by ctwong1 on Thu Jul 31, 2008 3:36 pm
I don't see where she was unethical. She account sitted in firth's games where she was not part of the game. The game in question, she is on the opposing team, and it would've been unethical for her to take firth's turns. Isn't it the responsibility of firth to find a suitable sitter for the trips game? So shouldn't you be mad at firth for not getting a suitable account sitter? I think it speaks very highly of deliahselene to have not taken firth's turns in the trips game in question. She had the power to completely sabotage that game for you, and did not. But, I really have no objection to the CC Admin making their decision, and following it. The way I see it, your teammate left you out to hang, not deliaselene. She followed the account sitting guidelines. So don't make her out to be the bad person.