The accused are suspected of:
- Other: Leaving 1 star ratings in all categories for no reason whatsoever
Game number(s):
This guy gave me a 1 star rating in every single category.
It was a 2 player game which was played rt with both of us taking our turns at the same time and finishing within one or two minutes of each other. Why the 1 for fair play?
The only thing said in chat was Good game by me, and he responded by saying the same thing back except in abreviated form. Why the 1 star for attitude when he says everything I do in chat which was a single friendly statement?
What puzzles me most is that he won the game. I have received several 1 star ratings from people, with no explanation (I would like to have those ratings deleted as well, just look at the ratings I have responded to) but in all those cases, I simply assumed it was sore losing, which apparently is not the case since he won.
I did leave him all 3s (average) in all categories with the tag silent because so little was said in chat (by both, so he could also have left that tag for me had he wished to do so). This may be a case of retaliatory ratings, but I am pretty sure that even that is abuse.
P.S. If you are going to advise me (again...) to simply reply to the rating and put them on my ignore list, pretty soon I am going to have a really low rating soon, since I seem to run into these people a lot. And I do not think that most people spend the time to look through the games in which the bad ratings were given to the host when they are trying to join one of his games.
Note: My rating would be a 4.7 in every category if the 4 ratings I have responded to were deleted. (you can look through the game logs, and see for yourself if you consider them fair). And that is only 4 ratings dragging me down by half a star, and you have suggested me so far to put the people on my foes list and let it balance out. The problem is that it takes a long, long time to balance out, and by the time it does start balancing out, another one of these unfair ratings comes along and bumps you back to the place you were at the previous rating which has already been canceled out by 5s