Moderator: Tournament Directors
nelo wrote:sign me up * Weightlifting
nelo wrote:sign me up * Weightlifting
SamFischer wrote:I`m in for swimming. thank you
imbalanced wrote:Sailing and weightlifting please
millertime13 wrote:Gymnastics please
vragus wrote:I'm for Weightlifting
inonzuk wrote:Hi,
Sign me up for the Swimming event please.
R77BZ wrote:I'm in for the Modern Pentalon. 6 players. Flat rate/chained. Thanks.
KiloJKilo wrote:i am up for Archery please
itake wrote:I'm interested, either Modern Pentathlon or Rowing...but if you need me somewhere else, I'm flexible.
Miandw wrote:I like horsey's
Equestrian please.
erikiscool wrote:sign me up for rowing, please
whitetrash67 wrote:count me in
riskpooh wrote:put me down for cycling, please
Allerian wrote:I'm in - any group where you need me is fine.
caronte wrote:Equestrian please
oblique wrote:Well, my first tournament but I'll try shooting
babsrambler wrote:I'll join up for Archery. I've never been in a tourney before, thanks for the invite.
sure wrote:Gymnastics looks fun.
R0k0v wrote:R0k0v for Equestrian because I sure now how to ride a donkey.
Joe B. wrote:Okay, sign me up. I think Equestrian will do. I know you said 2 slots open, do we pick more than 1? If so, just put me in another escalating game, 3 to 6 players preferred. thanks, Joe B.
PAUL912 wrote:I'm in shooting
noretreat wrote:how bout diving for
axh98 wrote:I would much like to join in Diving. Thanks.
cantab wrote:Rowing for me, please.
Nicho wrote:Swimming looks good![]()
MEK wrote:Diving please, thanks Amazzony
goodman1117 wrote:I would like to participate in Modern Pentathalon.
itsmedicineman wrote:not sure exactly how to sign up. put me in archery if there is one please . if not where ever you want is good.
zissou2 wrote:i'll play the weightlifting
KeggerAL2 wrote:swimming please!
herus wrote:I play
jenbrick wrote:I'm in, Gymnastics please. Thanks
Zombie73 wrote:sign me up for weightlifting
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