Conquer Club

Cheating & Abuse [busted]

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Moderators: Multi Hunters, Cheating/Abuse Team

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[These cases have been closed. If you would like to appeal the decision of the hunter please open a ticket on the help page and the case will be looked into by a second hunter.]

Cheating & Abuse [busted]

Postby dmsMN on Thu Jul 24, 2008 3:47 pm


Replace or delete any xxxxxxx with the appropriate information.
Delete any accusations or entries which do not apply.

Be sure before you accuse someone!


The accused are suspected of:
    [x]Being Multis
  • Conducting Secret Diplomacy
  • Severe PM Abuse
  • Other: <Explanation>

Game number(s):
  • Game 2899043
  • [game]xxxxxxx[/game]
  • [game]xxxxxxx[/game]
  • [game]xxxxxxx[/game]

found that the 2 names would make moves and singed on back to back, with extreme unfair play.
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Re: Cheating & Abuse

Postby Greatwhite on Thu Jul 24, 2008 3:52 pm

They both sang ?. . at the same time? . . . Isn't that called a duet?
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Re: Cheating & Abuse

Postby e_i_pi on Fri Jul 25, 2008 1:24 am

Since the original poster seems to have a decent claim, but not much idea how to submit the form, here's a new one:


The accused are suspected of:
  • Being Multis
  • Conducting Secret Diplomacy

Game number(s):

Either multi's (one person wanting to avoid paying for premium to play a heap of games) or friends in real life (as there are quite a few team games with them in too). Also worth looking into would be maldito and CHEO, as there's a similar MO.

They tend to take their turns very quickly after one another. That's about all I've looked into. Though in several games they tend to attack the same person before turning on one another. Probably worth a look into these lot. All from Venezuala too.
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Re: Cheating & Abuse [pending]

Postby dmsMN on Fri Jul 25, 2008 10:24 am

If one was to look at their previous games, one can plainly see what I mean.....Is it multi accounts, or something else?
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Re: Cheating & Abuse [pending]

Postby Curmudgeonx on Fri Jul 25, 2008 10:55 am

Book 'em Dano
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Re: Cheating & Abuse [pending]

Postby dandrobie on Sat Jul 26, 2008 12:09 am

I was just going thru one of the games and found this to be very interesting

2008-07-25 08:29:17 - holaqtal receives 3 armies for 1 territories
2008-07-25 08:29:19 - holaqtal deployed 3 armies on Valle D'Aosta
2008-07-25 08:29:23 - holaqtal attacked Monferrato from Valle D'Aosta and conquered it from hola159
2008-07-25 08:29:31 - holaqtal gets a card

2008-07-25 08:29:31 - Incrementing game to round 6
2008-07-25 08:29:46 - hola159 receives 3 armies for holding Nord-est
2008-07-25 08:29:46 - hola159 receives 6 armies for holding Centro
2008-07-25 08:29:46 - hola159 receives 4 armies for holding Sud
2008-07-25 08:29:46 - hola159 receives 3 armies for holding Isole
2008-07-25 08:29:46 - hola159 receives 4 armies for holding Citta Bonus for All
2008-07-25 08:29:46 - hola159 receives 11 armies for 34 territories
2008-07-25 08:29:54 - hola159 deployed 31 armies on Salento
2008-07-25 08:30:27 - holaqtal receives 3 armies for 2 territories

2008-07-25 08:30:32 - holaqtal cashed in a set of Emilia, Friuli Giulia, and Puglia Settentrionale worth 6 armies
2008-07-25 08:30:43 - holaqtal deployed 9 armies on Valle D'Aosta
2008-07-25 08:30:46 - holaqtal attacked Torino from Valle D'Aosta and conquered it from hola159
2008-07-25 08:30:49 - holaqtal attacked Piemonte from Torino and conquered it from hola159
2008-07-25 08:30:54 - holaqtal attacked Liguria from Piemonte and conquered it from hola159
2008-07-25 08:30:59 - holaqtal attacked Sardegna from Liguria and conquered it from hola159
2008-07-25 08:31:04 - holaqtal attacked Pantelleria from Sardegna and conquered it from hola159
2008-07-25 08:31:08 - holaqtal attacked Palermo from Pantelleria and conquered it from hola159
2008-07-25 08:31:11 - holaqtal attacked Catania from Palermo and conquered it from hola159
2008-07-25 08:31:15 - holaqtal attacked Messina from Catania and conquered it from hola159
2008-07-25 08:31:22 - holaqtal gets a card
2008-07-25 08:31:22 - Incrementing game to round 7
2008-07-25 08:31:29 - hola159 receives 3 armies for holding Nord-est
2008-07-25 08:31:29 - hola159 receives 6 armies for holding Centro
2008-07-25 08:31:29 - hola159 receives 4 armies for holding Sud
2008-07-25 08:31:29 - hola159 receives 2 armies for holding Citta Bonus for Three
2008-07-25 08:31:29 - hola159 receives 8 armies for 26 territories
2008-07-25 08:31:38 - hola159 deployed 23 armies on Salento
2008-07-25 08:31:49 - holaqtal receives 2 armies for holding Nord-ovest
2008-07-25 08:31:49 - holaqtal receives 1 armies for holding Citta Bonus for Two
2008-07-25 08:31:49 - holaqtal receives 3 armies for 10 territories
2008-07-25 08:32:02 - holaqtal deployed 6 armies on Monferrato
2008-07-25 08:32:04 - holaqtal attacked Milano from Monferrato and conquered it from hola159
2008-07-25 08:32:08 - holaqtal attacked Lombardia from Milano and conquered it from hola159
2008-07-25 08:32:17 - holaqtal attacked Veneto from Lombardia and conquered it from hola159
2008-07-25 08:32:25 - holaqtal attacked Venezia from Veneto and conquered it from hola159
2008-07-25 08:32:35 - holaqtal gets a card
2008-07-25 08:32:35 - Incrementing game to round 8
2008-07-25 08:32:42 - hola159 receives 6 armies for holding Centro
2008-07-25 08:32:42 - hola159 receives 4 armies for holding Sud
2008-07-25 08:32:42 - hola159 receives 1 armies for holding Citta Bonus for Two
2008-07-25 08:32:42 - hola159 receives 7 armies for 22 territories
2008-07-25 08:32:48 - hola159 deployed 18 armies on Salento
2008-07-25 08:33:01 - holaqtal receives 2 armies for holding Nord-ovest
2008-07-25 08:33:01 - holaqtal receives 2 armies for holding Citta Bonus for Three
2008-07-25 08:33:01 - holaqtal receives 4 armies for 14 territories
2008-07-25 08:33:15 - holaqtal deployed 5 armies on Veneto
2008-07-25 08:33:19 - holaqtal deployed 3 armies on Messina
2008-07-25 08:33:29 - holaqtal attacked Friuli Giulia from Veneto and conquered it from hola159
2008-07-25 08:33:36 - holaqtal attacked Alto Adige from Veneto and conquered it from hola159
2008-07-25 08:33:38 - holaqtal attacked Trentino from Alto Adige and conquered it from hola159
2008-07-25 08:33:55 - holaqtal attacked Isole Eolie from Messina and conquered it from hola159
2008-07-25 08:34:02 - holaqtal attacked Calabria from Isole Eolie and conquered it from hola159
2008-07-25 08:34:41 - holaqtal fortified Lombardia with 2 armies from Trentino
2008-07-25 08:34:43 - holaqtal gets a card
2008-07-25 08:34:43 - Incrementing game to round 9
2008-07-25 08:34:54 - hola159 receives 6 armies for holding Centro
2008-07-25 08:34:54 - hola159 receives 1 armies for holding Citta Bonus for Two
2008-07-25 08:34:54 - hola159 receives 5 armies for 17 territories
2008-07-25 08:34:58 - hola159 deployed 12 armies on Salento
2008-07-25 08:35:13 - holaqtal receives 3 armies for holding Nord-est
2008-07-25 08:35:13 - holaqtal receives 2 armies for holding Nord-ovest
2008-07-25 08:35:13 - holaqtal receives 3 armies for holding Isole
2008-07-25 08:35:13 - holaqtal receives 2 armies for holding Citta Bonus for Three
2008-07-25 08:35:13 - holaqtal receives 6 armies for 19 territories
2008-07-25 08:35:18 - holaqtal cashed in a set of Molise, Friuli Giulia, and Sardegna worth 10 armies
2008-07-25 08:35:18 - holaqtal gets bonus of 2 armies added to Friuli Giulia
2008-07-25 08:35:18 - holaqtal gets bonus of 2 armies added to Sardegna
2008-07-25 08:35:31 - holaqtal deployed 26 armies on Lombardia
2008-07-25 08:35:32 - holaqtal attacked Emilia from Lombardia and conquered it from hola159
2008-07-25 08:35:36 - holaqtal attacked Romagna from Emilia and conquered it from hola159
2008-07-25 08:35:45 - holaqtal attacked San Marino from Romagna and conquered it from hola159
2008-07-25 08:35:55 - holaqtal attacked Toscana Est from Romagna and conquered it from hola159
2008-07-25 08:36:00 - holaqtal attacked Toscana Ovest from Toscana Est and conquered it from hola159
2008-07-25 08:36:03 - holaqtal attacked Elba from Toscana Ovest and conquered it from hola159
2008-07-25 08:36:09 - holaqtal attacked Lazio from Toscana Ovest and conquered it from hola159
2008-07-25 08:36:17 - holaqtal attacked Roma from Sardegna and conquered it from hola159
2008-07-25 08:36:34 - holaqtal attacked Umbria from Lazio and conquered it from hola159
2008-07-25 08:36:39 - holaqtal attacked Marche from Umbria and conquered it from hola159
2008-07-25 08:36:41 - holaqtal attacked Abruzzo from Marche and conquered it from hola159
2008-07-25 08:36:46 - holaqtal attacked Molise from Abruzzo and conquered it from hola159
2008-07-25 08:36:50 - holaqtal attacked Campania from Molise and conquered it from hola159
2008-07-25 08:36:54 - holaqtal attacked Napoli from Campania and conquered it from hola159
2008-07-25 08:37:02 - holaqtal attacked Basilicata from Campania and conquered it from hola159
2008-07-25 08:37:06 - holaqtal attacked Puglia Settentrionale from Basilicata and conquered it from hola159
2008-07-25 08:37:16 - holaqtal fortified Puglia Settentrionale with 1 armies from Roma
2008-07-25 08:37:19 - holaqtal gets a card
2008-07-25 08:37:19 - Incrementing game to round 10
2008-07-25 08:37:28 - hola159 receives 3 armies for 1 territories
2008-07-25 08:37:30 - hola159 deployed 3 armies on Salento
2008-07-25 08:37:45 - holaqtal receives 3 armies for holding Nord-est
2008-07-25 08:37:45 - holaqtal receives 2 armies for holding Nord-ovest
2008-07-25 08:37:45 - holaqtal receives 6 armies for holding Centro
2008-07-25 08:37:45 - holaqtal receives 3 armies for holding Isole
2008-07-25 08:37:45 - holaqtal receives 4 armies for holding Citta Bonus for All
2008-07-25 08:37:45 - holaqtal receives 11 armies for 35 territories
2008-07-25 08:37:50 - holaqtal deployed 29 armies on Puglia Settentrionale
2008-07-25 08:37:55 - Incrementing game to round 11
2008-07-25 08:38:04 - hola159 receives 3 armies for 1 territories
2008-07-25 08:38:05 - hola159 deployed 3 armies on Salento
2008-07-25 08:38:20 - holaqtal receives 3 armies for holding Nord-est
2008-07-25 08:38:20 - holaqtal receives 2 armies for holding Nord-ovest
2008-07-25 08:38:20 - holaqtal receives 6 armies for holding Centro
2008-07-25 08:38:20 - holaqtal receives 3 armies for holding Isole
2008-07-25 08:38:20 - holaqtal receives 4 armies for holding Citta Bonus for All
2008-07-25 08:38:20 - holaqtal receives 11 armies for 35 territories
2008-07-25 08:38:30 - holaqtal deployed 29 armies on Puglia Settentrionale
2008-07-25 08:38:41 - Incrementing game to round 12
2008-07-25 08:38:47 - hola159 receives 3 armies for 1 territories
2008-07-25 08:38:48 - hola159 deployed 3 armies on Salento
2008-07-25 08:39:00 - holaqtal receives 3 armies for holding Nord-est
2008-07-25 08:39:00 - holaqtal receives 2 armies for holding Nord-ovest
2008-07-25 08:39:00 - holaqtal receives 6 armies for holding Centro
2008-07-25 08:39:00 - holaqtal receives 3 armies for holding Isole
2008-07-25 08:39:00 - holaqtal receives 4 armies for holding Citta Bonus for All
2008-07-25 08:39:00 - holaqtal receives 11 armies for 35 territories
2008-07-25 08:39:03 - holaqtal deployed 29 armies on Puglia Settentrionale
2008-07-25 08:39:05 - holaqtal attacked Salento from Puglia Settentrionale and conquered it from hola159
2008-07-25 08:39:05 - holaqtal eliminated hola159 from the game
2008-07-25 08:39:05 - holaqtal won the game
2008-07-25 08:39:05 - dmsMN loses 19 points
2008-07-25 08:39:05 - hola159 loses 17 points
2008-07-25 08:39:05 - holaqtal gains 36 points

With only 1 territory left and holaqtal can still win the game... And hola159 dont even bother to attack.... Truely Amazing =D>
Major dandrobie
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Re: Cheating & Abuse [pending]

Postby Night Strike on Sat Jul 26, 2008 12:33 am

Wow. No matter how bad the dice may be according to the many complainers, I seriously doubt something like that is possible. Nice detective work.
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Re: Cheating & Abuse [pending]

Postby king achilles on Sun Jul 27, 2008 11:52 pm

holaqtal is busted with hanacestrx, maldito, CHEO, josepapa, malamia7, javijavi, javi7, hola159, hola159159, HAPPYCHEO, aquiteron and hamacestrix.
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