To win this tournament is easy. Win at least one bracket each round or you're eliminated.
So how does this work?
Players: 16 Players Game Style: 1v1 Map: Depends on Player's Choice Turn Order: Seq. Fortifications: Chained Cards: None Fog: None
Round 1 Each player upon entrance selects a map no other players have yet selected. Once all players have selected maps. 16 random sets of seeding will be allocated to each tournament. All of these tournaments are played out like a standard bracket tournament. However once all tournaments are finished any players who didn't win a bracket are eliminated and their home map's bracket is eliminated.
Round 2 and Subsequent Rounds The seeding from the last round sticks and any players eliminated give their opponents a bye through to the next round. The cycle continues like in round 1 with fewer brackets obviously. If a player fails to win a bracket they and their bracket are eliminated.
G1 - 1 vs 16 G2 - 8 vs 9 G3 - 4 vs 13 G4 - 5 vs 12 G5 - 2 vs 15 G6 - 7 vs 10 G7 - 6 vs 11 G8 - 3 vs 14
G9 - WG1 vs WG2 G10 - WG3 vs WG4 G11 - WG5 vs WG6 G12 - WG7 vs WG8
G13 - WG9 vs WG10 G14 - WG11 vs WG12
G15 - WG13 vs WG14
Tournament 1 - Classic - Grimreaper.
G1 - MudPuppy vs plurple G2 - xerro vs SouthernWarrior G3 - GrimReaper. vs Drunk_Idiot G4 - Brasky vs identity shaker G5 - RiskyRolla vs BENJIKAT IS DEAD G6 - Rall vs Godd G7 - firth4eva vs ultraman G8 - fallmolson vs jael-mar
Tournament 2 - Europe - plurple
G1 - BENJIKAT IS DEAD vs GrimReaper. G2 - brasky34 vs RiskyRolla G3 - Rall vs SouthernWarrior G4 - plurple vs firth4eva G5 - Drunk_Idiot vs xerro G6 - fallsmolson vs Godd G7 - jael-mar vs identity shaker G8 - ultraman vs MudPuppy
Tournament 3 - SouthernWarrior - Great Lakes
G1 - BENJIKAT IS DEAD vs ultraman G2 - Godd vs MudPuppy G3 - SouthernWarrior vs xerro G4 - Drunk_Idiot vs brasky34 G5 - plurple vs fallsmolson G6 - GrimReaper. vs Rall G7 - identity shaker vs jael-mar G8 - firth4eva vs RiskyRolla
Tournament 4 - Alexander's Empire - xerro
G1 - Godd vs GrimReaper. G2 - plurple vs brasky34 G3 - xerro vs fallsmolson G4 - Rall vs BENJIKAT IS DEAD G5 - Drunk_Idiot vs ultraman G6 - SouthernWarrior vs firth4eva G7 - identity shaker vs RiskyRolla G8 - jael-mar vs MudPuppy
Tournament 5 - Waterloo - BENJIKAT IS DEAD
G1 - Drunk_Idiot vs MudPuppy G2 - Godd vs BENJIKAT IS DEAD G3 - identity shaker vs GrimReaper. G4 - ultraman vs plurple G5 - Rall vs jael-mar G6 - SouthernWarrior vs fallsmolson G7 - xerro vs RiskyRolla G8 - brasky34 vs firth4eva
Tournament 6 - firth4eva - Age Of Realms 3
G1 Rall vs MudPuppy G2 ultraman vs Drunk_Idiot G3 BENJIKAT IS DEAD vs brasky34 G4 jael-mar vs fallsmolson G5 plurple vs SouthernWarrior G6 firth4eva vs GrimReaper. G7 RiskyRolla vs Godd G8 xerro vs identity shaker
Tournament 7 - ultraman - Middle Earth
G1 ultraman vs jael-mar G2 plurple vs fallsmolson G3 brasky34 vs GrimReaper. G4 identity shaker vs firth4eva G5 MudPuppy vs BENJIKAT IS DEAD G6 Drunk_Idiot vs SouthernWarrior G7 Godd vs xerro G8 Rall vs RiskyRolla
Tournament 8 - identity shaker - British Isles
G1 SouthernWarrior vs ultraman G2 BENJIKAT IS DEAD vs MudPuppy G3 fallsmolson vs xerro G4 plurple vs firth4eva G5 brasky34 vs RiskyRolla G6 GrimReaper. vs Rall G7 Godd vs jael-mar G8 Drunk_Idiot vs identity shaker
Tournament 9 - Rall - Battle for Iraq!
G1 GrimReaper. vs Drunk_Idiot G2 firth4eva vs RiskyRolla G3 jael-mar vs ultraman G4 MudPuppy vs SouthernWarrior G5 BENJIKAT IS DEAD vs Rall G6 fallsmolson vs identity shaker G7 xerro vs plurple G8 brasky34 vs Godd
Tournament 10 - brasky34 - High Seas
G1 ultraman vs brasky34 G2 firth4eva vs MudPuppy G3 GrimReaper. vs Godd G4 fallsmolson vs jael-mar G5 RiskyRolla vs identity shaker G6 Rall vs xerro G7 SouthernWarrior vs Drunk_Idiot G8 BENJIKAT IS DEAD vs plurple
Tournament 11 - MudPuppy - Space
G1 plurple vs firth4eva G2 SouthernWarrior vs identity shaker G3 xerro vs ultraman G4 BENJIKAT IS DEAD vs jael-mar G5 Rall vs Godd G6 MudPuppy vs RiskyRolla G7 brasky34 vs GrimReaper. G8 fallsmolson vs Drunk_Idiot
Tournament 12 - Godd - Age Of Realms 2
G1 jael-mar vs GrimReaper. G2 RiskyRolla vs identity shaker G3 firth4eva vs Rall G4 SouthernWarrior vs xerro G5 BENJIKAT IS DEAD vs brasky34 G6 fallsmolson vs Drunk_Idiot G7 ultraman vs plurple G8 Godd vs MudPuppy
Tournament 13 - Drunk_Idiot - Doodle Earth
G1 GrimReaper. vs firth4eva G2 fallsmolson vs Rall G3 MudPuppy vs ultraman G4 BENJIKAT IS DEAD vs plurple G5 SouthernWarrior vs xerro G6 jael-mar vs identity shaker G7 RiskyRolla vs Godd G8 Drunk_Idiot vs brasky34
Tournament 14 - jael-mar - seige!
G1 GrimReaper. vs BENJIKAT IS DEAD G2 MudPuppy vs identity shaker G3 fallsmolson vs jael-mar G4 SouthernWarrior vs Godd G5 plurple vs ultraman G6 Rall vs Drunk_Idiot G7 brasky34 vs firth4eva G8 RiskyRolla vs xerro
Tournament 15 - fallsmolson - crossword
G1 identity shaker vs SouthernWarrior G2 fallsmolson vs BENJIKAT IS DEAD G3 firth4eva vs Drunk_Idiot G4 brasky34 vs xerro G5 MudPuppy vs Rall G6 plurple vs jael-mar G7 GrimReaper. vs ultraman G8 RiskyRolla vs Godd
Tournament 16 - RiskyRolla - USA
G1 SouthernWarrior vs plurple G2 Godd vs GrimReaper. G3 ultraman vs jael-mar G4 xerro vs identity shaker G5 MudPuppy vs Rall G6 RiskyRolla vs firth4eva G7 BENJIKAT IS DEAD vs Drunk_Idiot G8 fallsmolson vs brasky34
Last edited by max is gr8 on Thu Sep 04, 2008 10:43 am, edited 2 times in total.
‹max is gr8› so you're a tee-total healthy-eating sex-addict? ‹New_rules› Everyone has some bad habits (4th Jan 2010)
I'll play classic seq esclating unlimted forts and sunny
When the first Atom bomb test was complete a colleague of Oppenheimer said: "What an Awesome and Foul display of Power." a moment later he added, "Now we are all sons of bitches"
147 *manimal 2586 1081 435 (40%) Colonel Colonel 4.1 United States United States ‹zsp› y is wicked not a mod? ‹blakebowling› because Twill is an egotistical asshole