Conquer Club

Capt_Bonesaw & hr0n [noted]

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Moderators: Multi Hunters, Cheating/Abuse Team

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Capt_Bonesaw & hr0n [noted]

Postby conquerclub21 on Mon Aug 11, 2008 11:19 pm


The accused are suspected of:
  • Conducting Secret Diplomacy

Game number(s):

They've played almost every game together so they know each other; 21 out of 28 games for yellow (75%) and 21 out of 25 games for pink (84%) together. They then only attacked each other once other than to get bonuses. They left their borders with little or no fortifications. One player would go after the others in the game while the other would slowly expand his stronghold. For most of the game, they were the two strongest players and were right beside each other yet did nothing to each other except collect bonuses, never going after the other player's bonuses. Pink is now trying to kill us while leaving himself almost totally open to counter attack while yellow slowly expands. I can't fight them both off so going after yellow in the hopes they actually have to fight each other is the only thing I can see to do. The game is still going as I submit this; it's just so frustrating when it's so blatantly obvious.

They finished eliminating all other players before going after each other.
Major conquerclub21
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Re: Capt_Bonesaw & hr0n

Postby hr0n on Tue Aug 12, 2008 1:35 pm

Contrary to the thoughts of Mr conquerclub21, there was no secret alliance. For most of the game the good Capt and I had a bit of a cold war going on; neither of us had any real weak points for the other to exploit unlike the other three people in the game. As such, (speaking for myself here) I focused on those I could attack. Since I controlled a rather small portion of the map I thought it would be best to not start fights where I could not win them. Part of my strategy is to try and eliminate the weaker players and then move on to the larger fish.

Once I became more powerful conquerclub21 began to accuse us of having said secret alliance. I have to admit, once this has happened my goal became to eliminate conquerclub21 from the game to put an end to his accusations. I will not deny that I have played several games with Capt_Bonesaw but these accusations of a secret alliance are the ramblings of a sore loser.
Corporal 1st Class hr0n
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Re: Capt_Bonesaw & hr0n

Postby conquerclub21 on Tue Aug 12, 2008 1:58 pm

Both of the players were leaving borders either undefended or minimally defended with 4 or 5 guys when they were receiving bonuses of over 10. Yellow was the strongest player for most of the game and the biggest treat to pink but pink never went after yellow's bonuses. Yellow also didn't attempt to prevent pink from getting stronger by breaking his bonuses as pink was the next strongest for most of the game.

Calling me names (ad hominem) doesn't excuse your actions, nor does it provide a valid rebuttal. I have no problem with losing a fair fight but this game was anything but fair with the two of you working together.
Major conquerclub21
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Re: Capt_Bonesaw & hr0n

Postby damilatis on Tue Aug 12, 2008 2:53 pm

To whom it may concern,

I was one of the other players in this game and saw when conquerclub21 brought up the subject of a secret alliance. At the time I also found it strange that bonesaw and hron paid hadnt heavily fortified their bordering territories, but i didnt think much of it. When club21 pointed out that they were in other games together, i looked at a couple and saw that they seemed to be friends.

I dont think they were necessarily cheating in a malevolent way, as if they came into the game with a pact or anything. But i think since they're friends they could have each just decided to lay off each other as the game went along. Not sure if this constitutes "conducting secret diplomacy", that's probably something for the moderators to decide. Just giving my 2 cents, and I don't think this is anything worth getting someone banned over.

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Re: Capt_Bonesaw & hr0n

Postby king achilles on Fri Aug 15, 2008 1:23 am

I also checked if they are possible multis and they are not. Yes they have played numerous games together and this is the first time they were reported for a possible secret diplomacy. They may know each other in real life. The next valid report about them will take this case into account.
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