wrestler1ump wrote:-I didn't post it in the cheating section because I felt there was nothing we could do about these multis, and I wanted the issue to be discussed.
-I called those people ignorant little people because they have flamed me much worse in this thread. However there is now a flame thread that they caused in response to this, so they can check that out.
-I never said they needed my permission to move it, but I would prefer if they asked for my permission. This thread wasn't suited for the cheating forum as can be told by the trolls who have now overrun the thread.
Hrm. I would hope that the hunters would have the means and most of all determination to find these multis. Sure, if someone is targeting you and is determined, it will make it very difficult, but the hunters have proven themselves to be very determined to do well and seem to be above some of the politics other mods may have partaken in. I would want to give them every opportunity to solve the problem.
Fair enough on creating a flame thread for them to go to, but I've found that taking the high road makes it difficult to flame. Yes, you have yourself a little anti-fan club. To be honest, I am not a wrestler1ump fan, but as you can see, there can be civilized conversation. Do not rise to the bait. That's fairly well irrelevant to the issue, but I figured it was worth throwing in there. Do with it what you will.
As for this forum, Lance seems to be pretty on top of things. A little too much sometimes. I'm starting to suspect that he doesn't sleep.
The bottom line is ultimately that multis are bad for the site. The ones doing it for games and points are bad. The ones doing it as a disruption are downright terrible. It doesn't matter whether a player or mod might like or dislike you. I think we all have to agree that multis are bad no matter what and we should let the hunters do what they do best.