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grackus and riskyrolla [cleared]

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grackus and riskyrolla [cleared]

Postby *manimal on Sun Aug 17, 2008 11:21 pm



The accused are suspected of:

Being Multis
Conducting Secret Diplomacy

Game number(s):

Game 3071825

Comments:first 2 turns I am only one attacked except for one time.
147 *manimal 2586 1081 435 (40%) Colonel Colonel 4.1 United States United States
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Re: grackus and riskyrolla

Postby Frop on Mon Aug 18, 2008 3:04 am

Two whole turns?! THE END IS NIGH!
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Re: grackus and riskyrolla

Postby e_i_pi on Mon Aug 18, 2008 3:04 am

3 player game Classic, one of them went for Aussie, the other for SA. I notice you took your first turn late resulting in 3 armies instead of 4, and you also deadbeated. Also I notice these two players going the same time:

Game log 3071825 wrote:2008-08-18 04:30:22 - RiskyRolla deployed 7 armies on Venezuela
2008-08-18 04:30:24 - RiskyRolla attacked Brazil from Venezuela and conquered it from Grackus
2008-08-18 04:30:25 - Grackus cashed in a set of Argentina, Southern Europe, and Western Europe worth 6 armies
2008-08-18 04:30:30 - RiskyRolla attacked North Africa from Brazil and conquered it from Grackus
2008-08-18 04:30:35 - RiskyRolla attacked Congo from North Africa and conquered it from Grackus
2008-08-18 04:30:39 - RiskyRolla attacked South Africa from Congo and conquered it from Grackus
2008-08-18 04:30:44 - RiskyRolla attacked Madagascar from South Africa and conquered it from Grackus
2008-08-18 04:30:46 - Grackus deployed 25 armies on East Africa
2008-08-18 04:30:53 - RiskyRolla attacked Kamchatka from Irkutsk and conquered it from Grackus
2008-08-18 04:31:01 - Grackus attacked Madagascar from East Africa and conquered it from RiskyRolla
2008-08-18 04:31:05 - Grackus attacked South Africa from Madagascar and conquered it from RiskyRolla

You lost because you got a bad position and you insulted them in the opening of the game, which probably led to further attacks against you. Suck it up cupcake.
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Re: grackus and riskyrolla

Postby king achilles on Wed Aug 20, 2008 3:33 am

RiskyRolla and Grackus are cleared.
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