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Postby HighBorn on Wed May 03, 2006 7:56 pm

yes curved!!
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Postby Jota on Sat May 06, 2006 1:50 am

Here we go; I've got another new version of the map to share. Or rather, two versions:


I think it's starting to approach being done. There are four main things I'm looking for feedback on:

1. The legend. My main concern with the legend is that it be clear and easy to read. In addition to these two versions, I also tried some other interesting backgrounds (like the nebula that was suggested), but they were totally illegible.

2. The planetary connecting lines. I did up a second system with curves so that you can compare more easily. Anyone else want to voice a preference before I make a final decision?

3. The circles. I've taken 'em away from the planets for the time being. Should they go back in, or will the numbers probably look fine without them?

4. The wormhole/warpgate connecting lines. I personally like them, but I know at least one person is against them.

And of course, any other issues or concerns or opinions that anyone wishes to bring up are welcome.
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Postby HighBorn on Sat May 06, 2006 1:52 am

deffentally need the circles back!!
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Postby Hoff on Sat May 06, 2006 1:55 am

I like the moon but its hard to read. If you can find away to make the text easy to read then i vote for the moon. But if not, i dunno man.
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Postby Marvaddin on Sat May 06, 2006 9:50 am

1. The legend.
The moon is good, not that difficult to read. Maybe use a bold text...

2. The planetary connecting lines.
I didnt like the curved lines. That system seems an atom.

3. The circles.
Probably, we will need them... probably. So you could post a version with numbers... But circles... the planets will be ugly with those circles... Dark the whole planet, I think its a better option.

4. The wormhole/warpgate connecting lines.
I like them too.

And I think the blue colour of Arda system should be lighter... I almost didnt realize it... But another system is already light blue... maybe another colour.

EDIT: I want reafirm these stations will be strategy killers in team games... They will be a pain!! We should rethink this!!
Last edited by Marvaddin on Sat May 06, 2006 12:22 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby AndyDufresne on Sat May 06, 2006 12:05 pm

Well lets see...

---I like how the map is coming along. I personally have to state once more that I'm in favor of the angled lines, even more so now seeing it up against the opposing option.

---The Legend looks great, but I think the text could be a little darker, just to help ease the problem of reading the information. For the continents perhaps a bold outline around their names in the legend would be a good idea, then you could keep the color but also gain the clarity. Still hate the spaaaace! on the spaceship. :) If you wanted to spruce up the ship, always could add some sort of afterburn behind the rocket, or any other designs on the body.

---Are any designs going to be used for the warp gate and the worm holes? Also, is anything going to be done with the "stations" or are they going to remain as is? In addition I think the connecting lines for the worm holes and warp gates are fine.

---With Arda's color being too dark, perhaps a lighten up. Or maybe a shift toward a darker purple is something to look into.

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Postby Jota on Sat May 06, 2006 2:06 pm

Marvaddin wrote:But circles... the planets will be ugly with those circles... Dark the whole planet, I think its a better option.

Hmm, that's an interesting idea.

Marvaddin wrote:I want reafirm these stations will be strategy killers in team games... They will be a pain!! We should rethink this!!

I'd still like to try them. They're something different, and I think that requiring people to discover new strategies when the old ones break isn't necessarily a bad thing.

AndyDufresne wrote:Still hate the spaaaace! on the spaceship.

Aw. I was hoping the new text would be more appealing. Anyone else for or against it?

AndyDufresne wrote:Are any designs going to be used for the warp gate and the worm holes? Also, is anything going to be done with the "stations" or are they going to remain as is?

Now that I've finished with the planets, those are the next bits I'm going to work on. We'll see if anything worthwhile comes out of it.
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Postby Jota on Sun May 07, 2006 12:13 am

I think I've addressed most of the things people said in response to the last update. So here we go with another one!


These two new images differ in a few respects: dark circles versus dark planets, the text on the rocket, and the different planetoid backgrounds in the legend. Also, the polls are still open on the connecting lines: I think we're up to two against two, so your vote can still count if you get it in before I get around to making a final decision one way or another :)
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Postby kingwaffles on Sun May 07, 2006 12:39 am

Personally I prefer the first of the two, the little circles just mess with the planets and it doesn't really look good. Also I like the whole "In SPAAAAAAACE thing" and the spaceship doesn't really look very good blank so if you don't use it you might want to put something else on it.
And as for the curved lines, I say go for it, I like the way they look. They kinda add to the spacey feel. Not sure why. They just do....
Also I like the grayish tint to the moon better then the yellowy one it fits with the whole map better. The yellowy jumps out a bit too much, whereas the gray blends in nicely.
Great job on the map dude!
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Postby HighBorn on Sun May 07, 2006 12:43 am

go # 1 i like it best!!!
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Postby onbekende on Sun May 07, 2006 3:04 am

# 1 rocks, but is that a stargate??
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Postby freakshow on Sun May 07, 2006 6:48 am

call me wierd but I actually like the newest version you've posted, in addition I like the fact that the spaceship has something on it but lets not have in spaaace make it like a starfleet logo so something, something that incorporates a star and an arrow, maybe even the shape of a ship. Anyway good job so far I'm looking forward to seeing this one.
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Postby Haydena on Sun May 07, 2006 6:50 am

I love the 1st one you've put up... Can't wait to play, this is gonna be so awesome :D
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Postby DublinDoogey on Sun May 07, 2006 8:49 am

awesome map, between the two newest ones, i like the first one better, and i've gotta gve my vote for the round lines connecting the planets, instead of the straight ones.

can't wait to play!
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Postby AndyDufresne on Sun May 07, 2006 2:35 pm

Well lets see...

---Of the two legends posted, I'd also have to agree the white/gray moon is a better base for the information. That said, I think the rocket is coming along nicely, but I agree something needs to be on the rocket. But perhaps maybe not lettering? Maybe some sort of circled windows, or designs, etc. But that just might make it a little corny, who knows. But that general area is coming along nicely and little more is needed I think (though Sol still seems a little bright)

---As for the map aestetics, I like the look of the stations and the wormholes and warp gates. They look and feel like something far off and unique. As for which of the versions I prefer, I'm torn. I dislike the look of the darkness of the first one, but I also strongly hate the circleson the second one. Is there any way you can upload a map with the numbers on them, just to see what it would be like? Perhaps just pasting them on it for a quick look? I'd like to see a regular, normal brightness map without any circles, one with circles, and then one with the dark. Then you could easily see which would work best, if it could be done.

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Postby Marvaddin on Sun May 07, 2006 2:49 pm

We are not discussing the bonuses, too... they need be changed, at least for Fae and Valhalla... but we need a continent analysis... and Im too lazy to do this :) Can you do it, Jota?

Well, dark planets are much better... I like the title in the rocket too, but I liked more when it was only "Space!". Could you use different graphics for the stations? (They remember me a tie-fighter :lol: ) I like the two legends now...

Good job!!
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Postby Jota on Sun May 07, 2006 6:25 pm

AndyDufresne wrote:Is there any way you can upload a map with the numbers on them, just to see what it would be like?

I'll try to throw together some XML today to give it a shot. I'm also considering a version that's like the dark one, but just less dark.

Marvaddin wrote:We are not discussing the bonuses, too... they need be changed, at least for Fae and Valhalla...

Hmm, I thought we'd talked about them earlier, back when we were discussing the connections, but maybe it was just me. As for the two continents you mentioned:

Fae: 8 countries, 3 borders, touching 2 continents. One could call it a four, but between the few border countries and the fact that the Fae Wormhole can reduce you to just two defense points, I'm still leaning towards a three.

Valhalla: 8 countries, 4 borders, touching 3 continents. The main differences between it and Fae are one more border and one more adjacent continent, so it seems like one more than Fae is just right.

Narnia: 4 countries, 3 borders, touching 2 continents. Bonus: 2.
Sol: 12 countries, 6 borders, touching 3 continents. Bonus: 6.
Arda: 6 countries, 3 borders, touching 2 continents. Bonus: 3.
Wormhole System: 3 countries, 3 borders, touching 3 continents. Bonus 3.
Warp Gate Network: 4 countries, 4 borders, touching 3 continents. Bonus: 4.

Marvaddin wrote:Could you use different graphics for the stations? (They remember me a tie-fighter)

I think that any graphic I end up using is going to need to have a big round bit in the middle (for the number to sit on) and a wing-like bit sticking out on either side (for the two systems it belongs to), so the tie-fighter similarity might be unavoidable, alas.
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Postby Jota on Sun May 07, 2006 9:02 pm

Here you go: numbers. The first one is with fully bright naked planets. The second one is with partially-darkened planets.


Neither of these is as dark as the one I posted before; hopefully, we won't need to go that far. You'll also notice that you have two more options for the rocket. (When you say what you prefer, don't forget to specify whether you're talking about the planets or the ship.)

By the way, does anyone other than Marv object to the bonuses?

[Edit: Oh, and with four votes against two, it looks like curved connections win.]
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Postby PaperPlunger on Sun May 07, 2006 9:06 pm

yellow's getting owned
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Postby kingwaffles on Sun May 07, 2006 9:10 pm

Personally I like the darkness of the countries in the first one but I odn't really rhink either logo on the starship fits...
Why not something like this?
I think the bonuses are probably fine, my opinion mght change after playing it a little bit but they seem good to me now.
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Postby HighBorn on Sun May 07, 2006 9:10 pm

i think this could easily become one of my fav maps!
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Postby kingwaffles on Sun May 07, 2006 9:10 pm

PaperPlunger wrote:yellow's getting owned

lol... :D
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Postby kingwaffles on Sun May 07, 2006 9:10 pm

HighBorn wrote:i think this could easily become one of my fav maps!

I second that!
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Postby AndyDufresne on Sun May 07, 2006 9:22 pm

Well lets see...

---I think the second version probably works the best for clarity of numbers. And it isn't so dark so I'm liking that aspect of it all.

---Hehe, I don't care for either of the rockets, but go with whatever you like I guess and what you think will make your map better and stand out even more. I might just be hard to please on that aspect. for the legend, Warp Gates are a little hard to read, perhaps could be darker. Maybe wormholes also. Narnia would be something to look at also.

---As for bonuses...

Wormhole System~~ 3

Warp Gate Network~~ 4

(Though you could make an argument to knock those both down a value)

Narnia~~ 2

Sol~~ Could be boosted to 7 due to the large amount of countries.

Valhalla~~ If you boost sol I'd boost this.

Arda~~ Similar to Narnia, but worth as is currently in the legend probably.

Fae~~3 seems alright, but could make an argument for 4, but leaning toward 3.

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Postby Jota on Sun May 07, 2006 10:28 pm

AndyDufresne wrote:Valhalla~~ If you boost sol I'd boost this.

Out of curiosity, is that because of how the two continents are situated with respect to each other on the map, or because of similarities between the two, or for some other reason?

If I do increase Valhalla, I'll probably end up doing the same with Fae, since (by my own admission) Valhalla probably ought to equal Fae + 1.
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