by King_Herpes on Thu Aug 14, 2008 10:05 pm
Call me an asshole, Call me a cheat, Call me a farmer, go ahead and call me John Deere for all I care. What I choose to do with the 25$ I spent on a premium membership is none of your concern. You can point the finger at those individuals as long as you want to, but I tip my hat off to each and everyone of them. They are all great at what they do individually. They've worked out a plan to maximize points and minimize losses. If they choose to do that with their membership than who are you people to undermine it.
It is the epitome of ignorance to sit behind the same site that we all enjoy and accuse certain players of being undeserving of their ranks. Something I have never done unless antagonized by an ignorant person. Anyone who mistakes me for a bad or unfair player is incredibly naive. I was at 50% wins before I even put this strategy into use. I earned 16 medals before I even put this strategy into use. I was a Brigadier before i put this strategy into use. I run this site. I did all these things with under 800 games. 800 Legitimate games against great players. I've destroyed some of the best players on this site. Including people that have held the Conquerer. I know that I can play at the top players level. I've already proven it to myself.
This all began when my brother told me that I'd never be in the top ten. I laughed at him and said I could do it within the year that I joined. I accomplished this in 8 months. All I use to play is sequenteal escaltating 8's, or terminator escalting 8's when I first joined and walked the board with people three times my rank. I've been playing risk since I was 8 years old. I beat grown men when I sit down to play the board game.
None of your comments equal out to any relevance because you've failed in proper judgment. None of these comments should mean anything for the simple fact that no single person has took the time to research my game history. Because if they did, they'd realize that I am a highly decorated player with a very versatile risk strategy. This is just a new strategy put into place to see if I can become conqueror. If I do I will laugh all the way until I reach my grave!
For anyone who reads this pathetic excuse for a complaint and doesn't choose to make a sound decision based on my whole history as a player. They are fickle players who don't comprehend the hard effort that has to be put into these games I win. I'm almost an angel of death on Waterloo. Primarily because I play against question marks who inevitably get bored of the game by the time is over and deadbeat : ). Although this is definitely not the case all the time. There are times when I'm at work and can not drop the games that members hop on. Games have started without newbs. And yet, I still win? Because every game that I start the 7 players that match against me, do have an equal chance to win. They just don't move as swiftly as I do around that particular board. There are also instances when none of them deadbeat.
I can play any game against any player on this whole site without fear of losing. If they give me the oppurtunity to take control of the game, I will and will also never let up without a hard fight. Anyone who can attest to the fact that I'm a good player will keep playing against me. Because I play fair. By the rules. And I play with a great respect for other players. Something some players should do more of instead of ridiculing the people at the top of the list for how they choose to keep the points that they've earned.
Your not the people waking up at all hours of the night to collect on a measly bonus just to chip away at the player that's slightly ahead. Your not the people losing sleep and giving up free time to dominate your games. I Start games that I know I can win. Most players start games that they like but have no idea how the game will play out. A good player, finds his individual nook and goes for it full steam ahead.
So, I will break it down into layman's terms for the feeble minded players who harbor jealousy, envy, and can not give credit where credit is due out of contempt for a person they don't even know. A person they don't even start to think of the individual hardships they endured trying to get to their highest point.
In Conquer Club there are three types of people. The train conductors who put up road blocks and switch tracks when things are about to crash(Moderators, Multi Hunters). The freight trains who barrel through the ranks without mercy not even thinking of looking behind. Then there are the thousands of rocks and pebbles below the tracks that the trains travel around over at their leisure. The only people that can stop a speeding train is a Moderator or if your busted for being a multi. The rest of the people who try to be the police and call players out for abusing the site or exploiting it's loopholes are the pebbles. Once in a great while a small number of pebbles will get there way onto the tracks to try and stop the mighty trains! And you people that are falsely accusing people of these crimes will get up onto those tracks and yell he's cheating! Yes, yes, y e s?, And Then King_Herpes(The Freight Train)just chugging along screams out NO, NO, NO! and then crushes you into a hundred thousand pieces, laughing forever until I win!
The people on the top of the list are all great players who deserve their ranks. Who deserve to be up that high on the scoreboard. They all have their individual comfort zones and sometimes that means only playing against newbs. But until you've adopted their strategy and put it into use to actually see how much of a breeze it is, you will quickly learn it's level of difficulty. Try it, and you will not even begin to see the same success.
Rabbiton, Torcav, Maxastuy, and anyone else whose character was bashed from these latest threads should be completely redeemed and respected in The Conquer Club community. And the funny thing is once people realize how efficient it really is once your good at it, half these people will become hypocrites. Once they get tired of being piss ants and suckers for buying a membership that they don't even fully utilize. I bought this account to win. I don't care about everyone's particular morals and how other's think I should play with the membership that I purchased. I sneeze on people who have the audacity to judge another player and undermine their play. Horrible sportsmanship. I will play anyone under any setting and if you give the smallest opportunity for me to take control of the game. I will and will never let go.
Hated by children who don't understand respect, loved by adults who have already earned it,