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Quebec being aloud to be a country inside Canada?

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Should Quebec benifit and use all of Canada's stuf even being its own country?

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Quebec being aloud to be a country inside Canada?

Postby bluereaper on Mon Nov 27, 2006 6:22 pm

Hey, I just saw on the news, that Quebec is trying to be declaired it's own country again. But this time, it want's to be a country inside of Canada. As in a country inside a country. They want to use all the same Canadian stuff, (curence, power, trading, etc...) but be reconized as a country inside Canada.
What is your guys outlook upon this,
Mine is against cause if they want to be their own country, go right ahead, but don't let them benifit off of Canada and all the stuff we have worked for.
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Postby happysadfun on Mon Nov 27, 2006 6:24 pm

Hmm... like the Vatican? I dunno. I think they can keep the same currency, but I personally think they should obtain their own power and claim to fame. get what i'm saying?
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Postby edmundomcpot on Mon Nov 27, 2006 6:26 pm

who are they putting this claim into?

isnt canada still an english thingy...or at least recognises are queen as one of the heads of state
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Postby happysadfun on Mon Nov 27, 2006 6:28 pm

edmundomcpot wrote:who are they putting this claim into?

isnt canada still an english thingy...or at least recognises are queen as one of the heads of state

yeah, the queen is head of gov't, but does absolutely nothing. and all governmental ties to england are gone.
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Postby edmundomcpot on Mon Nov 27, 2006 6:31 pm

but they just cant be bothered asking for official independance?...or do candadians veiw themselvs as independant
Would you choose supremecy if it lead to isolation?

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Postby wicked on Mon Nov 27, 2006 6:34 pm

any province that promotes eating Poutine should definitely be kicked out of the country.
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Postby vtmarik on Mon Nov 27, 2006 6:37 pm

edmundomcpot wrote:but they just cant be bothered asking for official independance?...or do candadians veiw themselvs as independant

They want sovereignty within the Canadian Government? As an American I don't have much info. Sounds to me like they've got a case. I mean, they're pretty insular to begin with aren't they?

Then they can call themselves Quebeckians and we can get a new map for CC.
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Postby happysadfun on Mon Nov 27, 2006 6:43 pm

edmundomcpot wrote:but they just cant be bothered asking for official independance?...or do candadians veiw themselvs as independant
they already view themselves as indepedent, of course, because they are. but getting independence would either result in war or the breakup of the common wealth.
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Postby edmundomcpot on Mon Nov 27, 2006 6:49 pm

i understand now..except one thing..would the queen actually have a say in the final outcome
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Postby happysadfun on Mon Nov 27, 2006 6:50 pm

probably, seeing that it would be a new country in her commonwealth. i'm an american, so i'm not sure tho.
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Postby DublinDoogey on Mon Nov 27, 2006 6:54 pm

Correct me if I'm wrong but...

:arrow: Canada is a fully soverign state, like the United States, Japan, India, ect...

:arrow: Quebec (and other Canadian provinces) occupy the same "spot" in Canadian government as states do in the US

:arrow: the largest factor keeping Quebec a part of the Canadian State is that if Quebec became its own State the Maritime Provinces would be seperated from the rest of Canada. Of course, there are economic factors, but isn't that the largest problem of Quebec gaining independence as its own State?

p.s. state=state, State=country/nation
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Postby happysadfun on Mon Nov 27, 2006 6:56 pm

you're right. i hadn't thought of that. maybe labrador will go out with it.
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Postby bluereaper on Mon Nov 27, 2006 6:58 pm

wicked wrote:any province that promotes eating Poutine should definitely be kicked out of the country.

True true, though it tastes actually not bad but still...
Quebec tried before to split off of Canada and become its own Country but didn't succeed cause they realized they wouldn't be able to survive with all the stuff that comes with being your own country, also the natives that own most of northern Quebec, have Quebec's main power dams and stuff on their land, so they threatened Quebec that if they became their own country, they would stop Quebec using the power stations on thier land and more than likely make Quebec pay for that power...which would hurt Quebec alot.
And to my knowledge (im only 17, but the Queen has almost no say in anything, Canada I believe has split off of Britian's ties.
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Postby bluereaper on Mon Nov 27, 2006 7:00 pm

Ha, me and my dad say we should ship all the Quebecer's that want to split off to newfoundland and let them be their own country and bring the Newfie's inland into Quebec that wants to be their own country, can have water access and be out of Canada's ways.
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Postby edmundomcpot on Mon Nov 27, 2006 7:03 pm

bluereaper wrote:, Canada I believe has split off of Britian's ties.

then whyarnt we bombing you??? :? .... or dont you have any sheep over there..we only fight over places with sheep
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Postby Sammy gags on Mon Nov 27, 2006 7:03 pm does the British queen have anything 2 do with Canada, when it was the French who claimed it as a territory
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Postby bluereaper on Mon Nov 27, 2006 7:05 pm

edmundomcpot wrote:
bluereaper wrote:, Canada I believe has split off of Britian's ties.

then whyarnt we bombing you??? :? .... or dont you have any sheep over there..we only fight over places with sheep

nope, no sheep over here...we are like America, (but don't do wars and such) we all friends with other countries, but don't go by Britain's rules. We have made our own

Correct me if im wrong anyone
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Postby Econ2000 on Mon Nov 27, 2006 7:07 pm

I am a canadian citizen plz ignore my location......f*** quebec cause ur staying in Canada whether u like it or not
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Postby DublinDoogey on Mon Nov 27, 2006 7:12 pm

Sammy gags does the British queen have anything 2 do with Canada, when it was the French who claimed it as a territory

Yes, but when the French lost the French and Indian War (I believe it's also called the Seven Years War?) anyway, Britian gained France's territory in North America.
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Postby what,me worry? on Mon Nov 27, 2006 7:35 pm

I really wanted to vote but i couldnt find the "who gives a flying f*ck" button, so i voted the last option on because it was the only thing that came close to f*ck and canada.
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Postby P Gizzle on Mon Nov 27, 2006 7:47 pm

can't they just be a regular province like B.C., Ontario, etc.? you don't see California goin around tryin to become a country. there's a reason for that. if Quebec tries, you know the Canadian Army (what's actually there, all 500 people :wink: ) would invade and destroy Quebec and French Canadians altogether. that wouldn't be smart.
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Postby bluereaper on Mon Nov 27, 2006 7:53 pm

P Gizzle wrote:can't they just be a regular province like B.C., Ontario, etc.? you don't see California goin around tryin to become a country. there's a reason for that. if Quebec tries, you know the Canadian Army (what's actually there, all 500 people :wink: ) would invade and destroy Quebec and French Canadians altogether. that wouldn't be smart.

Yup, we can invade them and make them all convert to english :twisted:
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Postby P Gizzle on Mon Nov 27, 2006 7:56 pm

bluereaper wrote:
P Gizzle wrote:can't they just be a regular province like B.C., Ontario, etc.? you don't see California goin around tryin to become a country. there's a reason for that. if Quebec tries, you know the Canadian Army (what's actually there, all 500 people :wink: ) would invade and destroy Quebec and French Canadians altogether. that wouldn't be smart.

Yup, we can invade them and make them all convert to english :twisted:

hey not a bad idea. at least somebody (even if they are canadians) actually invaded Canada (even though us Yankees did waaaay back in the Rev. War)
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Postby Jolly Roger on Mon Nov 27, 2006 8:18 pm

As I understand it, Canada has never broken its ties with the British monarchy. The Governor General of Canada is appointed by the duly elected Prime Minister to be the Queen's representative in Canada. The GG gives royal assent to all bills that make their way through Parliament and the Senate. The GG is also Commander in Chief of the military. Back in the 80s, Queen Elizabeth and then Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau signed the Canadian Constitution. Prior to this, Canada existed due to an act of the British parliament - the British North America Act. The constitution has never been ratified by Quebec because it does not contain special provisions which would allow the Quebec provincial government to preserve its French heritage and culture (among other things). There have been subsequent attempts to bring Quebec into the fold, most notably the proposed Meech Lake Accord which would have given Quebec a distinct society status. However, the other provinces did not agree to adopting the Meech Lake Accord (and other proposed accords/amendments).
Although I'd like to retain Quebec, I don't think this issue will ever be resolved until the separatists have their way. Support for an independent Quebec is too strong - I don't believe it is just going to go away. If Quebec is going to leave, they should just hurry up and get it over with. In the end, it might be best for everyone. Frigging around with "distinct society" clauses and nations within nations is just stupid in my opinion.
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Postby Backglass on Mon Nov 27, 2006 9:15 pm

bluereaper wrote:quebec being aloud to be a country inside canada

I think Canada is loud enough now! Can you imagine how loud it would be with french people actually inside you?

That's just crazy talk.
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