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Jokester Multi [busted now]

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Re: Jokester Multi [busted now]

Postby yljester on Tue Aug 12, 2008 1:46 am

I am friends with TTYME/Jokester... and everyone is giving bruceswar credit for busting him out... but in reality it was me who accidentally did it. look at game chat . He can't write back to defend himself on this board cause he got busted, as you can see, but he just wanted everyone to know his intentions were not the wrong ones, he did just want a new name and a fresh start. I told him to write the administration before continuing with the 'Jokester' account, which he did, so even if bruceswar didnt start this thread and i didnt mention anything in the chat log, he would have been busted either way. I dont think its fair, as he was trying to make sure he took the right steps so he wouldn't get busted, but he also understands were bruceswar is coming from. I don't agree, i think bruceswar is just being "that guy" and if he is afraid of playing lower ranks that might take his precious little points, then he should just make private games! all this guy does is cry cry cry, GROW up bro, this is just a game, i understand if ttyme was just cheating his way, but he wasn't, he was even open about it with you, didn't lie one bit and he is getting punished. I recommended this site to him, because we always had a Risk game and poker game on Sundays, and I got him in here, so even when he started he was still a great player, you cant win them all, and look at his games always plays well. As for this Jokester account... he has played in maybe 3 8-player games and the rest are one on one, which he has destroyed other players! He had given up on this site because of the dice and all the cry babies on here (which i told him he was being one of those, by giving up and not playing anymore because of the dice) but i finally convince him to get back and play. He does and then this BS happens. I know rules are rules, but not until he cheated, i dont think he should have been punished! Bruce i know you and i have always got along, and im sorry for calling you out man, but even you said you kinda feel bad for the guy, BECAUSE you know his intentions were not bad! either way, i guess that's that. I hope King does the right thing, as he did write the administration to begin with.
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Re: Jokester Multi [busted now]

Postby Bruceswar on Tue Aug 12, 2008 1:37 pm

ylister - Lets get 2 things straight. Personally I like you in the games. This is nothing to do with you.When I first went to bust the multi out I did not know his reasons. People have many of them. For whatever reason(s) people make a 2nd account is their own business. I understand he was / is your friend, but I did not know his intentions until the last series of PM's. This is not about me and my points or lack of points right now. This is about keeping the system honest. I think we all understand why your friend did it, and he can still appeal the ruling. In his words he did not want to cheat the system, but indeed he was. The way this system is setup is one of which your rank should have some indication of your skill vs your rank. You have been a major many times yourself. It is a bit unfair to others if you dumped points like (Spikeboat) and made a 300 point cook. He is now banned as well. The point being is you are not a cook, and thus it skews the system anyway you want to put it. Again this is nothing personal, and after seeing his reasons I felt bad about the bust. I am sure he can get this all sorted with the mods, via communication. Many multi's are not made to cheat the system out of points, but for a fresh start, or the fact they wish to break records, etc. Some freeiums make multiple accounts to get around the 4 game limit. Every situation is different. Just remember he can appeal the ruling.
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Re: Jokester Multi [busted now]

Postby yljester on Tue Aug 12, 2008 2:31 pm

Yeah I know what you meant brucer, I was just steaming last night, when i saw that he got busted. It just didnt seem fair to me, but he was cool with it. I guess i just felt a little guilty cause i knew what his intentions were and i told him he better clear it up with someone and not Use the TTYME account at all. which he didnt, but the fact that i told him to write the mods... if he wouldnt have said anything AT ALL... he was in the clear! never to be busted... but for his honestly, he gets punished. just seems to me the more a cheat and liar you are... the more likely you will succeed in this website!

ps. King A that last part was meant for you to realize, by banning him is very unjust. Because Troy never played against himself or had any secret alliances! you can check that with your little gizmos you got there. was TTYME2317 and Jokester in a game together?
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Re: Jokester Multi [busted now]

Postby lancehoch on Tue Aug 12, 2008 4:15 pm

yjlester, just FYI, multi accounts for any reason, even if you are not using both at the same time, are against the site rules.
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Re: Jokester Multi [busted now]

Postby yljester on Wed Aug 13, 2008 7:20 pm

yeah lance i knew that... thats why I had informed Troy (ttyme/jokester) to ask before he does this. You guys should def try to upgrade and let us change our screen name or something... but either way, he says he is fine with it. like i said i just kinda feel a little guilty by telling him to report it, just to clear himself from any crazyness... which ended up backfiring.
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Re: Jokester Multi [busted now]

Postby lancehoch on Thu Aug 14, 2008 12:51 am

The problem with changing a username is that people will not know who they have played in the past. I know that I have not played you before, but if people were allowed to change their names, how would I be sure?
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Re: Jokester Multi [busted now]

Postby Curmudgeonx on Thu Aug 14, 2008 11:03 am

lancehoch wrote:The problem with changing a username is that people will not know who they have played in the past. I know that I have not played you before, but if people were allowed to change their names, how would I be sure?

Establish a behind the scenes player number that is only for the admins/mods use. The number can never be changed, and rankings/ratings/disciplinary/foe issues follow the number, but not the username.
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Re: Jokester Multi [busted now]

Postby lancehoch on Thu Aug 14, 2008 12:28 pm

But what about regular people that want to avoid someone? If I as a player want to Foe someone, but the second the game ends, the other player changes their name, what options do I have?
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Re: Jokester Multi [busted now]

Postby Curmudgeonx on Thu Aug 14, 2008 1:15 pm

lancehoch wrote:But what about regular people that want to avoid someone? If I as a player want to Foe someone, but the second the game ends, the other player changes their name, what options do I have?

The "player number" never can change, and for the admin purposes' , the account will always be tracked and linked by that number for foe uses. There would have to be some form of behind the scenes software to link the original account to an account number (known to the admins), but the name can be changed, but never the account "number".
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