by edoggpepper1800 on Thu Dec 14, 2006 4:04 pm
I am Edoggpepper. My name is Mr. X.
Gmenwillstomp is my friend, his name is Mr. Y.
ThomasBrady is our other friend, his name is Mr. Z.
We form a triples team that is collectively known as the XYZ affair, named after the Quasi war of 1798 which the United States had quasi legal status to declare on France.
In an effort to take advantage of the best opportunities, we gave one another our passwords so that if one of us happened to be online and spotted a good game, we could sign the others up for it and make at least the 1st round of moves.
The reason that kyle thinks were multi's is because we logged into the other people's accounts and made jokes about another friend of ours, "leppok" and then signed into our real accounts and mad some more fun of him.
Were all different people, but together we form a sting deadlier than Hillary Clinton's fat ass.