Moderator: Cartographers
Gilligan wrote:=D>
pamoa wrote:=D>![]()
by joriki on Tue Sep 16, 2008 12:29 pm
Unless my Latin has become seriously mixed up, some of the stuff at the top right is wrong.
"legio", "classis" and "civitas" are all feminine, so it should be "romana", not "romanum". Also, "civitates" is in the plural, so it would be "civitates romanae", but I don't see a reason for one of them being in the plural and the others in the singular, so I think it should be "civitas romana" instead.
<name>Legio Romanvm</name>
<territory>Africa Proconsularis</territory>
<name>Civitates Romanvm</name>
<territory>Africa Proconsularis</territory>
<name>Civitates Romanvm</name>
<territory>Africa Proconsularis</territory>
<name>I Civitates Romanvm</name>
<territory>Africa Proconsularis</territory>
<name>II Civitates Romanvm</name>
<territory>Africa Proconsularis</territory>
<override>I Civitates Romanvm</override>
<name>III Civitates Romanvm</name>
<territory>Africa Proconsularis</territory>
<override>II Civitates Romanvm</override>
<name>IV Civitates Romanvm</name>
<territory>Africa Proconsularis</territory>
<override>III Civitates Romanvm</override>
<name>V Civitates Romanvm</name>
<territory>Africa Proconsularis</territory>
<override>IV Civitates Romanvm</override>
<name>VI Civitates Romanvm</name>
<territory>Africa Proconsularis</territory>
<override>V Civitates Romanvm</override>
<name>VII Civitates Romanvm</name>
<territory>Africa Proconsularis</territory>
<override>VI Civitates Romanvm</override>
<name>V Legio Romanvm</name>
<territory>Africa Proconsularis</territory>
<name>X Legio Romanvm</name>
<territory>Africa Proconsularis</territory>
<override>V Legio Romanvm</override>
<name>V Legio Romanvm</name>
<territory>Africa Proconsularis</territory>
<name>X Legio Romanvm</name>
<territory>Africa Proconsularis</territory>
<override>V Legio Romanvm</override>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<title>IMPERIUM ROMANUM</title>
<name>Cohors Praetoria</name>
<territory>Cohors Praetoria I</territory>
<territory>Cohors Praetoria II</territory>
<territory>Cohors Praetoria III</territory>
<name>Classis Romanvm</name>
<territory>Classis Germanica</territory>
<territory>Classis Britannica</territory>
<territory>Classis Mauretanica</territory>
<territory>Classis Misenensis</territory>
<territory>Classis Alexandrina</territory>
<territory>Classis Moesica</territory>
<territory>Classis Pontica</territory>
<name>V Legio Romanvm</name>
<territory>Africa Proconsularis</territory>
<name>X Legio Romanvm</name>
<territory>Africa Proconsularis</territory>
<override>V Legio Romanvm</override>
<name>I Civitates Romanvm</name>
<territory>Africa Proconsularis</territory>
<name>II Civitates Romanvm</name>
<territory>Africa Proconsularis</territory>
<override>I Civitates Romanvm</override>
<name>III Civitates Romanvm</name>
<territory>Africa Proconsularis</territory>
<override>II Civitates Romanvm</override>
<name>IV Civitates Romanvm</name>
<territory>Africa Proconsularis</territory>
<override>III Civitates Romanvm</override>
<name>V Civitates Romanvm</name>
<territory>Africa Proconsularis</territory>
<override>IV Civitates Romanvm</override>
<name>VI Civitates Romanvm</name>
<territory>Africa Proconsularis</territory>
<override>V Civitates Romanvm</override>
<name>VII Civitates Romanvm</name>
<territory>Africa Proconsularis</territory>
<override>VI Civitates Romanvm</override>
<border>Cohors Praetoria III</border>
<name>Cohors Praetoria I</name>
<border>Cohors Praetoria II</border>
<name>Cohors Praetoria II</name>
<border>Cohors Praetoria I</border>
<border>Cohors Praetoria III</border>
<name>Cohors Praetoria III</name>
<border>Cohors Praetoria II</border>
<name>Classis Britannica</name>
<name>Classis Germanica</name>
<border>Germania Inferior</border>
<name>Classis Mauretanica</name>
<border>Mauretania Caesariensis</border>
<name>Classis Misenensis</name>
<name>Classis Alexandrina</name>
<name>Classis Moesica</name>
<border>Moesia Inferior</border>
<name>Classis Pontica</name>
<border>Bithynia et Pontus</border>
<border>Mauretania Tingitana</border>
<name>Mauretania Tingitana</name>
<border>Mauretania Caesariensis</border>
<name>Mauretania Caesariensis</name>
<border>Mauretania Tingitana</border>
<border>Classis Mauretanica</border>
<border>Africa Proconsularis</border>
<name>Africa Proconsularis</name>
<border>Mauretania Caesariensis</border>
<border>Creta et Cyrenaica</border>
<name>Creta et Cyrenaica</name>
<border>Africa Proconsularis</border>
<border>Creta et Cyrenaica</border>
<border>Classis Alexandrina</border>
<border>Arabia Petraea</border>
<name>Arabia Petraea</name>
<border>Arabia Petraea</border>
<border>Arabia Petraea</border>
<border>Bithynia et Pontus</border>
<border>Lycia et Pamphylia</border>
<border>Lycia et Pamphylia</border>
<border>Bithynia et Pontus</border>
<name>Lycia et Pamphylia</name>
<name>Bithynia et Pontus</name>
<border>Classis Pontica</border>
<border>Lycia et Pamphylia</border>
<border>Bithynia et Pontus</border>
<border>Moesia Inferior</border>
<border>Moesia Superior</border>
<border>Bithynia et Pontus</border>
<name>Moesia Inferior</name>
<border>Classis Moesica</border>
<border>Moesia Superior</border>
<border>Moesia Inferior</border>
<border>Moesia Superior</border>
<name>Moesia Superior</name>
<border>Moesia Inferior</border>
<border>Pannonia Inferior</border>
<border>Moesia Superior</border>
<border>Moesia Inferior</border>
<border>Pannonia Inferior</border>
<name>Pannonia Inferior</name>
<border>Moesia Superior</border>
<border>Pannonia Superior</border>
<border>Pannonia Superior</border>
<border>Pannonia Inferior</border>
<border>Moesia Superior</border>
<name>Pannonia Superior</name>
<border>Pannonia Inferior</border>
<border>Classis Misenensis</border>
<border>Cohors Praetoria I</border>
<border>Pannonia Superior</border>
<border>Alpes Poeniae</border>
<border>Alpes Cottiae</border>
<border>Alpes Maritimae</border>
<border>Corsica et Sardinia</border>
<border>Pannonia Superior</border>
<border>Germania Superior</border>
<border>Alpes Poeniae</border>
<name>Alpes Poeniae</name>
<border>Germania Superior</border>
<border>Alpes Cottiae</border>
<name>Alpes Cottiae</name>
<border>Alpes Poeniae</border>
<border>Alpes Maritimae</border>
<name>Alpes Maritimae</name>
<border>Alpes Cottiae</border>
<name>Corsica et Sardinia</name>
<border>Corsica et Sardinia</border>
<border>Alpes Poeniae</border>
<border>Alpes Cottiae</border>
<border>Alpes Maritimae</border>
<border>Alpes Poeniae</border>
<border>Germania Superior</border>
<name>Germania Superior</name>
<border>Alpes Poeniae</border>
<border>Germania Inferior</border>
<name>Germania Inferior</name>
<border>Germania Superior</border>
<border>Classis Germanica</border>
<border>Germania Inferior</border>
<border>Germania Superior</border>
<border>Classis Britannica</border>
qwert wrote:by joriki on Tue Sep 16, 2008 12:29 pm
Unless my Latin has become seriously mixed up, some of the stuff at the top right is wrong.
"legio", "classis" and "civitas" are all feminine, so it should be "romana", not "romanum". Also, "civitates" is in the plural, so it would be "civitates romanae", but I don't see a reason for one of them being in the plural and the others in the singular, so I think it should be "civitas romana" instead.
Well i find these,and i think that no need for change because people dont speak latin,and i think that i find these in wikipedia.
joriki wrote:Some people do speak Latin
qwert wrote:I need help with these problem
its look that these is wrong
I want to create that every civitates worth 1-these mean 1 civitates 1 reinforcment,2 civitates 2 reinfocment,these also need for legions-5 legions 2 reinforcment-10 legions 4 reinforcment-where is mistake and how to fix that if these possible.
oh, damn, i thought that 1,2,3 etc. cities all for one bonus legion was a really cool feature for 1v1 games ... as it's a pretty small map, it ensured that the bonuses didn't get to high, that everyone fought pretty much with the same strength, making for some great little battles. You would either fight to hold the one city, or each grab one away from eachother.
(the legion fix makes sense though)
joriki wrote:
Some people do speak Latin
qwert wrote:oh, damn, i thought that 1,2,3 etc. cities all for one bonus legion was a really cool feature for 1v1 games ... as it's a pretty small map, it ensured that the bonuses didn't get to high, that everyone fought pretty much with the same strength, making for some great little battles. You would either fight to hold the one city, or each grab one away from eachother.
(the legion fix makes sense though)
well its quit dificulty to create map to fit for all Gameplay options. These is not small map(its have 58 territory)joriki wrote:
Some people do speak Latin
I dont know procedures,but if i change these names,then present map must erase to put new maps-and all ready now you have 100 active games, its these realy importan to create small mess in games.
by PLAYER57832 on Wed Sep 17, 2008 3:04 pm
So far the play seems OK, even in 1v1. However, the bonuses are not clear.
From your chart it hard to tell if the armies are the number you will get or the number you NEED to get a bonus.
Also, you show 1 army for the cities, 2 for those "bell-like" things (with wings at the top), but if you get 2 there is not bonus. Also, you don't say anything about territory bonuses. Mots maps that do not have "continent" bonuses specify this for clarity.
I like the graphics and detail, but I would like to see the bonus chart clarified
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