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EckoJ [Foe List/Ratings Abuse]

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EckoJ [Foe List/Ratings Abuse]

Postby GeneralN20 on Mon Jul 14, 2008 3:24 pm

  • EckoJ

    The accused are suspected of:
    • Other: Abusing the ratings system by giving 1 star points to players who defeated him.
    • Other: Flaming players during a game, making the game more of a pain than fun.

    Game number(s):

In the game chat, it can be easily seen that this player was being highly rude and unfair during the game. By the time of 18:28:12 he was already cheering a good game. The game had just started at 18:10:08, and he was already giving up. By 18:29 he began insulting me because I was attacking him instead of red. By insulting, I really mean insulting; not simply giving hurtful sarcastic comments, but by giving full-blown insults. Of course, I just cleanly defended myself, and did not insult him at all. At 18:35 he says I ruined the game, when at 18:28 he had given up, and then threatens me at 18:36

I would like for you to please erase the ratings he gave me because:

1. He gave me 1 star fair play, when I neither cheated, played dirty, or did any secret alliances. I mean, there's no room for an "Unfair Play" at speed games.

2. He gave me a 1 star in attendance. Once again, how can you have a 1 star attendance on a speed game? Unless you're purposely trying to lose, which would have affected fair play, but I played until the end. I did not give up like him.

3. He gave me a 1 star attitude. I neither insulted him or responded to him badly. There's no reason for that 1 star.

This is all I'm asking. Other players have complained about him in the past (check his comments), but you decide what you do with him. I just want my ratings to be fair and truly show how I acted.
Last edited by GeneralN20 on Mon Jul 14, 2008 4:14 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: EckoJ

Postby t-o-m on Mon Jul 14, 2008 3:34 pm

Eckoj is a fantastic player, leave him be.
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Re: EckoJ

Postby FabledIntegral on Mon Jul 14, 2008 3:40 pm

GeneralN20 wrote:Accused:
  • EckoJ

    The accused are suspected of:
    • Other: Abusing the ratings system by giving 1 star points to players who defeated him.

    Game number(s):

In the game chat, it can be easily seen that this player was being highly rude and unfair during the game. By the time of 18:28:12 he was already cheering a good game. The game had just started at 18:10:08, and he was already giving up. By 18:29 he began insulting me because I was attacking him instead of red. By insulting, I really mean insulting; not simply giving hurtful sarcastic comments, but by giving full-blown insults. Of course, I just cleanly defended myself, and did not insult him at all. At 18:35 he says I ruined the game, when at 18:28 he had given up, and then threatens me at 18:36

I would like for you to please erase the ratings he gave me because:

1. He gave me 1 star fair play, when I neither cheated, played dirty, or did any secret alliances. I mean, there's no room for an "Unfair Play" at speed games.

2. He gave me a 1 star in attendance. Once again, how can you have a 1 star attendance on a speed game? Unless you're purposely trying to lose, which would have affected fair play, but I played until the end. I did not give up like him.

3. He gave me a 1 star attitude. I neither insulted him or responded to him badly. There's no reason for that 1 star.

This is all I'm asking. Other players have complained about him in the past (check his comments), but you decide what you do with him. I just want my ratings to be fair and truly show how I acted.

Oh suck it up.

1. Many view strategy as the same with fair play simply because it associates with how you play. If you completely refuse to look at the board and gift the game away, then you didn't play fair, you instead threw the game and gave it to red.
2. Although I wouldn't justify it myself, if you ended early or somesort in a speed freestyle, and didn't start your turns soon, it could be viewed as poor attendance because you played poorly. I personally don't see it like that, and I'm guessing he just gave you 1 star because of you strategy.
3. Hardly abusive by him. He didn't threaten you at all, and made like insult telling you off with an f-bomb. That's something you should suck up more than anything. In terms of attitude, it could be also viewed as not owning up to your mistake or sore play and just brushing it off.

Problem with ratings is that they are all relative.
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Re: EckoJ

Postby GeneralN20 on Mon Jul 14, 2008 4:12 pm

Eckoj is a fantastic player, leave him be.

He may be as fantastic as you say, but he does not know how to play a game.

A game is supposed to be enjoyed by all who play, and if he cannot leave his aggresiveness behind and play, he should not play the game. Unless he was betting money or his life was at risk, there's no reason for his bad attitude.

Shame on you for favoring such people. [-X

1. Many view strategy as the same with fair play simply because it associates with how you play. If you completely refuse to look at the board and gift the game away, then you didn't play fair, you instead threw the game and gave it to red.

I had a perfectly good strategy. EckoJ was the one who destroyed my strategy, but I'm not angry with him because he did that, I was pretty amazed by what he did during the game. Just because I struck back at EckoJ and did not give up, he began to claim I "ruined the game" and "gave the game" to red.

How can I ruin a game if I kept on playing? IMO I would have ruined the game if I had left and not made a move and left Ecko and red play by themselves.

2. Although I wouldn't justify it myself, if you ended early or somesort in a speed freestyle, and didn't start your turns soon, it could be viewed as poor attendance because you played poorly. I personally don't see it like that, and I'm guessing he just gave you 1 star because of you strategy.

You can't justify it. There's no way you can justify it, and it further proves that EckoJ gave me a bad rating because I took him out in the game. That's one of the greatest pieces of evidence that proves the ratings he gave me were not true to how I really played. :roll:

3. Hardly abusive by him. He didn't threaten you at all, and made like insult telling you off with an f-bomb. That's something you should suck up more than anything. In terms of attitude, it could be also viewed as not owning up to your mistake or sore play and just brushing it off.

I don't have to "suck up" anything for anybody. Sure, he has paid for the premium thing, but that does not mean this is his game. He has no right to make my game experience uncomfortable, or make anybody else's game experience a pain.

If people have flamed you or bothered you before and you've "sucked it up," then good for you. I already have enough problems dealing with people in real life to have some idiot bothering me here in one of my favorite games. #-o
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Re: EckoJ

Postby KoE_Sirius on Mon Jul 14, 2008 4:22 pm

If EckoJ gave you one star then you deserve it.Learn to play a better game and he might give you 2. :)
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Re: EckoJ

Postby GeneralN20 on Mon Jul 14, 2008 4:31 pm

I see that he has a bunch of friends here, but that really matters very little to me.

Learn to play a better game and he might give you 2.

I don't have a ranking as high as he does, but my 51% victory clearly shows something better than his 32%, and is apparently better than anybody else who has posted here thus far.

I don't mass-play the games like you or he does, but I win half of those I play....much unlike yours shows. lol. =D>
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Re: EckoJ [Foe List/Ratings Abuse]

Postby lancehoch on Mon Jul 14, 2008 4:41 pm

Ratings abuse issues are still not being handled yet. An official word on them is still in the works. For now put the player on your foe list and you will not have to see his/her comments in your gamechat and they will no longer be able to join your games.
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Re: EckoJ [Foe List/Ratings Abuse]

Postby GeneralN20 on Mon Jul 14, 2008 4:46 pm

Ratings abuse issues are still not being handled yet. An official word on them is still in the works. For now put the player on your foe list and you will not have to see his/her comments in your gamechat and they will no longer be able to join your games.

Thank you very much. :)
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Re: EckoJ

Postby FabledIntegral on Mon Jul 14, 2008 8:18 pm

GeneralN20 wrote:I see that he has a bunch of friends here, but that really matters very little to me.

Learn to play a better game and he might give you 2.

I don't have a ranking as high as he does, but my 51% victory clearly shows something better than his 32%, and is apparently better than anybody else who has posted here thus far.

I don't mass-play the games like you or he does, but I win half of those I play....much unlike yours shows. lol. =D>

So you play a lot more games vs noobs? Having a high win% but low ranking means you generally bash noobs, otherwise your points would be higher. Nice logic on your part.
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Re: EckoJ [Foe List/Ratings Abuse]

Postby GeneralN20 on Mon Jul 14, 2008 10:12 pm

I don't even know what your problem is, but you make for a good way for me to laugh. :lol:

So you play a lot more games vs noobs?

I only play games every now and then. If I had been playing the quantity of my games vs. noobs I would not even be a sergeant. Of course, what other reply could I expect from someone who favors EckoJ? lol. :roll:

Having a high win% but low ranking means you generally bash noobs,

But sure, yeah, I've played some games with cadets. My reasoning is to play with everyone regardless of their rank (unless they're new recruits or cooks). I mainly play sergeants and corporals, though. In prior games I've defeated captains, majors, and just recently a lieutenant. :lol:

Yet, if we're going to go stereotypical on things, I can say you mass create games in order to simply get points. Nonetheless, I don't really like being stereotypical for it causes too many problems in the world as it is. [-X

otherwise your points would be higher. Nice logic on your part.

My points would be higher if I played more games. In fact, according to the percentages, I'd have even more points than you had I the same amount of games as you. Hahaha. =D>
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Re: EckoJ [Foe List/Ratings Abuse]

Postby EckoJ on Tue Jul 15, 2008 4:47 am

lol i know my attitude sucks somethime (pretty often) that why i have very low rating on it:P but i always give fair rateings, and if you check the game log you can see that you yourself got eliminated the turn after you eliminated me, wich means you didnt even stand a chanse after your move, wich prooves that it was a bad move, and you ruined the game for me by suiciding me like that. that why i gav eyou bad ratings and thats why your on foe list. funny how you make such a big deal about it though. Didnt think my opinion mattered that much :P im touched ^^
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Re: EckoJ [Foe List/Ratings Abuse]

Postby GeneralN20 on Tue Jul 15, 2008 7:47 am

lol i know my attitude sucks somethime (pretty often) that why i have very low rating on it:P

Go figure. :roll:

and if you check the game log you can see that you yourself got eliminated the turn after you eliminated me,

You and red were my only targets, and you were both at a similar strength. Nonetheless, your position was much more favorable, much unlike red's European position. You just gave me a bad rating because you lost, not because of how I played; and that's not what the ratings system is supposed to do, therefore you abused it.

wich means you didnt even stand a chanse after your move, wich prooves that it was a bad move,

Lol. You were the one who destroyed your own strategy. You left me enough time to counter-attack your invasion of Africa, and you kept attacking me while letting red get strong in the north. I was not going to give up, because that's not the way I play, and because that would have been an unfair play for the game.

and you ruined the game for me by suiciding me like that.

As far as I'm concerned, in a 3 player game you have to try to take out all of your opponents. Unless you have a secret alliance, you had to battle it out with everyone. Once again, you were the one in the best position, so I attacked you in order to get that position. On the other hand, if I had attacked red, you probably would have taken advantage of that to take us both down.

that why i gav eyou bad ratings and thats why your on foe list. funny how you make such a big deal about it though. Didnt think my opinion mattered that much im touched ^^

By giving me a 1 star in the "Attendance" rating, you have clearly proven that you gave me the ratings you did because you lost the game.

If I did not give up, and hence played the SPEED GAME, there's no way I should have 1 star in that section.

Your ratings matter because they do not reflect the true way I played the game. Hence, once more, you abused the system. [-X
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