Where other commentors bother about colours, I like to think first about the game concept.
What feeling is it that you want to simulate with this map ?
Is it just any other map with a bunch of territories and some standard n/3 + border x n bonus ? Then it won't stand out of any other map.
However, If you like to implement some of the historical hardships/problems of those times in the map, then you should give a long thought before about e.g.
#the sluggish struggle on the west front (game technique: relatively more smaller territories and a "labyrinth" of one direction attacks, thus requiring a pop-up/zoom in of that area) and NorthItaly sector.
#Instead of a SEPARATE Minimap that presents twice the map, better pop it up, blow up that sector by 300%.
#think about how to implement the U-boat stranglehold of Germany on Britain (effectively worse than in ww2 !!)..(like I said..create some North-Sea zones from which you can't invade England(but bombard it from the sea=starving off)..but England's bonus (of 2 territories) won't yield a bonus until also controlling a couple of sea "territories" (with which you get maybe 5 territories in total for the England Bonus).
# think about leaving out parts that were of no interest to either warparty (Corsica ? Sardinia ? Crete ? N-Africa? Iberia? Scandinavia?) so to create more free Map space.
# Argument for keeping "western Allies" united bonus area is weak. If a nation has few territories, then you give it little bonus. Simple.
And let's face it..when germany is breached it is harder to reorganize (thus no bonus armies) than when ONE country of your western allies is breached (say Belgium only) You still would have INTACT France and INTACT Britain organised and thus capable of forming armies..hence to take away their bonus is unfair/unrealistic.
#You are not bounded by the geographic map.. it's a THEME map, so of course you can enlarge areas of special interest (west front) and reduce size of areas that have little interest (Neutral countries Holland Switserland etc and areas that saw relatively little action (Ottoman empire; really Akaba and Syria and also Gallapoli in terms of troops over time is peanuts compared to west and east fronts..). You get a skewed map, but that 's no problem for a THEME map like this.
If it wasn't for the armistice that germany pushed for(!), the brits WOULD have run over Germany with their Tanks and American allies!
whereas Germany would NEVER be capable(!) of raising a transport fleet and get it safely and securely past the Royal Navy...
Barbarus hic ego sum, quia non intellegor ulli.