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MeDeFe wrote:God: You've got free will, but you reject me and you're doomed you little pissant, now worship at my feet!
God: I offer myself unto you. Accept me, and we shall spend eternity together. You may choose to spend eternity without me, as much as it would grieve me. Know only that I love you and want to see you on the path to my arms.
I really don't see the big difference. You just put it in nicer words Ambrose.
OnlyAmbrose wrote:
God gave us (and the angels) free choice in whether or not to accept him. "Evil", boiled down to its essence, is the REJECTION of God and His ways- Satan rejected God of his own free will, which I guess could be the first evil. Adam and Eve rejected God's ways by disobeying Him, thus original sin greases the slippery slope of human evil.
OnlyAmbrose wrote:"When the Lord saw how great was man's wickedness on earth... he regretted that he had made man on earth and his heart was grieved. So the Lord said: 'I will wipe out from the earth the men whom I have created... for I am sorry that I made them.' But Noah found favor with the Lord."
Aradhus wrote:He's all about free will that God of yours. OK, ok, sometimes he's a bit inconsistent, but who are we to judge?!
Knight of Orient wrote:Backglass, you said,
"I don't know what it is with the obsession with hell you two have (jay and HSF). YES it's a reality, and YES it is something to be avoided, but do you really want people to begin a relationship with God out of fear of hell?"
As much as it would be prefered they turn to Christ because you believe in him, rather than over fear of hell, if thats what it takes for you to be saved, then it will suffice
Knight of Orient wrote:Backglass, you said,
"I don't know what it is with the obsession with hell you two have (jay and HSF). YES it's a reality, and YES it is something to be avoided, but do you really want people to begin a relationship with God out of fear of hell?"
As much as it would be prefered they turn to Christ because you believe in him, rather than over fear of hell, if thats what it takes for you to be saved, then it will suffice
PLAYER57832 wrote:Too many of those who claim they don't believe global warming are really "end-timer" Christians.
jay_a2j wrote:Knight of Orient wrote:Backglass, you said,
"I don't know what it is with the obsession with hell you two have (jay and HSF). YES it's a reality, and YES it is something to be avoided, but do you really want people to begin a relationship with God out of fear of hell?"
As much as it would be prefered they turn to Christ because you believe in him, rather than over fear of hell, if thats what it takes for you to be saved, then it will suffice
That wasn't backglass, it was OnlyAmbrose who said that.
OnlyAmbrose wrote:And I hold firm to that statement. God doesn't force people to be saved. IT MUST be a conscious choice.
OnlyAmbrose wrote:And I hold firm to that statement. God doesn't force people to be saved. IT MUST be a conscious choice.
OnlyAmbrose wrote:Apparently, vtmarik, it's a VERY hard choice to make. Given the two options (eternal glory and eternal suffering) one would THINK it would be a no-brainer! But clearly it's not... because based on what I see many people are at this particular moment in time making the wrong choice.
The two choices are accept God and reject Him. Clearly, the people on this forum are quite divided on how to make this choice. So it would then follow that there IS a choice.
Aradhus wrote:OnlyAmbrose wrote:And I hold firm to that statement. God doesn't force people to be saved. IT MUST be a conscious choice.
Have you even read the bible?
I am God. I decree that Israelites are my special little people, and therefore to endure their specialness I will destroy their enemies. I will send my peoples enemies delusions(so that they can't be saved). I will mess with events on earth.
I'm an Israelite, old testament. God manipulates my enemies. God is creating a greater opportunity for me to be "saved". And he is making damn sure that my enemy cannot be saved.
vtmarik wrote:Choosing between Heaven and Hell isn't a choice. I'm not saying that "it's a no-brainer" I'm saying that it isn't a real choice.
I have a better analogy than the ones I cited earlier. "Heaven or Hell" is the same choice as "Cake or Death." One one hand you have soft, delicious cake and on the other you have death. Where I come from that's not a choice, it's coercion. It's manipulative, and I think that Jesus would smack the taste out of your mouth for repeating that trash (shortly after He returned and disbanded the Church since it follows its own desires rather than His).
MeDeFe wrote:
When you preach about god's goodness and love you're going on hearsay, you have no idea whether he exists and what he actually is like if he does.
Of course this is all hypothesis. Just like everything else about god.
freyme wrote:Bible is the oldest existing book.
freyme wrote:Recorded history, not religiosly biased history, backs up and verifies that many, many, many people and events in the Bible are accurate, including history of a man named Jesus who lives during the exact timeframe as recorded in the Bible.
freyme wrote:Other religions even talk about the man Jesus of that time.
freyme wrote:Evolution and other scientific theories(Big Bang) all at times make leaps that cannot or have not been proven by scientific fact, but are going by what people believe(notice use the word believe and not know) is the most plausible explanation, even though science is supposed to be strictly fact based.
freyme wrote:At some point in time, every living person has to have a faith.
freyme wrote:Otherwise where does your hope lie?
freyme wrote:At the end I am not going to force anyone to agree with me.
freyme wrote:I will truely feel bad if you have not chosen my faith, not becuase you are a lesser person, but because I feel that you would/are missing out on something truly amazing and life changing that I want every person to know about.
freyme wrote:I want everyone to know that I have been a Christian for over 20 years, was raised in a Christian family, graduated from a Bible College, took religion classes and a public university with atheist professors, and I still make mistakes.
freyme wrote:I strive to care about all people even if we have things that we disagree about.
freyme wrote:I ramble on sometimes, but this is the first I have seen this thread.
freyme wrote:Evolution and other scientific theories(Big Bang) all at times make leaps that cannot or have not been proven by scientific fact, but are going by what people believe(notice use the word believe and not know) is the most plausible explanation, even though science is supposed to be strictly fact based.
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