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Bolo XXXV [No Form]

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Bolo XXXV [No Form]

Postby State409c on Sat Jul 19, 2008 8:24 am

I'll come back in and fill my case in later with other peculiarities I've seen when playing this guy and his friends. It isn't so clear cut, so it will take some time to do. But I am convinced that this guy is cheating.

Just a few highlights for now. Plays team with Nicho, Julius Ceasar, others. I started noticing he and Nicho were either killing each other first (meaning the stronger was getting a huge boost by taking out the weaker who would be at a disadvantage to win the whole match) or very last (opposite side of the map, harder to get to, equally good start, fight it out at the end) in Realms FOW games.

There were many other quirks I would see happen like he would attack one player on one turn, then not finish him off on the next turn, instead choosing to attack another player while some other opponent (occasionally nicho) finished off the weaker player.

Immediately after I accused him and nicho of conspiring together, I noticed they stopped playing as many realms games together. About a week passed and I saw other Bolo "friends" join games occasionally, such as Julius Ceasar.

So I put nicho and Julius on my foe list to block them from joining the games, and suddenly, I found brand new users were joining these games the Bolo has created. Doesn't it seem a bit odd that a brand new user would choose as his first/second game a Realms game?

Check this one

Does it seem a bit odd that 3 brand new players scattered across the globe (US, Slovenia, Israel) would play their turns back to back to back at 3am est? Then, by magic again, Bolo finds me and eliminates me on his very next turn. Amazing. That guys is sooooo good at these games. How does he do it?

It seems since I raised a ruckus about him cheating, he has been finding and eliminating me even faster now. How does that happen?
Major State409c
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Re: Bolo XXXV [No Form]

Postby gcwca_4_life on Sat Jul 19, 2008 6:38 pm

Well the point of Age of Realms Magic is to either take out your opponent or break sanctuary. I have played many games with Bolo and won many against him. Just because he took out a weaker player doesn't mean he is cheating. Ask him how many time i took him out in 6 player Age of Realms magic games. And the part about the new members joining the games, it has happened to me many times now. Go have a look at the Age of Realms Magic 6 player games i have played. New players join them all the time.
tdans wrote:lets rock this joint :D... or.. lets have them Blow this,,,,,, joint

I'm the insane guy, that you never wanna meet... See the end of my blade? It's sharp. hehe
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Re: Bolo XXXV [No Form]

Postby Nicho on Sun Jul 20, 2008 4:37 am

It's obvvious that this wanker hasn't got a clue how to play the AoR maps or they wouldn't put in a post like this. I find it offensive to be called a cheat!!!!! The reason that Bolo and I take each other out 1st if we can is that if we manage it, the other has a 90% chance of winning. Just like you said WANKER. If one of us takes out the other early we win. THAT IS NOT CHEATING dickhead. It's good game play. If you can't stand the heat moron, crawl back under the rock you came from. btw, great game play by putting everyone who is a better player than you on Foe so you don't have to play them. The good thing is you are only a standard player so there are only 4 games we are blocked from joining.
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Re: Bolo XXXV [No Form]

Postby Bolo XXXV on Sun Jul 20, 2008 6:51 am

Thanks for the laugh this morning. I needed that after a not so good night of poker playing last night..

I have logged just under 1700 games of AoR here. You make friends quick and also quickly learn who are good players. Likewise you can easily learn who the bad, disruptive players are.
You've claimed to have put Julius Ceasar & Nicho your foe list? What of me? Am I on that Foe list too?

At 7:00am on a Sunday morning, do I have a few better things to do than fighting slander. But I will say a couple of things.

1. I am not cheating. << This is for the record.
2. I really don't like my friends or as you, State409c, call them my Crew accused of cheating. As of this morning, I belong to affiliations on here. I have been asked to join one however. By the way, exactly who are my 'Crew"?
3. I do find it amusing I can usually find you and knock you off quickly. You read the inplay game logs and you usually have a good idea where someone is. Thats called good gameplay.
4. Playing 1700+ games on three maps, you may run into a few or more of the same players players from time to time. In time, you might learn to anticipate their moves. Hopefully the dice is with you. At that point it is all up to chance.

5. I suppose the easiest way to solve this quick would be to put YOU on my Foe list. Since I do start most the games I'm in, that would end this before it starts. Right now, that list is empty, you can be the first.

As for Julius Ceasar & Nicho, I think it would be a good idea for you to apologize to them for calling them out without a shred of evidence for wrong that they have not commited.

As I told you a few days ago State409c, if you think I'm cheating go ahead and report me. I'd love to see how I'm doing it. I am curious to see as well how the mods handle this one.

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Re: Bolo XXXV [No Form]

Postby Kemmler on Sun Jul 20, 2008 7:59 am

State409c wrote:Does it seem a bit odd that 3 brand new players scattered across the globe (US, Slovenia, Israel) would play their turns back to back to back at 3am est? Then, by magic again, Bolo finds me and eliminates me on his very next turn. Amazing. That guys is sooooo good at these games. How does he do it??

This looks suspicious but no means multis of Bolo, could be someone else.
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Re: Bolo XXXV [No Form]

Postby State409c on Sun Jul 20, 2008 8:33 am

For someone that isn't cheating, thats a heckuva rebuttal.

Explain this one to me:

You're so skilled at this game, that instead of putting 27 armies down to go after hbesh and prevent him from holding 3 castles and several villages, you rather put them down on Gold Mine and go after Inarian, who you couldn't see how large his stack was? You're so good at figuring out where I am time and time again, that even when it was completely obvious where hbesh was (in fact, you could see it from your perch on Rhit) and he should have been the one to attack, that you went after Inarian instead? Really?

Was it because it was decided ahead of time that hbesh was to get those points?

I find it extremely weird that in that game you asked "Who is my crew?" like you weren't playing with anyone, then you readily admit in this thread that you are part of an affiliation.

Why, after so many games of nicho playing with you, once he was blocked, Julius Ceasar suddenly showed up on the list? Is it...because you are sharing information in the PMs or via a non-CC communications method and you needed that advantage that you couldn't get since Nicho wasn't on board?

The reason I don't have you blocked is because I want to play against you with legit competition and get my points back. I've seen your strategy and it's pretty weak. I was routinely handing you your ass when I first started playing games you created. Then, things changed. Hmmmm, wonder what it was?
Major State409c
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Re: Bolo XXXV [No Form]

Postby Bolo XXXV on Sun Jul 20, 2008 11:52 am

In the middle of a three way battle, why should I not go after the guy who hasn't suffered an attack in a round or two? Thinking that hbesh and I made a pact? Well, thats your opinion. Do you know the saying of opinions? :lol:

As for my earlier comment, only the word 'not' was left out of it. I haven't commited to joining that team.

Go ahead and let the mods review me and my actions. Since I have committed no wrong, I nothing to fear. 8-) They do search for stuff like this all the time, you know.

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Re: Bolo XXXV [No Form]

Postby State409c on Sun Jul 20, 2008 1:54 pm

I already admitted your cheating is extremely clever so it isn't like the mods are going to be able to just look at the maps casually and see the cheating. Heck, it took me about 10-12 games of playing against you plus quite a bit more time studying your other games and your friends games to puts some pieces of the puzzle together. You have multiple "friends" join your games so it's tough to nail down 2 players working in concert. As soon as I blocked them, random newbies joined the games. - as their very first games to conquer club. That is pretty much the nail in your coffin. How on earth do three brand new people to CC just happen to join your games and how do they just happen to play back to back to back when all three of them are scattered across the globe? Do you think the rest of us or the mods not know what a proxy is?
Major State409c
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Re: Bolo XXXV [No Form]

Postby bryguy on Sun Jul 20, 2008 8:21 pm

I have played 85 games (1 of those im still playing) games against bolo, and i can tell you he aint no cheater. He and I are always on good terms, and Im almost in every one of his games. Why? Because he is a good guy, and some day I hope to get as good or better than him. People who I usually notice in his games are Nicho and occasionally some other guys whose names slip my mind right now. Many a time 1-5 newbies will join bolos games, but also the case for my games and nichos and many other peoples!

State409c wrote:I already admitted your cheating is extremely clever so it isn't like the mods are going to be able to just look at the maps casually and see the cheating. Heck, it took me about 10-12 games of playing against you plus quite a bit more time studying your other games and your friends games to puts some pieces of the puzzle together. You have multiple "friends" join your games so it's tough to nail down 2 players working in concert. As soon as I blocked them, random newbies joined the games. - as their very first games to conquer club. That is pretty much the nail in your coffin. How on earth do three brand new people to CC just happen to join your games and how do they just happen to play back to back to back when all three of them are scattered across the globe? Do you think the rest of us or the mods not know what a proxy is?

State, I dont believe you one bit. You've played 10-12 games (so about 11) and you claim he is a cheater. Ive played 85 againts him alone, and in all 405. Lots of times 1-5 newbies will join, and usually when bolo IS NOT playing.

What do you mean by multiple "friends"? people like Nicho and I? If so then I can tell you right now your a liar. Usually the same people play in groups because they know each other and its more fun if they play against someone they know wont get mad and start swearing just because you get a lucky roll.

You say that he is sneaky about cheating. If so, then how in 11 or so games are you able to tell? and why not me after 85 with him? You dont have any proof of any cheating! Just because he is good at the game, does not mean he is cheating.

You claim he is a multi with newbies. Did you ever look at the ammount of newbies who join 8 player circus maximus? Also, did you ever look at the countries of the newbies who joined? In the link you left, only 1 newbie is from the united states like bolo. Did you ever stop to think of that?

In short state, i believe that your a liar with no proof at all. Your claiming bolo is a cheater and a multi after 11 games, just because in some of them 3 or so newbies joined. Hows about you try in game finder, searching the name KLOBBER, the map Circus Maximus, and the number of players 8. Go ahead and see how many games he has that newbies have joined, usually as their first! and yet, people have said he is a multi, and he has been cleared.
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Re: Bolo XXXV [No Form]

Postby bryguy on Sun Jul 20, 2008 8:27 pm

State409c wrote:For someone that isn't cheating, thats a heckuva rebuttal.

Explain this one to me:

You're so skilled at this game, that instead of putting 27 armies down to go after hbesh and prevent him from holding 3 castles and several villages, you rather put them down on Gold Mine and go after Inarian, who you couldn't see how large his stack was? You're so good at figuring out where I am time and time again, that even when it was completely obvious where hbesh was (in fact, you could see it from your perch on Rhit) and he should have been the one to attack, that you went after Inarian instead? Really?

Was it because it was decided ahead of time that hbesh was to get those points?

what the heck you rambling on about?

in all the games bolo has played, if you search, only 38 have hbesh in them. If you call that a multi or something, then why not say im a multi after playing 85 games against him!

And Ive done the same thing that bolo did in that game many a time. Just because you saw it happen in 1 game, doesnt mean it doesnt happen in 300 others with 800 other people.

I say that your just a @#%&@%# and you should stop blaming people with no real proof!

(cant say the word cause i dont like to swear and it might be considered flaming)
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Re: Bolo XXXV [No Form]

Postby State409c on Mon Jul 21, 2008 7:33 am

State, I dont believe you one bit. You've played 10-12 games (so about 11) and you claim he is a cheater.

No, that isn't what I said at all. Did you read? I said 10-12 games and A LOT of studying of other games he has played. The real number I have played against him is 24 now.

Ive played 85 againts him alone, and in all 405. Lots of times 1-5 newbies will join, and usually when bolo IS NOT playing.

I have no idea how to decipher what it is you just said.

What do you mean by multiple "friends"? people like Nicho and I? If so then I can tell you right now your a liar.

My liar what? I'm having a hard time taking your post seriously when it is grammatically and logically inefficient. He has played MANY team games with nicho. It isn't like they just happen to play a lot of Standard games against each other because they are comfortable with each other.

You say that he is sneaky about cheating. If so, then how in 11 or so games are you able to tell? and why not me after 85 with him? You dont have any proof of any cheating! Just because he is good at the game, does not mean he is cheating.

Again, I'll ask you to read it again. I didn't just decide one day after a few beats that he was cheating. I thought things seemed fishy. I studied the game logs pretty closely, and for such a superior realms player, at times he really makes some obtuse moves and doesn't have good explanations for them. You probably don't notice the cheating because you aren't very perceptive.

You claim he is a multi with newbies. Did you ever look at the ammount of newbies who join 8 player circus maximus? Also, did you ever look at the countries of the newbies who joined? In the link you left, only 1 newbie is from the united states like bolo. Did you ever stop to think of that?

I'm not saying he is the only one doing the cheating here. I actually think it is a lot of his crew. I don't know who created the 3 player multi, could have been him, could have been one of his crew, it could have just been a coincidence. Also, please understand what a proxy is before you use location as some sort of evidence to your side. Please see where it says I am sitting right now. Germany. I'm actually in North Carolina.

In short state, i believe that your a liar with no proof at all.

My liar what? Well, I don't think I am actually a liar. I am making a possibly slanderous accusation, but to be a liar, I'd have to be making up all the words I am typing here and not actually believing them.

searching the name KLOBBER, the map Circus Maximus, and the number of players 8. Go ahead and see how many games he has that newbies have joined, usually as their first! and yet, people have said he is a multi, and he has been cleared.

I read those threads weeks ago about Klobber and the newbies. That doesn't do anything for your argument.

In short, please go away and let the adults discuss this thread.
Major State409c
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Re: Bolo XXXV [No Form]

Postby lancehoch on Mon Jul 21, 2008 9:52 pm

I should have posted in here earlier, but this will not be looked at until the form is filled out. Please copy and fill in the following:

Names of accused:

Suspected of: (select those that apply) Multi/Secret Alliance/Abuse/Other

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Re: Bolo XXXV [No Form]

Postby State409c on Tue Jul 22, 2008 7:52 am

I don't expect it to be looked at. The cheating is extremely complex and clever. It would take way too much mod time and effort to piece together the puzzle I have. Honestly, I've played nearly 25 games with the guy and unfortunately probably spend another couple-few hours looking at a lot of other game history for irregularities. I don't expect the mods to do that type of research and I don't feel like spending the inordinate amount of time to post it all here. I just wanted to get this one on record so he'll change his behavior and stop cheating.
Major State409c
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Re: Bolo XXXV [No Form]

Postby bryguy on Tue Jul 22, 2008 9:59 am

State409c wrote:I don't expect it to be looked at. The cheating is extremely complex and clever. It would take way too much mod time and effort to piece together the puzzle I have. Honestly, I've played nearly 25 games with the guy and unfortunately probably spend another couple-few hours looking at a lot of other game history for irregularities. I don't expect the mods to do that type of research and I don't feel like spending the inordinate amount of time to post it all here. I just wanted to get this one on record so he'll change his behavior and stop cheating.

dude if your not gonna file a report then the mods will most likely lock this, or delete it, or something like that and everybody will forget about it :roll:
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Re: Bolo XXXV [No Form]

Postby lancehoch on Tue Jul 22, 2008 7:46 pm

State409c wrote:I don't expect it to be looked at. The cheating is extremely complex and clever. It would take way too much mod time and effort to piece together the puzzle I have. Honestly, I've played nearly 25 games with the guy and unfortunately probably spend another couple-few hours looking at a lot of other game history for irregularities. I don't expect the mods to do that type of research and I don't feel like spending the inordinate amount of time to post it all here. I just wanted to get this one on record so he'll change his behavior and stop cheating.

Moved to closed reports. Please stop spamming the C&A forum.
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