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The New Nazi

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Re: The New Nazi

Postby SlayerQC on Wed Jul 23, 2008 10:55 pm

lofty wrote:The new nazi... what offensive about that?? at least he's not an old nazi! :D

If we start banning people on the grounds that you don't like their name, then we might aswell start to ban people for the wrong skincolour etc etc.

here are other names you might find offensive, feel free to use them, but don't try to ban them:

Toby Taleban
Bobby Binladen
Mohammed muslim
glorious gaylord
Ivan Ilikechildren

If this dumb arse person thinks he's a nazi and is proud of it, the best of luck to him, because he/she must be pretty unintelligent, but let Naziboy keep his silly name, if it's that offensive to you but him/her on your foes list.

erm, nazis tortured and killed A LOT of people, families of those people are still living you freekin noob cook.
The name doesnt offend me but the memoeires brought back to life to these poor families do.
Besides, most germans are offended by it.Thats a whole lot of people.
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Re: The New Nazi

Postby SlayerQC on Wed Jul 23, 2008 11:00 pm

Who are any of you to decide what the mods and admins decide?
Id ask lancehoh to again inform the mods, LOCK this thread as this type of thread seems to be made on purpose to stir shit.
It also seems to attract posters that we've never or barely see post on this forum.

(Sorry ive snapped in the two previous thread, wannabe smartasses with half my age annoy me)
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Re: The New Nazi

Postby jpliberty on Wed Jul 23, 2008 11:05 pm

SlayerQC wrote:
lofty wrote:...Besides, most germans are offended by it.Thats a whole lot of people.

Well, yes, but they are Germans, so who really gives a damn what they think? :D
Last edited by jpliberty on Wed Jul 23, 2008 11:12 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The New Nazi

Postby n00blet on Wed Jul 23, 2008 11:06 pm

lofty wrote:The new nazi... what offensive about that?? at least he's not an old nazi! :D

If we start banning people on the grounds that you don't like their name, then we might aswell start to ban people for the wrong skincolour etc etc.

here are other names you might find offensive, feel free to use them, but don't try to ban them:

Toby Taleban
Bobby Binladen
Mohammed muslim
glorious gaylord
Ivan Ilikechildren

If this dumb arse person thinks he's a nazi and is proud of it, the best of luck to him, because he/she must be pretty unintelligent, but let Naziboy keep his silly name, if it's that offensive to you but him/her on your foes list.

That is about the stupidest thing I've ever heard.
First, skin color has nothing to do with pretending to be a nazi (although if you were a black nazi, you would not last long).
Second, you saying that "Mohammed muslim" would be offensive is more offensive than someone using the name (take your time, it might be hard to wrap your tiny mind around that one). There should be no offense taken in using the most common name in the world in conjunction with a religion.
Third, the same applies to "glorious gaylord" if someone thinks that calling themself gay is an insult, that's their problem. It's a state of being that is, for the most part, chosen. Personally, I couldn't care less where someone prefers to stick their genitalia, as long as they don't try to convince me to alter my choices as well.
Fourth, I find it offensive that someone would take the torture and murder of millions of people based on the single fact that they happened to be of the wrong "type" of person. I don't think it is so offensive that it really requires a thread about it; if you have a problem with them, whip their ass in a game really fast and then foe list them. Problem solved.

So what I'm saying is: is the name offensive? Yes. It is, to many people. Is that worthy of a thread? A lot of things are offensive that go without threads, so not really no. Just "suck it up cupcake" ;)
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Re: The New Nazi

Postby lancehoch on Wed Jul 23, 2008 11:12 pm

Locked. Admins will decide if they want to deal with this player. That is all.
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