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Americans: What political party are you part of?

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What political party are you?

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Postby strike wolf on Mon Nov 20, 2006 11:51 pm

Yeah, if the Democrats and Republicans would take time, stop arguing and look at what they have really done to actually help the problem (Little if any) rather than just bickering with each other. But right now the Dems. are blaming the Reps for everything that is wrong in the country and the Reps are telling everybody why it would be worse with Dems in charge. The last time I remember the Dems. and Reps. agreed on anything was 9/11 then a month later it was back to how it had been, constant bickering.
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Postby sfhbballnut on Tue Nov 21, 2006 3:55 pm

its gotten worse, sure they've always been at odds, but its becoming critical they are activly going against whatever the other says and it will become a problem if it isn't already
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Postby Freetymes on Tue Nov 21, 2006 4:08 pm

reverend_kyle wrote:
Cheesemore wrote:I am a weird rebulican
Same Sex Marrage is ok in my book
and Abortion too (but has to be ok'd by both mom and dad)

If you are republican on some other issues(like corporation rights) I'd say we got ourselves a libertarian.


There is a reason why Socialism has failed at every attempt in history!
TheProwler wrote:I concede.
Just this once.
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Postby sfhbballnut on Tue Nov 21, 2006 4:11 pm

because it looks good on paper but is impossible to carry out?
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Postby ghoste99 on Tue Nov 21, 2006 4:35 pm


Abortion is murder, why is it that someone can chose to take the life of someone before they are born? All it is is murder.

And to people who say "Well what if someone got pregnent after getting raped" Well boo hoo for you, just becouse something shitty happend to you dosent give you the privlage to take lives.

I have mixed feelings about same sex marriage , Personaly i dont care if people are homosexual, its ageanst my religion and evrything but god made the world so that people have a choice to fallow him or not. But some will argue that we shouldent be giveing them a tool as religous people.

Then there is the sense that its not fair for people who do not beleave in our god to have to fallow our rules, becouse its not like they can just leave our country anytime they want.

Edit: Now that i think of it i would also like to give my opinions on the war on terror

Im personaly all for it, Terrorist are the biggest threat to our country atm, there greatest weapon is to turn americans ageanst eachother and there doing a pretty good job.

Then there are the retards who say things like "lets just leave cant we all just get along" Well leaveing isent going to solve the problem, there just going to get stronger with us not breathing down there necks and then another 9/11 will happen all over again.

And once im 18 i plan on joining the marines and helping with this war effort.
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Postby sfhbballnut on Tue Nov 21, 2006 5:34 pm

way to go ghoste, all good except the bit on same sex marriage, that's just wrong. So I'm basically a republican if that's to be any indicator^, but I still think the parties are tearing the government apart, the corruption throughout them is not only disgusting but will eventualy be detramental to the goverment
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Postby Joe McCarthy on Tue Nov 21, 2006 5:58 pm

All this party hating stuff I dont get. A party is nothing more than people that have teamed up to try and help each other win elections. There is nothing wrong with it and its the natural way things shake out when people live in a democracy.

If you guys got your wish and all parties were abolished today you know what would happen? Three guys having a beer somewhere would be talking politics, decide they agree on most things, one of them would decide to run for office and the other two would be so excited they'd promise to help him campaign, and then you'd have a new party. Others would like what they are doing and join up. At the same time other parties would be starting the same way and pretty soon there would be a ton of them. Then a couple parties would see they pretty much agree with another party and would team up to make a big party. After much sifting, you'd wind up with two big parties again.

All this "we need to make everybody find common ground and get rid of the parties" bullshit is just silly.
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Postby Stopper on Tue Nov 21, 2006 6:25 pm

Joe McCarthy wrote:All this party hating stuff I dont get. A party is nothing more than people that have teamed up to try and help each other win elections. There is nothing wrong with it and its the natural way things shake out when people live in a democracy.

If you guys got your wish and all parties were abolished today you know what would happen? Three guys having a beer somewhere would be talking politics, decide they agree on most things, one of them would decide to run for office and the other two would be so excited they'd promise to help him campaign, and then you'd have a new party. Others would like what they are doing and join up. At the same time other parties would be starting the same way and pretty soon there would be a ton of them. Then a couple parties would see they pretty much agree with another party and would team up to make a big party. After much sifting, you'd wind up with two big parties again.

All this "we need to make everybody find common ground and get rid of the parties" bullshit is just silly.

I'm not American, so according to one poster on here, I apparently can't exercise my human right to freedom of speech on this thread. So instead, I'll quote, quite possibly for the last time, JM here again. Although I very much doubt I'll agree about anything else with him. In everything else, he generally sounds very like the witch-hunter he has named himself after.

PS: a bottle of wine means I can't help but say that some of you people just sound like a bunch of puffs to me. Don't wish for some great unifying figure to become head of your country, whatever country that might be, because you might get what you wished for.
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Postby Joe McCarthy on Tue Nov 21, 2006 6:42 pm

Stopper wrote:PS: a bottle of wine means I can't help but say that some of you people just sound like a bunch of puffs to me. Don't wish for some great unifying figure to become head of your country, whatever country that might be, because you might get what you wished for.

haha, I have thought the same thing but held my tongue. Could be that I haven't had enough wine.

Yeah fellas, think about the implications of what you are whining for. In what kind of society does everybdoy agree about everything and never argue?
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Postby sfhbballnut on Tue Nov 21, 2006 6:58 pm

the parties fighting is destroying the American government, they're supposed to be making decisions for the people, not their party. They are power crazy and are clinging to the party to stay in power, I'm not saying that abolishing the parties is the only way to go, but something must be done. I find it odd that someone by the screen name of Joe McCarthy is offering political views
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Postby Skittlesandmnms on Tue Nov 21, 2006 6:59 pm

sfhbballnut wrote:I'm not saying I don't have a party, I'm saying they all need to go, its political reform in the interest of the American people, who the parties seem to have forgotten put them in power and are fighting there battles, not the battles of the people

i agree. George Washington did NOT want these parties... I don't really know how they got started.
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Postby sfhbballnut on Tue Nov 21, 2006 7:05 pm

you are a retard, do you even understand what we're talking about? The system had worked, but as of now it is becoming problematic. I am ignorant to the point that I would assume that stucture the founding of our country would apply to today, I do believe we've lost some of those principles that need to be reinstated, honor for example. A government has to be evr changing to fit te times, when a government can't adapt, it can't survive. I'd prefer that America not be weakened by the grudges of some power crazy parties
Last edited by sfhbballnut on Wed Nov 22, 2006 8:27 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Joe McCarthy on Tue Nov 21, 2006 8:15 pm

sfhbballnut wrote:the parties fighting is destroying the American government, they're supposed to be making decisions for the people, not their party. They are power crazy and are clinging to the party to stay in power, I'm not saying that abolishing the parties is the only way to go, but something must be done. I find it odd that someone by the screen name of Joe McCarthy is offering political views

Parties fighting isnt destroying the American government. Its the way we decide on what policies to back. And its natural that it gets personal sometimes because so much is at stake. Dont worry about keeping the debate civil, let it go. If you try and force people to agree or force them not to help people they agree with (which is what you are doing if you get rid of the parties), you have decided that democracy is too messy to go on with and a totalitarian state would be less rancorous.

Also, I can still post in whatever thread I want, your perfect society of everybody-must-agree-for-the-common-good hasn't happened yet. I dont know why my screename should surprise you in this thread, it should give you a clue that I'm interested in politics.

edited: Less uncivil.
Last edited by Joe McCarthy on Tue Nov 21, 2006 11:10 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby DogDoc on Tue Nov 21, 2006 10:16 pm

Hey - how come "The John Birch Society" isn't a choice?? :lol:
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Postby DIRESTRAITS on Tue Nov 21, 2006 11:15 pm

Personally, I am a Libertarian. I think that the biggest problem in America is that neither side-Republican or Democrat-wants to limit government spending and let people make their own decisions. Even though Republicans talk about it a lot, the people in control of the party only make a half-assed effort at it. This is a lot bigger problrn than who can marry who :roll:
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Postby Skittlesandmnms on Tue Nov 21, 2006 11:51 pm

yeah... with all the problems going on in the world, the fact that bush decided to focus on gay ppl fucking pisses me off. there unemployemnt everywhere. the nation is in debt over a trillion dollars. were at war (even though congress did NOT declare it) and he thinks bill marrying ted is a problem... wtf... i hate him... :evil:
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Postby DIRESTRAITS on Wed Nov 22, 2006 7:15 pm

Skittlesandmnms wrote:yeah... with all the problems going on in the world, the fact that bush decided to focus on gay ppl fucking pisses me off. there unemployemnt everywhere. the nation is in debt over a trillion dollars. were at war (even though congress did NOT declare it) and he thinks bill marrying ted is a problem... wtf... i hate him... :evil:

Its not just Bush, but the whole country, both sides. And I have no problem with the War in Iraq. Congress hasn't declared a war since WWII
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Postby sfhbballnut on Wed Nov 22, 2006 8:37 pm

Joe McCarthy wrote:
sfhbballnut wrote:the parties fighting is destroying the American government, they're supposed to be making decisions for the people, not their party. They are power crazy and are clinging to the party to stay in power, I'm not saying that abolishing the parties is the only way to go, but something must be done. I find it odd that someone by the screen name of Joe McCarthy is offering political views

Parties fighting isnt destroying the American government. Its the way we decide on what policies to back. And its natural that it gets personal sometimes because so much is at stake. Dont worry about keeping the debate civil, let it go. If you try and force people to agree or force them not to help people they agree with (which is what you are doing if you get rid of the parties), you have decided that democracy is too messy to go on with and a totalitarian state would be less rancorous.

Also, I can still post in whatever thread I want, your perfect society of everybody-must-agree-for-the-common-good hasn't happened yet. I dont know why my screename should surprise you in this thread, it should give you a clue that I'm interested in politics.

edited: Less uncivil.

The parties fighting was how we decided on policies, now its gotten to the point where they don't care any more, its all about the party and power. They don't even care about what they're supposed to stand for anymore. The point of our governmet is to look out for the common good. My point behind getting rid of the parties is so that the reps can make their own decisions and not strictly follow their party. The mudslinging going on between them is just childish, and I've already stated that I'm no political scholar so I don't know how best to fix the proble, its just a way I see that would help. The biggest issue presented by the parties is at some point people are going to be so sick of one party or the other because of the way whichever one has the most power is running things, that they will put up bad candidates just to get a change. Then we'll be in some trouble. It may happen now if someone forces through the idea that a complete pull out of the war. It would make all we've already done for not and the problems we're fighting there would return.
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Postby Joe McCarthy on Wed Nov 22, 2006 9:58 pm

Im going to try to make this as clear as possible for you. There is no possible way to have a democracy without political parties. Like-minded people working together towards common goals and doing favors for one another is a natural thing. That arrangemnt is also known as a political party and people will always do that and it can never be prevented in a free country. Get used to it.
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Postby DogDoc on Wed Nov 22, 2006 10:16 pm

Skittlesandmnms wrote:yeah... with all the problems going on in the world, the fact that bush decided to focus on gay ppl fucking pisses me off. there unemployemnt everywhere. the nation is in debt over a trillion dollars. were at war (even though congress did NOT declare it) and he thinks bill marrying ted is a problem... wtf... i hate him... :evil:

Unemployment everywhere? October was at a five-year low :roll:

And, um, yes, we ARE at war. Do you remember a little incident whereby 2 airplanes slammed into the World Trade Center and brought them down and another one that went into the Pentagon? Congress didn't declare that one, either.

And Bush is focusing on gays? Damn, and I had that all wrong. Here I thought he was preoccupied with Iraq, terrorism and now dealing with a hostile majority in Congress.

Please tell me where you get your news so that I can be as well informed.
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Postby boogiesadda on Thu Nov 23, 2006 9:21 am

I am a registered Democrat and I am active in my party although I do have some republicanish views

1 Gay marriage-----NO
2. Civil Unions-----Yes
3. Unrestricted Abortion------NO
4. Abortion for Rape, Incest and health of mother--------Yes
Is it 2008 yet? Why yes my son and it is time for change
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Postby sfhbballnut on Thu Nov 23, 2006 11:08 pm

Joe McCarthy wrote:Im going to try to make this as clear as possible for you. There is no possible way to have a democracy without political parties. Like-minded people working together towards common goals and doing favors for one another is a natural thing. That arrangemnt is also known as a political party and people will always do that and it can never be prevented in a free country. Get used to it.

I'm not saying that is the only way and if its not possible fine, but their childish bickering over pointless arguements is a problem, how else can we fix it?
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Postby strike wolf on Thu Nov 23, 2006 11:42 pm

DogDoc wrote:
Skittlesandmnms wrote:yeah... with all the problems going on in the world, the fact that bush decided to focus on gay ppl fucking pisses me off. there unemployemnt everywhere. the nation is in debt over a trillion dollars. were at war (even though congress did NOT declare it) and he thinks bill marrying ted is a problem... wtf... i hate him... :evil:

Unemployment everywhere? October was at a five-year low :roll:

And, um, yes, we ARE at war. Do you remember a little incident whereby 2 airplanes slammed into the World Trade Center and brought them down and another one that went into the Pentagon? Congress didn't declare that one, either.

And Bush is focusing on gays? Damn, and I had that all wrong. Here I thought he was preoccupied with Iraq, terrorism and now dealing with a hostile majority in Congress.

Please tell me where you get your news so that I can be as well informed.

I think the last year or 2 has actually been lower than overall average for the last 100+ years.
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Postby sfhbballnut on Fri Nov 24, 2006 2:46 pm

please keep in mind who you are talking to when getting information from skittles, I question his sources and reliability
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Postby Joe McCarthy on Fri Nov 24, 2006 8:11 pm

Skittles just shoots his mouth off. Unemployment is at 4.4 percent. Lowest in ages. And Bush isnt concentrating on gay marriage, thats just dumb to say.
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