till we come to a COMPROMISE, this clan challenge will remain canceled.
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Postby jiminski on Mon Sep 22, 2008 6:40 pm

nesterdude wrote:Well boys (and chica)
This challenge is over.
I don't want to hear any of this forfeit crap, the same argument can be used on both sides, and already has.
So canceled it is.
You'll find that few other clans will accept these kinds of terms.
Sorry Jim but it's a crap argument that unlimited forts weakens chances on a win as does flat rate. Both those settings take a different strategy, and nearly every game (I'd venture to say 95 percent is winnable, just depends on how you play it). What's the next argument no dice? Preplanned placement?
It's your choice how you want to do your challenges. Personally I don't agree with allowing certain maps like AOR or the Egypt maps or freestyle and fog in a clan war, but there is a limit to limitations.
You'll find, and I'm sorry to say this, that the more limitations you have on your challenges, the less respect you'll gain from your wins.
Now I know nearly all your clan and am on good terms, even dare say friends. But I have to draw the line on this one.
Oh and First, sigh on your trips games comment, no place here.
Till we come to a COMPROMISE, this clan challenge will remain canceled.

Just forget it and move on Nester.
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Re: -

Postby nesterdude on Mon Sep 22, 2008 6:49 pm

LOL nice change of thread title
But Jimi
You've scarred me so
to the core
I am
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Re: -

Postby luckywar on Mon Sep 22, 2008 7:55 pm

what the f*ck? I leave for one day, there's 6 pages of posts and the challenge is canceled? pussies. lol.
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Re: -

Postby David_Wain on Mon Sep 22, 2008 8:06 pm

Come on you lot u have to admit some of your restrictions are a little overboard... AOM is one of the most skillful maps to play on this site with very little luck involved. I've made more good skillful comebacks on that map than most. Unlimited forts ive had decent experience with & out of all fort settings have my highest winrate on unlimited which to me proves the lack of luck involved. I respect most of u guys an awful lot, we play regularly against each other & team together all the time, however some of ur clan challenge rules are dumb so get editing & get challenging.

To be fair most challenges with no restrictions don't end up having that many silly maps & settings in them anyway. Think in our last challenge we saw ConquerMan once, & Feudal War once perhaps considered lucky maps. However I had one ofthe best games ive ever had on Feudal War & found myself discussing non stop tactics throughout as it was such a tough map.

Anyways, you guys should get this challenge back on & just lax some of your restrictions :) come on, u know it makes sense :P listen to Uncle Dave.

This post was not proof read so screw u if I made any mistakes :D
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Re: -

Postby luckywar on Mon Sep 22, 2008 8:10 pm

So actually, since a lot of claims were thrown out there...especially by HW, and nester and I did most of the bantering (you were even there once on msn HW)...But this is how it did happen. You knew we had restrictions. Each time you came to us about adding in maps we have on our red list, I brought to my clan and we discussed. I notice about 3 times you say we wouldn't compromise...bullshit. We gave you Feudal, CC man, Solar System, and I think one or two more. When you proposed "Feudal or AoR, you must pick one." We debated and chose Feudal. Within 3min, you came back and said your clan now changed their mind and wanted to force AoR instead of Feudal. wtf? I'm personally okay with Esc cards, and we probably could have come to some agreement, but if any of you think Flat rate isn't totaly luck and stupid, then i'll give you a simple scenario, round 3 player one cashes rainbow for 10. player 3 doesn't work out cards until round 5 and gets red set. Yeah you could say, "tough" the dice are random too, deal with it or whatever you might throw back. But flat rate skews the odds to lucksettings rather than strategy. IF you still don't like that argument, play a 1200 pt player 10 times with flat rate and 10 times with esc cards, i can about guarantee which set of 10 you'd do better at.

We just try to play the most fair settings, not necessarily what we're good at. And we were compromising with each and every one of your demands. Don't know what happened, everyone, just pick your panties out of your asses. Maybe we'll figure this out with time, if not...then I must admit something to everyone...nester is my love child.
Last edited by luckywar on Mon Sep 22, 2008 8:15 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: -

Postby luckywar on Mon Sep 22, 2008 8:12 pm

David_Wain wrote:Come on you lot u have to admit some of your restrictions are a little overboard... AOM is one of the most skillful maps to play on this site with very little luck involved. I've made more good skillful comebacks on that map than most. Unlimited forts ive had decent experience with & out of all fort settings have my highest winrate on unlimited which to me proves the lack of luck involved. I respect most of u guys an awful lot, we play regularly against each other & team together all the time, however some of ur clan challenge rules are dumb so get editing & get challenging.

To be fair most challenges with no restrictions don't end up having that many silly maps & settings in them anyway. Think in our last challenge we saw ConquerMan once, & Feudal War once perhaps considered lucky maps. However I had one ofthe best games ive ever had on Feudal War & found myself discussing non stop tactics throughout as it was such a tough map.

Anyways, you guys should get this challenge back on & just lax some of your restrictions :) come on, u know it makes sense :P listen to Uncle Dave.

This post was not proof read so screw u if I made any mistakes :D

DW, your opinions are valid, but I do believe you are not in either of our piss off! hehe. Actually, you don't really know what was going on, you just argued for Feudal for a couple paragraphs....both clans agreed to play Feudal. If you want to play some games let us know, otherwise...
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Re: -

Postby richardgarr on Mon Sep 22, 2008 8:40 pm

Let me get this straight.
You Monkeys challenged us . Then you have the nerve to make a ridiculous list of maps and settings that your clan is scared to play. Since we Dragoons are able to play any map, we thought it fair that our away games be our games. You guys all of a sudden lose your balls, and cry foul, because you cannot dictate all the terms.
Well I am glad that this challenge is now canceled. I for one would not want to give you even a remote chance at complaining later that it was unfair.
Go back to the sand box, and stay out of the BIg Kids Park ! !
:lol: :lol: 8-)
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Re: -

Postby nesterdude on Mon Sep 22, 2008 9:25 pm

OK enough enough
Richard, we challenged them...I was wrong earlier on and they did have a list (though it may have changed a bit here and there LOL)
Lucky, you're my hoe but seriously, your tone in that description is kind of skewed...there were no ultimatums in our conversations, and that fuedal/AOR was a miscommunication on our forum...I relayed first message, then ASKED if we could change feudal to AOR, not demanded.
DW made some comments on feudal to illustrate a point, not be the endall of his discussion.

Now seriously. The biggest factor in games, is the dice. And that person in round five with the red set could easily win with proper positioning, proper attacks and proper strategy.

It's all how you play the game, not the hand y ou're dealt.


Jimi likes little boys.

First is a thai hooker benefactor

Clapper likes looking at Lucky's sexy ass picture on MSN

And the rest of your lot is actively playing with one anotehr's genitals.
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Re: -

Postby luckywar on Mon Sep 22, 2008 9:38 pm

haha, agreed to all nester!

hw and jimi are banned from arguing with one another. *inserting chrissy's ballgag into each of their mouths*

and noone else needs to throw in their 2 cents, most claims were erroneous, people just going off hearsay. Far as I'm concerned, block additional posts to this thread. On MSN or through PMs, we may be able to settle this or agree to disagree.

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Re: -

Postby nesterdude on Mon Sep 22, 2008 9:58 pm

Fair enough
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Re: -

Postby jiminski on Tue Sep 23, 2008 7:11 am

Ahh the vultures are back again.

Not impressed David.

anyway, i won't be playing in any Clan challenge with the Dragoons, for the rest; that is up to them.. the carrion birds have made off with the prize.

David_Wain wrote:Come on you lot u have to admit some of your restrictions are a little overboard... AOM is one of the most skillful maps to play on this site with very little luck involved. I've made more good skillful comebacks on that map than most. Unlimited forts ive had decent experience with & out of all fort settings have my highest winrate on unlimited which to me proves the lack of luck involved. I respect most of u guys an awful lot, we play regularly against each other & team together all the time, however some of ur clan challenge rules are dumb so get editing & get challenging.

To be fair most challenges with no restrictions don't end up having that many silly maps & settings in them anyway. Think in our last challenge we saw ConquerMan once, & Feudal War once perhaps considered lucky maps. However I had one ofthe best games ive ever had on Feudal War & found myself discussing non stop tactics throughout as it was such a tough map.

Anyways, you guys should get this challenge back on & just lax some of your restrictions :) come on, u know it makes sense :P listen to Uncle Dave.

This post was not proof read so screw u if I made any mistakes :D
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Postby AAFitz on Tue Sep 23, 2008 7:21 am

Frop wrote:On second thought I propose a 61 game template in case of ties. Noob ponies.

you probably should... we knew we never needed the extra game, because we knew we'd always win :D
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Re: -

Postby firstholliday on Tue Sep 23, 2008 10:20 am


anyway, i won't be playing in any Clan challenge with the Dragoons, for the rest; that is up to them.. the carrion birds have made off with the prize.

same here... this is about fun for me.... don't like to play liars.
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Re: -

Postby hwhrhett on Tue Sep 23, 2008 10:22 am

firstholliday wrote:
jiminski wrote:

anyway, i won't be playing in any Clan challenge with the Dragoons, for the rest; that is up to them.. the carrion birds have made off with the prize.

same here... this is about fun for me.... don't like to play liars.

come on guys, we're all friends here, dont let a heated arguement get to ya. liars?
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Re: -

Postby Frop on Tue Sep 23, 2008 10:43 am

What the hell? I demand to know how you people manage to piss each other off! I tried to have a go at LOW after our previous clanwar and all I got was some pussies on both sides trying to patch things up.

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Re: -

Postby jiminski on Tue Sep 23, 2008 11:00 am

Frop wrote:What the hell? I demand to know how y
ou people manage to piss each other off! I tried to have a go at LOW after our previous clanwar and all I got was some pussies on both sides trying to patch things up.


hahah good work Fropper
As you know in almost every case i am that pussy!

In fact I was sidling towards pussy-ish behaviour right at the point every tosser in the world showed up to give a little poke and a gloat. heheh so that's enough for me.
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Re: -

Postby RiskTycoon on Tue Sep 23, 2008 11:02 am

"How do you like that? Even among misfits you're a misfit!"
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Re: -

Postby jiminski on Tue Sep 23, 2008 11:06 am

RiskTycoon wrote::lol:

heh ahh there's one now.
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Re: -

Postby RiskTycoon on Tue Sep 23, 2008 11:09 am



glad i could help :!:
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Re: -

Postby jiminski on Tue Sep 23, 2008 11:10 am

RiskTycoon wrote:LMAO


glad i could help :!:

good lad
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Re: -

Postby RiskTycoon on Tue Sep 23, 2008 12:32 pm

Jim ... honestly, that is NOTHING compared to the slack we got for our point restriction .... and still do to this day .... maybe not so much nowadays .... but that was pretty mild compared to what some of THOTA has gone through with regards to restrictions ...

you should be happy :!: :lol:
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Re: -

Postby jiminski on Tue Sep 23, 2008 12:44 pm

RiskTycoon wrote:Jim ... honestly, that is NOTHING compared to the slack we got for our point restriction .... and still do to this day .... maybe not so much nowadays .... but that was pretty mild compared to what some of THOTA has gone through with regards to restrictions ...

you should be happy :!: :lol:

from me? nah .. i even popped into to your thread the other day and helped Neph find Usergroups..
it may be that i am experiencing a rare sense of humour failure and am sure i will find this all very funny one day soon but your and Davids input was genuinely not appreciated.
Last edited by jiminski on Tue Sep 23, 2008 12:46 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: -

Postby hwhrhett on Tue Sep 23, 2008 12:46 pm

why dont yall change the title of this thread to "move to archive" or "delete me" so that it gets filed away
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Re: -

Postby jiminski on Tue Sep 23, 2008 12:47 pm

hwhrhett wrote:why dont yall change the title of this thread to "move to archive" or "delete me" so that it gets filed away

better here than Spankers Corner ..hah, not an invitation, we already have Richard.
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