So, here's my next tourney. This one is going to be a long one based on the original Battle for Supremacy (although with escalating it'll run faster than the original). Each player will pick a map. Five players per map. Those 5 players will then play a 7 game series of 5 man unlimited escalating no fog sequential casual games. Two games will play at a time and when one ends the next will start (feel free to PM me when one ends).
Freemiums Welcome After 7 games There will be a Map Champion. If there is a tie at that point the players will play a three game playoff. There are no points for second place.
After being crowed as Map Champion players will vie for the title of Regional Commander. Each map is assigned to a specific region. There are 5 maps per region in what I hope is some semblance of sense. The 5 map champions will play an 10 game series-2 games on each map with the winner being crowned Regional Champion. Again, in the event of a tie there will be a best of 3 playoff on three different maps from the region including the home map of each champion.
At this point there will be 20 Regional Commander.
The commanders of regions 1-5 will play, 6-10, 11-15 and 16-20 will each play a series of 5 player games. There will be 10 games, 2 each on the home maps of each of the players. This time in the event of a tie there will be a best of 3 playoff. In the event of a tie after the tiebreaker there will be a final one game playoff. The Winner earns the title of CC: Subcommander
The Four CC Subcommanders then will battle in a 9 game Royale. 1 time on each of the player's home maps with 5 games played on randomly assigned NEW (created after the start of this tournament-from among games listed here: maps (one game on each map). The maps will be chosen on The winner at the end of all of this will have the Title SUPREME CC COMMANDER
Random maps for the finals
Land and Sea
USA New England
The Citadel
San Marino
This one will certainly take a while but each map will begin as soon as it is full. 2 games will start at a time but players won't have to wait for all 240 slots to fill up to begin.
All reserves will step into the shoes of the player's they're replacing (wins and losses)
show: Region I World Region Classic, 2.1, High Seas, XGW, Doodle
Classic peanutsdad tsioumiou gambler21210 BeakerWMA oakleysholeWorld 2.1 jezboy Annexator Freebyrd1977 TheBorg andreas1977 Annexator replaces AAFitz after Game 5Doodle Earth Drunk_Idiot TivoTron blacky44 poptartpsycho18 Boss_oss_ss Extreme Global Warming evilweasel8 tylergregg404 OTE grunionrmiono evilweasel8 replaces deronimo after game 4High Seas MaximumElvis Kilazul mkcumminsClochwr Duzzy562
show: Region II. Continents Region Africa, Asia, North America, South America, Europe
Africa playing game 7 lilwdlnddude (mapmaker) 4redgoggles paisano jnd94 magiiiiiicAsia playing tiebreaker Tejuis Easy n Dirty Jonny_Bravo92 osharma austexNorth America dfp2dep Evil Sempthe holyone dcbconquer joeeeeeeee Europe Me-Da-MiNoRiTY vexxhiddeous man pilot16 BadoglioSouth America PaulG diodoro96y pampops2 jordan5000 devinsaway
show: Region III Southern Hemisphere Region Australia, Cairns Coral Coast, Brazil, Treasures of Galapogos, Sydney Metro
Australia RedBaron0 TimoS denominatorSuicidalSnowman Squirly RedBaron0 replaces psycopathic_Luke after game 4Cairns Coral Coast Edd1 Fireside Poet Bones2484 Miandw Blobby Brazil amazzony jonesthecurlgod103 Hankthetank parapenteman Treasures of Galapogos mrbang MyTurnToWinKamchatka Sir. Ricco kgreenSydney Metro Luxurious samuelc812 BAD-DICEflumox Orange69 Luxurious replaces LLLUUUKKKEEE after game 2
show: Region IV USA USApocalypse, USA, USSenate, RailUSA, American Civil War
USA Optimus Primejapser_be shervin1963 IL4TS forbert USApocalypse MIaggie Tokugawa I Czarski Neotenydocchaos Neoteny replaces red_beard after Game 4US Senate AgentSmith88 rjgirardi mrt12345106735 Krajnicovkroovi mrt12345106735 replaces yellowmoon after Game 4RailUSA freyme deego86 TheOtherOne mrb8276ESQuire American Civil War Elijah S (Mapmaker) ParadiceCity9 Chadwick31 mushin Bam-Bam
show: Region V. Asia Hong Kong, IndoChina, Bamboo Jack, Philippines, Greater China
Hong Kong playing game 7kingpin01 imbalanced shadow33 Gunner1980 elfcasinoIndochina playing tiebreaker wakko3308 Gabriel cpurcell danodukebbwolfman1969 Bamboo Jack beferabrandoncfi jdt1503 Phr34ky dittoeevee8888Philippines Sir_Karl jugglebum0 dfoke Mageplunka vrjeremyGreater China dazdazchansigril emdaniel02 CInvisibleman aniximo
show: Region VI. World War II Australia, Eastern Front, Western Front, Gazala, Ardennes
WWII Australia playing game 769Chevy Inquisitor dessius Boothy 369 jasonyee WWII Eastern Front mountainbill Darin44 tammsmuEnshroud docidiotWWII Western Front MARKLEWISB gazzas barmy arm MuEagles79 Dagarben redman1805 MuEagles79 replaces lama after Game 2WWII Gazala playing games 7vragus Fix fbonsignori LoveHewittYum grayehoundWWII Ardennes terrafutan ultrafit Crail2tail Huntyr GreenGypsys Kiss
show: Region VII. WWII Iwo Jima, Operation Drug War, Supermax Prison Riot, Siege, Age of Merchants
WWII Iwo Jima calchmbrs franny911 mkcumminsDowquest Lady CharlotteDrug War c3po jakegreerMunglar princessro07 Timmymagic1Supermax: Prison Riot hondacbr lympcswmmr Chief Beef cgblack growlerSiege! indy62 fishbonex homes32 Dexstingmadmom Age of Merchants DimnjacarStefHath David_Wain GardenHead musteriuz
show: Region VIII Arms Race, Battle for Iraq, Duck and Cover, Waterloo, DDay
Arms Race Matejas Kezman Map Champion TaCktiX Alan Hargreaves Quase gadittmarBattle for Iraq Van Zeal ThePenguin max is gr8 Jackonell gogglezDuck & Cover Lexitonia5 ewillaman iteachjava MikeMcD5858 Darth OzyWaterloo lanyards (mapmaker) BaldAdonis xabigerrard supersleuth Shatners Bassoon [/bDDay: Omaha Beach VermiciousDad Gamefreakguy jlduff[b]Dominator7 [/b Fexofenadine
show: Region IX Historical Battle of Actium, Ancient Greece, Mongol Empire, Alexanders Empire, Imperium Romanum
Battle of Actium geigerm Zombie73 DesertRatinDubai [b]MudPuppy pamoaAncient Greece KatyaSgt.Bobo Lord Vanion tpdodger honeyhebecuMongol Empire playing game 7 Gozarblockhead15 mitch0200 JTE KiloJKiloAlexander's Empire overanalyzer Risky_Studdtellis smellyfungus dustin800Imperium Romanum qwert (mapmaker) tiberiusaquiladragon dor Shuriken SamFischer
show: Region X Conquest AOR1, AOR2, AOR3, Feudal War, New World
Age of Realms: Might (AOR1) JedluedsGodd assassin07 militant DarkWolfe69 Age of Realms: Magic (AOR2) PLAYER57832 RedSoxFanGARYQUINN gcwca_4_life InsomniaRed InsomniaRed replaces buddysystem after Game 2 RedSoxFan replaces benliaw after Game 3 Age of Realms: Mayhem (AOR3) SubtletyR0k0v SNARF17WD hbesh theButterflyFeudal War Army of Achilles Map Champion hammyshawn Kotaro topper rom_tobins New World Beko the Great heavenly29 Zorbas Aussie02lunatic96
show: Region XI Europe 1Luxembourg, BeNeLux, Italy, Malta, Ireland
Luxembourg RickyJamesy blindmattSyjefroi Map Champion drumsimmons AndrewB blindmatt replaces waiziki after Game 5 AndrewB replaces ICUP after Game 5BeNeLux Marval (mapmaker) KeggerAL2 sunshining Tripitaka TONYKE Tripitaka replaces kpankhurst after Game 2Italy negoeien Ghost_Rider HardAttack Stroop Bananafish Stroop replaces Jimbalaya after Game 3Malta Riazor Hoodoo Operator King Tet skanska watsy Ireland herus SionachWhite Moose dajr1984 Soldier4Christ
show: Region XII Europe 2 British Isles, Portugal, Iberia, France, Germany
British Isles the5allens heatz bluenose Moneymattktess920 Portugal acores2005 frankie2 Draconem backstroker40[size=150]DAZMCFC [/size]Iberia playing games 6 and 7[size=150]Bad Speler (mapmaker) [/b] Strider24 gordito General Brewsie vsmith gordito replaces santymar after game 2France Spinal arkaxow maasman akp pathaurGermany Cronus chelseausa Gunner1980 King James Nefatari
show: Region XIII Europe 3 Netherlands, Soviet Union, Scotland, Iceland, RailEurope
Netherlands Bonobo Data223 haqdaq shoop76 renedoesSoviet Union IGORGRR Sir Charles Juan_Bottom lizabrit1 chazza_05 Scotland Balsiefen (mapmaker) hwhrhett kyramishi hobbitsubcultureGeneral Flashman Iceland rpshawn lomonsteraaronvollrath imaritspiker keiths31 keiths31 replaces mleibo973 after Game 2Rail Europe Vikermac redbugal nick11 FarangDemon pjaraujo
show: Region XIV USA Regions Dust Bowl, Great Lakes, Puget Sound, Pearl Harbor, Texan Wars
Dust Bowl MrOpolo Harumf Kingpin1994 fuzzball mpxy Great Lakes ballenus elfcasino yemphan pfleegman Shabel Texan Wars guyliantrevorp jesterhawk houdini112 rocky13Puget Sound ZionT Wrangler100 Motown32 Humrlmo codierun ZionT replaces Jimbalaya after Game 2Pearl Harbor KidWhisky AtreidesHouseZemljanin ralphcptc saywhat
show: Region XV Egypt Valley of the Kings, Upper Egypt, Lower Egypt, Nubia, Middle East
Egypt: Valley of the Kings gregbrock37barterer2002 Ecaterina Eckspyrt john9blueEgypt: Upper cliffaspinall badlouie goodman1117 bvb shadowjoeEgypt: Lower playing game 7 Jeff Brown -BAS-spinbot Natewolfman Night Strike Night Strike replaces Mateo22 after Game 1Egypt: Nubia schnitzella heathgilbPocko Kegler jasonyeeMiddle East conquerhero Troynaz templebballplya fernilenny morfam1
show: Region XVI Cities Prohibition Chicago, NYC, Montreal, San Francisco, Berlin 1961
Prohibition Chicago Raybaer DBandit70 Clipjointjoetshadow Mighty SheepNYC benny profane (mapmaker) epic0002 badmoon daddydiaz vonForster Montreal ultraman pr4wn equalpants Joe B. Gutshots San Francisco playing tiebreaker reahma Pimperpunk mbjones79 MaggotTheFuzz Berlin 1961 jaybebo slapee ribedebie traingeekzhartley
show: Region XVII Fantasy Discworld, Draknor, Centerscape, Midkemdil, Tamriel
Discworld Lord+Master Molwen axh98 clfurze lyricmanDraknor Level 1 pogophiles Nhonhoca Hachidan NW_Tej artmayes167Middle Earth spidey khellendros mikoto1610 hecterNewVEmpire Midkemdil playing game 7 jj3044 jinxmarquis Hoobris endar1077 The1exileTamriel pelato what,me worry?Rassilon6 Stieny7 redtide
show: Region XVIII Games Chinese Checkers, Conquerman, Crossword, Conquer 4, Poker Club
Chinese Checkers fordest ookla jasonamil thedoggdakdes BaldEagle76Conquerman playing games 5 and 6 harvmax killercaleb Loppy Scub paulpoyserCrossword jela sportyspiderzissou2 Athiest PLBKConquer 4 Major Roadworksmadman7 MoonDogg4U chuck D packrat31306Poker Club Sun Tzup Serbia Cral42 Cofari HighlanderAttack Serbia replaces luka77 after Game 2
show: Region XIX Whimsy Madness, CCU, King of the Mountain, 8 Thoughts, City Mogul
Madness playing game 7 Gilligan Snƶgubben BCStorkmwaser stormer461CCU playing game 7 FeeBeesoccerghost on_the_brink Lord_Comedy d20blue2 King of the Mountain WidowMakers (mapmaker) Read_the_Meter bri12388 Kalano Sanchin Aesop Jones8 Thoughts true2paintball Hado911 spight dc204DrunknHorny City Mogul yajiv Aaron234 yz426 hoehna987 scottishleaf
show: Region XX Canada, Caribbean, Arctic, Space, Solar System
Canada Bboru gegegray Tommy Tucker rudolphirvinpoir BadpatCaribbean slazzo thesnarlingdog j-rafa Moneybagslsoule i912 replaces slazzo after Game 4Arctic playing game 7 millertime13 peglion Rafa Peter wintertopDrew483 Solar System playing tiebreakerAngus Khan Hoagy xabigerrard manvstrees vrjeremySpace AfroDwarf aznin yumatra amy_wong Willie92 AfroDwarf replaces bm2092004 after Game 2
Maps not in use and available for the finals
Circus Maximus, The Citidal, Archipelago, Haiti, Charleston, Europa, Halloween Hollows, Classic Art, Madagascar, Oasis, Forbidden City, USA New England, USA Great Lakes, USA Rockies, USA West, USA Southwest, USA Southeast, WWI Ottoman Empire, France 1789, Triple Alliance, Wales, Eastern Hemisphere
Round 2 show: Region I World Maps
tsioumiou Freebyrd1977 poptartpsycho18 rmiono Clochwr poptartpsycho18 replaces Drunk_Idiot after Game 3
show: Region II Continents
goggles paisanothe holyone hiddeous man diodoro96y austex
show: Region III Southern Hemisphere
SuicidalSnowman god103 Kamchatka flumoxBlobby
show: Region IV USA
japser_be docchaos kroovi Elijah S ESQuire
show: Region V Asia
imbalanced wolfman1969 brandoncfi dfoke chansigril *imbalanced replaced kingpin01 before Game 1
[spoiler=Region VI World War II
Gypsys Kiss [/spoiler]
show: Region VII Battles
Dowquest Munglar hondacbr madmomHath
show: Region VIII War
Matejas KezmanVan Zeal ewillaman Shatners Bassoon Dominator7
show: Region IX Historical
dtellis Sgt.Bobo blockhead15 dragon dor MudPuppy
show: Region X Conquest Maps
Godd GARYQUINN R0k0v rom_tobins lunatic96 rom_tobins replaces Army of Achilles after Game 2
show: Region XI Europe I
Stroop King Tet White Moose sunshining AndrewB *AndrewB replaced Syjefroi after Game 4
show: Region XII Europe II
ktess920DAZMCFC Bad Speler maasman Cronus
show: Region XIII Europe III
Bonobo IGORGRR General Flashman aaronvollrathFarangDemon
show: Region XIV American Regions
mpxy ballenus trevorpZionT Zemljanin
show: Region XV Egypt
barterer2002 cliffaspinallspinbot Pocko conquerhero
show: Region XVI Cities
joetshadowbenny profane Joe B. zhartley TheFuzz
show: Region XVII Fantasy
HachidanNewVEmpire Rassilon6 Molwen jinxmarquisRegion XVIII (Games) (playing game 9) fordest zissou2 madman7 HighlanderAttack harvmax [spoiler=Region XIX Whimsy] mwaser soccerghost WidowMakersDrunknHorny yajiv
show: Region XX Poupori
Tommy Tucker lsoule Drew483Angus Khan yumatra
Round 3 SuperRegion I (World, Continent, Southern Hem, USA, Asia)
Maps in play: Classic Shapes, Cairns Coral Coast, USA, Hong Kong
the holyone
SuperRegion II (World War II, War, Battles, History, Conquest)
Maps in Play: Age of Merchants, Battle for Iraq, AOR1, Alexander's Empire, WWII Ardennes
Van Zeal
Gypsys Kiss
SuperRegion III (Europe I, Europe II, Europe III, USA Regions, Egypt)
Maps in play: Italy, Rail Europe, Egypt: Lower, Puget Sound, Portugal
SuperRegion IV (Cities, Fantasy, Games, Whimsy, Misc)
Maps in play: 8 Thoughts, Solar System, NYC, Midgard, Conquer4
Angus Khan
benny profane