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is this cheating ???? [No Form]

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Moderators: Multi Hunters, Cheating/Abuse Team

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is this cheating ???? [No Form]

Postby Ossenaar on Tue Aug 05, 2008 12:00 pm

<DELETE ME> 2986567

Replace or delete any xxxxxxx with the appropriate information.
Delete any accusations or entries which do not apply.

Be sure before you accuse someone!

Accused:green and red

The accused are suspected of:
  • Being Multis
  • Conducting Secret Diplomacy
  • Severe PM Abuse
  • Other: <Explanation>

Game number(s):
  • [game]xxxxxxx[/game]
  • [game]xxxxxxx[/game]
  • [game]xxxxxxx[/game]
  • [game]xxxxxxx[/game]

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Re: is this cheating ????

Postby Frop on Tue Aug 05, 2008 12:24 pm

Use the form. They don't seem to be multis and they're not engaging in secret diplomacy - just poor sportsmanship.
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Re: is this cheating ????

Postby Anarkistsdream on Tue Aug 05, 2008 12:25 pm

How is it that you even get a generic form to fill out, and people STILL don't have the brain capacity to know what to do?
virus90 wrote: I think Anarkist is a valuable asset to any game.
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Re: is this cheating ????

Postby timmyboz on Tue Aug 05, 2008 12:43 pm

Anarkistsdream wrote:How is it that you even get a generic form to fill out, and people STILL don't have the brain capacity to know what to do?

Cos you can't google the answer.
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Re: is this cheating ????

Postby The Neon Peon on Tue Aug 05, 2008 12:50 pm

What a smart and unique new recruit! already understands how to quote people and apparently knows how to fill out the form for cheating and abuse as well. He also seems to be very good at farming in other new recruits to join his cirvicus maximus games.
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Re: is this cheating ????

Postby Frop on Tue Aug 05, 2008 1:01 pm

The Neon Peon wrote:What a smart and unique new recruit! already understands how to quote people and apparently knows how to fill out the form for cheating and abuse as well. He also seems to be very good at farming in other new recruits to join his cirvicus maximus games.

You've got a keen eye for this, feel free to laugh at them over here.
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Re: is this cheating ???? [No Form]

Postby lancehoch on Tue Aug 05, 2008 10:43 pm

Please fill out the form:

Name(s) of Accused:

Suspected of: (delete what does not apply) Multi/Secret Alliance/Abuse/Other

Related Game(s):

Sergeant lancehoch
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Re: is this cheating ????

Postby FarangDemon on Wed Aug 06, 2008 8:13 am

Anarkistsdream wrote:How is it that you even get a generic form to fill out, and people STILL don't have the brain capacity to know what to do?

Maybe their country has a bad education system.
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Re: is this cheating ????

Postby Jeff Hardy on Thu Aug 21, 2008 2:13 pm

Anarkistsdream wrote:How is it that you even get a generic form to fill out, and people STILL don't have the brain capacity to know what to do?

how is it that you dont have the brain capacity to become a higher rank?
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Re: is this cheating ???? [No Form]

Postby Commander Eric on Thu Aug 21, 2008 11:36 pm

Commander Eric:

On game 2972259, as of this night of 1:32AM On August 21-22 I am declaring game cheats of r:poppak and g:humley they are lower than snakes bellies and are in secret alliance together; lets see.....they want to slaughter me every chance they get for one thing, I got eliminated in two games of RISK because Humley was playing in another one and used the same tactics on me stopping me from getting a set of 5 cards, I had 4 in WATERLOO and was trashed on the east side of Waterloo, now it looks like r:poppak and g:humley is trying to do the same thing to me BECAUSE I GOT 4 CARDS, if the mods are asleep please delete this post if not INVESTIGATE THE SLIMY SNAKES BUTTS. :twisted: :x :oops: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
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Re: is this cheating ????

Postby Commander Eric on Fri Aug 22, 2008 9:01 am

Jeff Hardy wrote:
Anarkistsdream wrote:How is it that you even get a generic form to fill out, and people STILL don't have the brain capacity to know what to do?

how is it that you dont have the brain capacity to become a higher rank?

Commander Eric:
Jeff, look at Anarkists, picture and his medals, he only has 3; the most important to him is that skullboy medal that he has to oil and arguing with him we are stroking his vanity and his 12yrs old boy mentality. I think we can lump him into the same labeling as humley and poppak, willing to do anything to win and not caring what the odds are against anyone that is a foe; once a newbee is trashed people like Anarkist feel they are more intelligent than the rest of us. [-X :mrgreen: :geek: :ugeek:
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Re: is this cheating ????

Postby Commander Eric on Fri Aug 22, 2008 9:06 am

FarangDemon wrote:
Anarkistsdream wrote:How is it that you even get a generic form to fill out, and people STILL don't have the brain capacity to know what to do?

Maybe their country has a bad education system.

Commander Eric:
Gee perhaps you never learned anything at school, FarangDemon; perhaps you dropped out early and got a job that is now downsizing. Perhaps what you learned FarangDemon came from the mean streets of a big city; a country either big or small has a fairly general education system and all sorts of people can learn to become great or to become Urban Vermin preying on others and stealing their money.
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Re: is this cheating ????

Postby Commander Eric on Fri Aug 22, 2008 9:09 am

Commander Eric wrote:
Jeff Hardy wrote:
Anarkistsdream wrote:How is it that you even get a generic form to fill out, and people STILL don't have the brain capacity to know what to do?

how is it that you dont have the brain capacity to become a higher rank?

Commander Eric:
Jeff, look at Anarkists, picture and his medals, he only has 3; the most important to him is that skullboy medal that he has to oil and arguing with him we are stroking his vanity and his 12yrs old boy mentality. I think we can lump him into the same labeling as humley and poppak, willing to do anything to win and not caring what the odds are against anyone that is a foe; once a newbee is trashed people like Anarkist feel they are more intelligent than the rest of us. [-X :mrgreen: :geek: :ugeek:

Oh sorry Jeff, of course I had meant FarangDemon's medals that is.
Private Commander Eric
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Re: is this cheating ????

Postby Commander Eric on Fri Aug 22, 2008 9:14 am

The Neon Peon wrote:What a smart and unique new recruit! already understands how to quote people and apparently knows how to fill out the form for cheating and abuse as well. He also seems to be very good at farming in other new recruits to join his cirvicus maximus games.

Commander Eric:
Gee Neon Peon, so what circus do you own, you joined a month before I did and I can tell your elevator is not going all the way up. Your missing an Skullboy medal to polish, better get one and trash an newbee. :^o [-X =D> :mrgreen: :ugeek: :lol:
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Re: is this cheating ???? [No Form]

Postby The Neon Peon on Fri Aug 22, 2008 12:14 pm

I am not trashing anyone, I just find it suspicious, and overly so because I had a friend be busted with 4 accounts, all of them noobs, and not able to play here again.

So, that king of makes me weary of new accounts that are a little too odd for comfort. The accounts my friend had were: leon w otis, hi_i_am_bob, mo42, and another I do not remember right now. Will check my gmail chats with him later today and add the fourth in once I find out who it was.
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Re: is this cheating ???? [No Form]

Postby lancehoch on Tue Nov 18, 2008 6:52 pm

This thread has not had the form filled out for 2 months. Because of this, it was becoming clutter at the bottom of the C&A forum. It has been moved to the Closed Reports forum. If you would like to have this looked at, please fill out the form and it will be returned to the main C&A forum.
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