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Philippines Map revealed!! [Quenched]

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Philippines Map revealed!! [Quenched]

Postby Marvaddin on Sun May 07, 2006 4:13 am

Hi, guys. Since Im always putting my fingers in others maps, I need give you all a chance for destroy me too :lol:

Pedronicus posted a Philippines map... terrible one, but it was an inspiration... I tried to do a map of that country, an archipelago (not arichipelago, as its in Discworld map, Im just curious if no one had realized it yet :lol: ) with thousands and thousands of islands... Here is the result:


Well, for now, no need to comment the blue background... In fact, if someone could donate me an ocean (what a strange idea!!), I would like very much. I will soon put the little circles, and improve the lines that represent the routes.

Oh, I have the names of the continents: Icolos (green), Central Luzon (yellow), Bicol (pink), Tagalog (hmm, is it red or orange?), Visayan Islands (blue), Mindanao (gray) and Sulu Archipelago (light blue). I thought nothing about bonuses yet, and lets first give a final shape to the map, huh?

What suggestions could you guys send me?

Edit: I only put the word "revealed" in the title, because I believe this post is being confused with an old one, posted by Pedronicus.
Last edited by Marvaddin on Sun May 07, 2006 2:36 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Scorba on Sun May 07, 2006 6:27 am

Looks like an interesting map, but I do see a problem with it's playability. I know you don't want to think about the bonuses at the moment but the problem is related to it, so I'll have to.

The green continent is a definite 3, too big for a 2 and too easy to hold for anything more. The yellowy-brown continent (which you've forgotten to name, by the way), when considered on it's own, is a 4 or maybe even a 5. It has 4 borders, and borders 4 different continents. The problem comes when you own both these continents. This will leave you sitting on a 7-8 bonus with only 2 borders to hold, and expansion possibilites in to 3 different continents. If a player manages to secure these two they're going to be very difficult to shift.

One solution would be an attack route from Camarines to Isabela, though this would have the unfortunate side effect of making the pink continent harder to hold.
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Postby Pedronicus on Sun May 07, 2006 7:55 am

48 Territories - Excellent
Territories not kept apart by mountains / rivers = Excellent

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Postby Marvaddin on Sun May 07, 2006 2:34 pm

Good point, Scorba (although I didnt forget the continent name). But I dont know if a route between Camarines and Isabela would be a solution, since Camarines is near enough of those continents. In fact, I dont know if there is really a problem, since Tagalog and Bicol are easier near continents... player that control them cant allow another player have that advantage... But I want suggest some ports, not like in Japan map, where we have normal attack routes. I can place, lets say, 3 ports that can attack each other directly (as if they are teleport portals :wink: ) What do you think about these ports in South Palawan, Davao and Isabela (or Abra)? Im thinking about even a little bonus for holding the 3 ports, 1 or 2 armies / turn... Of course, the ports can be 4, too... we can call them "Aerial Bases", etc...

Thanks, Pedronicus, but this time I would like if you really play the map (I know you only play Classic map :wink: )

Hey, where are the others to comment? I expect some feedback!! Since you talk about the map, I will even allow some arrogance :lol:
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Postby kevinc on Sun May 07, 2006 2:54 pm

Looks like it could be a very interesting map to play.

I'd suggest putting a bit more work into the design though. It's not too clear where the boundaries are between countries and regions (despite the colour). I'd push some of the islands a bit closer to help this.

Do you have access to a vector editing program? They're the best for doing maps really, because you can get ncie anti-aliases lines, and decen typography.

Inkscape is an open source vector tool, but I haven't used it myself. You can also get a student version of Freehand for a very small amount.
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Postby Pedronicus on Sun May 07, 2006 4:43 pm

i intend to play this map and The Africa map in the future
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Re: Philippines Map revealed!!

Postby Jota on Sun May 07, 2006 6:31 pm

Marvaddin wrote:(not arichipelago, as its in Discworld map, Im just curious if no one had realized it yet :lol: )

Ack! I wish someone had mentioned it sooner. I'll get a revision to lack ASAP.
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Postby haha on Sun May 07, 2006 6:56 pm

i dont like the colors
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Postby haha on Sun May 07, 2006 6:58 pm

and the blabuying islands look too small
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Postby Pedronicus on Sun May 07, 2006 7:09 pm

The number circle can be by the side of very small islands.

The colours look ok so far, but for a first draft - you can see potential.

All these things can get tweaked (as they do in a work in progress)

The thing i want added is a corrugated steel shack selling phillipino brides. :twisted:
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Postby freakshow on Sun May 07, 2006 7:30 pm

horray for water:
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Postby Scorba on Sun May 07, 2006 7:36 pm

I see you have named the continent :oops: . Sleep deprivation does strange things to the mind.....goddamn CC addiction....

Those ports sound excellent, and will give the map the wrap around effect that classic has from Asia-Alaska (which is one of the reasons that classic plays better than many of the other maps on the site).

Nice ocean, Freakshow.
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Postby Hoff on Sun May 07, 2006 7:49 pm


its all yours
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Postby AndyDufresne on Sun May 07, 2006 7:53 pm

**Pretends to like the first one to smite Hoff.**
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Postby Jota on Sun May 07, 2006 8:16 pm

Will Hoff hunt me down and do unspeakable things to my pets when I say I prefer freakshow's water?
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Postby HighBorn on Sun May 07, 2006 8:17 pm

most likely!! :lol:
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Postby Marvaddin on Sun May 07, 2006 8:35 pm


Guys, do you like more freakshow water? Nothing against, but I was thinking about a dark ocean... I did darker continents this time, to use white letters...

So I can:
1) Use hoff water.
2) Dark freakshow water and use it.
3) Light the continents.
4) Use another ocean, no one of these.
What do you think?

And about 3 ports, in S. Palawan, Davao and Isabela, what do you think? 1 bonus army for the ports, too? Other locations? If we will have ports, I will need an anchor symbol... I can find one, but if anyone have one already...

About the colours, I will not change them, unless you ask me... I believe they are good. The texture is a real aerial photo, and I can change the colours easily, but to what? Im using non-confusing colours, because I, as man, only see 16 colours :lol: So, I can change, but need concrete suggestions.

Are the frontiers visible? Should I double them? And the names? I believe they are pretty readable... I need feedback, guys...

Soon I will put some versions using the waters...
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Postby Jota on Sun May 07, 2006 8:58 pm

I think the continent colors look fine, and I'm not sure that they'd even need to be changed at if you used freakshow's water. I do think that the borders between countries need to stand out more, though, and I don't personally care for the font that the countries are labelled in.
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Postby kingwaffles on Sun May 07, 2006 9:14 pm

I think Freakshow's water is nice simply because it's the Philipines and the lighter colour fits better for the water there...
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Postby Marvaddin on Sun May 07, 2006 10:15 pm

Here we go: ... water1.jpg

Please note I doubled some borders. Is it better now?
I think almost all is readable in this version (water from Hoff), except some little blue islands. It can be corrected, for sure. ... water2.png

Version using original freakshow water. Very light, as I said... The routes cant be light, and the countries names arent good with black or white letters. I would need light the whole thing to use this water... ... water4.png

Version that use darkened water from freakshow...
Good, I believe. the names are readable, and the routes can be light or dark... What colour do you think is better for the route lines?

Thats it. Whats the best option?
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Postby AndyDufresne on Sun May 07, 2006 10:22 pm

Well lets see...

---I'm liking the last version the best, but I feel none of them really quite fit with the map. Perhaps more texture (but not to the extreme of hoff's map). Now I know you aren't using photoshop, but it and a few freeware programs do have a blend/smudge option that could help increase a feel of water, rather than stagnant ocean.

---As for the route lines, white seems to work the best against the current background. The font needs changing, it's rather bland and could use some sort of spice up rather than a simple standard font.

---As for the borders, I still think they could either be darkened or bolded some. The Red continent's internal borders are somewhat hard to see, as are blue's.

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Postby HighBorn on Sun May 07, 2006 10:50 pm

last version looks great.. :D
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Postby Hoff on Sun May 07, 2006 11:20 pm

I like the version with my water the best... :lol: but I think you need to bevel and emboss the land or something to make it stand out more.
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Postby Marvaddin on Sun May 07, 2006 11:25 pm

How about this? ... water5.jpg

I loved this ocean (a mix between hoff and freakshow), so Im seriously thinking about use it.

Route lines: light or dark? I vote for light.

Font? Well, I tried put some variations. I can try use that you all like the most, but first I need check for rooms... So, choose more than one, ok?

Edit: there are some minor problems caused by the jpg conversion. I believe they will not stay at png version.

Ah, almost forgot ask again... how about those ports? Any playability suggestions? If I have time, maybe I can send it to lack still this week... but for this I need feedback.
Last edited by Marvaddin on Sun May 07, 2006 11:34 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby AndyDufresne on Sun May 07, 2006 11:31 pm

Well lets see...

---I think the last version of the ocean seems to fit the best out of few to choose from. It has a pretty nice appeal, not too dark or light. It has a lot of potential.

---Of your fonts, I like bohol and cebu, but really I just hate them all ;)

---Still sticking with my vote for light route lines.

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