im a old player that got banned im back and the admin know it i was never a multi but i cant argue i was back to get an account unbanned not mine but a friends that died this year what im trying to talk about is simple when i confessed that i had been band and told a admin who i was and why i was back he listened but i told him the whole story how me and my mate used to play this game together and how we got band for doing it but when i told the admin how he died the admin required proof i dont have it it was chosen by his family to let the newspapers hav it or post it on the news or realise it to the public i respect that but it means i cant reactiveate his account just to write on his wall and put RIP Jamie on it. the proof is needed acause multis try useing this to get there accounts back. thats what this post is about multis you reck the game anyway but we cant stop u from doing this what i want to happen is people to have some heart and dont come up with emotional excuses to get their accounts unband What is the point?
Sorry if i hav posted this in the wrong place i just fought as people try and claim they arent multis they will see this and rethink. (my old account was adder133 and his was Eaglescout)