Conquer Club

ICAN [Settled]

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ICAN [Settled]

Postby Trillian on Mon Aug 11, 2008 12:18 pm

Just forget all about it........
Last edited by Trillian on Mon Aug 11, 2008 3:03 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Night Strike on Mon Aug 11, 2008 12:20 pm

You can delete wall comments.

Put the player on your foe list and that keeps him from writing on your wall. Set your Inbox to automatically delete PMs from foes, and you won't get any of those either. (Go to the Rules and Folders tab in the Inbox.)
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Postby Trillian on Mon Aug 11, 2008 12:26 pm

You are correct night strike - but that does not stop him from doing it to someone else... I am a paying member..this is abuse - it needs to be dealt with. I will foe them, but that isn't the point. For someone to behave like this is unacceptable.
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Postby wpg27offsuit on Mon Aug 11, 2008 12:28 pm

My humble 2 cents worth.

I find this type of behavior uncalled for - yes, you can add someone to a foe list. That will not stop him from doing it again.

Taunting, and a bit of rivalry in a game is all fun - god knows I have had my fair share of taunts and teasing in many games - great fun - but this is out of line.

I would expect the people who run and maintain this site will take appropriate action to ICAN. This is a "professional" site, as you charge money for people to play (premium members).

You need to maintain a set of rules and standards. This - it out of line. Its Rude and sexist. If this were to happen in the "real world / job Environment" - ICAN would be fired.

Now - Conquer Club - I challenge you - what will your "appropriate reaction" to this be.

AT ABSOLUTE MINIMUM - ICAN should offer a formal apology - publicly on here would be a good start!
"Did you hear that Meg? Guys can marry other guys now. So, this is awkward, but I mean, if they can do that, that is pretty much it for you, isn't it? I mean you might as well pack it in. Game over."

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Postby alster on Mon Aug 11, 2008 1:09 pm

Trillian wrote:You are correct night strike - but that does not stop him from doing it to someone else... I am a paying member..this is abuse - it needs to be dealt with. I will foe them, but that isn't the point. For someone to behave like this is unacceptable.

I agree that the wall comment was too much. Very rude.

With that said though - you behaved quite badly yourself. Your rating is ridiculous. All yellow did was posting a "friendly suggestion" or two. It didn't amount to bullying or whining. The only one whining in the game chat was you. You overreacted in the chat and the ratings you gave yellow were clearly unfair. You have to accept that other people attack you and tease you in the game chat.

All in all, you're not a victim here cupcake. Both of you needs to take a deep breath and get over it.
Gengoldy wrote:Of all the games I've played, and there have been some poor sports and cursing players out there, you are by far the lowest and with the least class.
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Postby Trillian on Mon Aug 11, 2008 1:27 pm

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Postby Curmudgeonx on Mon Aug 11, 2008 2:10 pm

Trillian wrote:you know what, yes, I will admit that I said, what I said... BUT the point is this was being done AFTER the game, A WEEK AFTER STILL. and in PM and on my wall... When will it stop, and the "CUPCAKE" comment was SEXIST TOO. What you guys don't realize is that most women are sick and tired of the bullshit sexism that we have to face on a day to day battle in LIFE. and yes it is a battle and yes that is a part of life. but you are missing the point, if he wanted to rate me badly too then fine, this is not about the game, this is about WHAT WAS SAID AFTER the game and in retaliation of how I rated HIM. I rated his play below average, as he was clearly attacking the wrong player (blue out of vengeance more than once) (attitude below average) (and game play low--- did I have a good time NO I DIDN'T) it is MY opinion and I will rate people how I want to rate them. You can rate people how you want to rate them... IF by some chance, I played him again and it was a fair game and played fairly, then the ratings would have changed to suit the player more appropriately. Everyone gets a great rating from me until they lose that privilege or no longer EARN that great rating. and you are just reading the comments left in the game, you didn't see what the game was looking like during each turn..

How would anyone know that you had two X chromosomes but for your disclosure?

Just delete his comments and your responses off your wall, foe list him, and the mods will probably "Note" his behavior for further complaints which will result in an escalation of punishment.
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Postby Trillian on Mon Aug 11, 2008 2:29 pm

Last edited by Trillian on Mon Aug 11, 2008 3:05 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Curmudgeonx on Mon Aug 11, 2008 2:34 pm

Trillian wrote:
Curmudgeonx wrote:
Trillian wrote:you know what, yes, I will admit that I said, what I said... BUT the point is this was being done AFTER the game, A WEEK AFTER STILL. and in PM and on my wall... When will it stop, and the "CUPCAKE" comment was SEXIST TOO. What you guys don't realize is that most women are sick and tired of the bullshit sexism that we have to face on a day to day battle in LIFE. and yes it is a battle and yes that is a part of life. but you are missing the point, if he wanted to rate me badly too then fine, this is not about the game, this is about WHAT WAS SAID AFTER the game and in retaliation of how I rated HIM. I rated his play below average, as he was clearly attacking the wrong player (blue out of vengeance more than once) (attitude below average) (and game play low--- did I have a good time NO I DIDN'T) it is MY opinion and I will rate people how I want to rate them. You can rate people how you want to rate them... IF by some chance, I played him again and it was a fair game and played fairly, then the ratings would have changed to suit the player more appropriately. Everyone gets a great rating from me until they lose that privilege or no longer EARN that great rating. and you are just reading the comments left in the game, you didn't see what the game was looking like during each turn..

How would anyone know that you had two X chromosomes but for your disclosure?

Just delete his comments and your responses off your wall, foe list him, and the mods will probably "Note" his behavior for further complaints which will result in an escalation of punishment.

So are you saying that because I said I was a woman, it was ok for him to refer to rape and make sexist remarks? So are you saying that because I SAID I was a woman (and at that point in the conversation was still teasing and an enjoyable time) that it gave him PERMISSION to say that?..

I will delete his comments, and I will delete my inbox, but I will do that ONCE this has been dealt with, and if they just want to keep tract of it, that is fine with me. I have like 4 people on my foe list, and a whole bunch on my friend list. I am not here to start a big debate, I want this issue recognized and taken note of, I don't care about an apology, I want it noticed. but how will the moderators know about it unless I put it here??? I really don't care if anyone else responds EXCEPT for the moderators, to go "yep, ok noted" done end of story... I shouldn't have to come on to this site, and have it piss me off for the rest of the day.... this was put on here for the MODERATORS to read, if I knew who they were, I just would have slipped them a quick little note saying... "come on, do I really need to put up with this shit?" and it would have been done instantly...

No I am not saying that you are entitled to unique abuse because of the genitalia between your legs. What I am saying is that he gave you specialized abuse that you find ultra-annoying because at some point in time you disclosed to him that you were female. Quit over-reacting. A number of posters have given you the tools to deal with the jackass, and you filed a report in the appropriate forum, and Lancehoch will be along shortly to tighten up the posts in this thread and reiterate whatever intelligent has been posted in this thread.

You can always look for names that are colored to identify them as moderators, and private message them. There have been some helpful posts here, but you have chosen to heighten your sensitivity and cut off your nose to spite your face. Just wait for it, a Mod will be here sooner or later.
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Postby wrestler1ump on Mon Aug 11, 2008 2:38 pm

If you are that offended by his wall post, this site is not for you. Like the mod said, delete the wall post and add him to foe, then your problem will go away. It looks like you are trying to create trouble by reporting something you could easily deal with on your own.
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Postby lancehoch on Mon Aug 11, 2008 2:47 pm

Hey all. Lets take this back down a notch or two. Trillian, I believe curmudgeon was telling you that no one would have known that you are female but for your saying "i am female". He was not saying that you deserved the comments at all. The "cupcake" comment was not directed at you being female at all either. One of the mods (female) used the saying "suck it up cupcake" and a lot of the players have been quoting it for some time, I believe it was some time in June 2006 that it started. A hunter needs to come through to make rulings on these, but in all likelihood, this will be noted for future accusations. Once in a while, people get a little disturbed by the situation that they are reporting and fail to see that the others posting here are not going after them as well, but are offering constructive advice.
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Postby Trillian on Mon Aug 11, 2008 2:49 pm

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Postby Anarkistsdream on Mon Aug 11, 2008 2:51 pm

Trillian wrote:
wrestler1ump wrote:If you are that offended by his wall post, this site is not for you. Like the mod said, delete the wall post and add him to foe, then your problem will go away. It looks like you are trying to create trouble by reporting something you could easily deal with on your own.

So because this is a game site and people use fake names, it is ok to act uncivilized, immature, and make sexist remarks...

Thanks for clearing that up for me... Sorry, I thought that most people have morals and standards and manners....

Silly me.. My bad...

Your attitude makes you look like an ass, despite your gender...

Take a Xanax...
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Postby alster on Mon Aug 11, 2008 3:51 pm

Trillian wrote:So because this is a game site and people use fake names, it is ok to act uncivilized, immature, and make sexist remarks...

Thanks for clearing that up for me... Sorry, I thought that most people have morals and standards and manners....

Silly me.. My bad...

In general, things tend to be easier if one at least makes a honest attempt not to take things too personal. I think we all agree that the wall comment was pretty rude. I dunno whether it makes sense to play the "sexist" card though. That comment could have been made on anybody's wall. It was just an angry comment after your ridiculous rating and your whining and immature behavior in the game chat. There is really no right not to be offended by perceived sexist remarks. Same goes for a lot of rude comments. You may, if you continue to play, stumble upon - brace yourself now - comments that you perceive as homophobic, racist or as a heresy. If you do, take a deep breath and consider whether or not you want use the ignore function or whether you can live with the fact that we all, from time to time, may read or hear things that we perceive as offensive. But that's just my two cents.
Gengoldy wrote:Of all the games I've played, and there have been some poor sports and cursing players out there, you are by far the lowest and with the least class.
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Postby alster on Mon Aug 11, 2008 3:52 pm

Trillian wrote:Just forget all about it........

Oh. Deleting/amending posts. The coward's way out when people disagree...
Gengoldy wrote:Of all the games I've played, and there have been some poor sports and cursing players out there, you are by far the lowest and with the least class.
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Postby Trillian on Mon Aug 11, 2008 4:04 pm

alstergren wrote:
Trillian wrote:Just forget all about it........

Oh. Deleting/amending posts. The coward's way out when people disagree...

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Postby Night Strike on Mon Aug 11, 2008 4:09 pm

This thread is becoming more flames than a discussion, and the OP has withdrawn the information, so I'm locking this one down.
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