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Re: IMPERIUM ROMANUM-p-1-30-NEW!!!!!10jul[idea,gameplay,graphic]

Postby yeti_c on Thu Jul 10, 2008 4:44 pm

I'm just sure that you can squeeze 5 letters onto your map.

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Re: IMPERIUM ROMANUM-p-1-30-NEW!!!!!10jul[idea,gameplay,graphic]

Postby Qwert on Fri Jul 11, 2008 4:04 pm

new update i add alpes in map like yeti sugested.I hipe that you satisfy now.
Click image to enlarge.
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Re: IMPERIUM ROMANUM-p-1-31-NEW!!!!!11jul[idea,gameplay,graphic]

Postby Qwert on Mon Jul 14, 2008 9:10 am

3 day pass and nobody post :?
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Re: IMPERIUM ROMANUM-p-1-31-NEW!!!!!11jul[idea,gameplay,graphic]

Postby yeti_c on Mon Jul 14, 2008 9:18 am

Alpes look good to me...

Personally I don't like the wolf logo... it's hard to distinguish that it's a wolf... but meh!

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Re: IMPERIUM ROMANUM-p-1-31-NEW!!11jul%^&*&$$%#@**!!!![id,ga,gr]

Postby Qwert on Mon Jul 14, 2008 6:43 pm

its ready for next stage :?:
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Re: IMPERIUM ROMANUM-p-1-29-NEW!!!!! 8jul[idea,gameplay,graphic]

Postby MrBenn on Mon Jul 14, 2008 6:54 pm

Click image to enlarge.

The bonus legend is a million time better now - It helps o much to have everything in the same place and nicely ordered ;-)
The little houses look better now too - although they still have a slightly thicker base... I'm not fussy though - again, it's another improvement.

My major niggle is still the text on the territory names. It looks a lot better now than ever before, although I still think the font is slightly blurry/pixelly. The text on non-playable Germania Magna is MUCH clearer than any of the territory names beneath it - and it isn't just because of the larger font. Please please try and make the names clearer. ;)
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Re: IMPERIUM ROMANUM-p-1-31-NEW 11 jul [id,ga,gr]

Postby Qwert on Tue Jul 15, 2008 3:41 am

My major niggle is still the text on the territory names. It looks a lot better now than ever before, although I still think the font is slightly blurry/pixelly. The text on non-playable Germania Magna is MUCH clearer than any of the territory names beneath it - and it isn't just because of the larger font. Please please try and make the names clearer.

MrBeen,i realy want to descover problem with names,but i realy dont see what is not good with names,maybe i have problems with eye.If letters in nonplayabile,and playabile area is same font,then is normal that more biger names is look better,
Example Italia,Alpes Inset,Roma defence inset is 100% same font style like all other playabile names,but its a bigger and more readabile,but i must say that all small names is also very good readabile, and i realy dont see here problem.Now i realy dont know how valid reason i must give you,that you belive me.
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Re: IMPERIUM ROMANUM-p-1-31-NEW 11 jul [id,ga,gr]

Postby yeti_c on Tue Jul 15, 2008 4:49 am

Could it be the brown stroke that the letters have that is making them funny?

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Re: IMPERIUM ROMANUM-p-1-31-NEW 11 jul [id,ga,gr]

Postby Qwert on Tue Jul 15, 2008 8:02 am

sometime i have feel that some people hate me.
There is no problem with letters. Letter is readabile,and its not funny,or strange or any other problem what you can not find with letters,ofcourse you can prolonging discusion with me,but sorry i must refuse these very strange and foggy sugestions.
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Re: IMPERIUM ROMANUM-p-1-31-NEW 11 jul [id,ga,gr]

Postby yeti_c on Tue Jul 15, 2008 8:23 am

No we don't hate you - but the comment has been raised by a few people - I was offering you help by saying what I thought that it might have been.

The problem is - you think hate people - we don't - it's not personal - it's the map that we are critiqueing not you... However - you don't help yourself by constantly refusing what people suggest...

And when you do that - people then stop caring about your map - then they don't come back... and then you don't get any feedback that is useful... which is why you then think that the map is ready for the next stage.

I imagine - It's very almost ready - BUT there are a couple of things that people have said - that you have refused - instead of considered...

Could you perhaps tweak the stroke on the lettering to see if it helps or hinders the lettering?

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Re: IMPERIUM ROMANUM-p-1-31-NEW 11 jul [id,ga,gr]

Postby Qwert on Tue Jul 15, 2008 8:36 am

well comment like "something funny" or "i see some strange" is coming from same persons,and i conecting with these,when i try to give feedback,and been very hard refuse,so aim not coment any more in other topic.
Yeti,i know that for you letters is not problem,and also i know that for Mrbenn letters is not problem.
If you want to agree,nobody(except Mrbeen,and you who start supporting hem)dont have problems with letters, major problem with letters in beggining whas size(to be readabile),and to stand in one line on up provinces(these is sugested more people).
Now i have situation that Mrbeen see something funny with letters,and you who is more present in IMperium romanum,hury to support hem. In some point like in other mine project,some people will come and say "its noncese,letters is ok,and whe dont know what you see wrong with that".History is repeating.
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Re: IMPERIUM ROMANUM-p-1-29-NEW!!!!! 8jul[idea,gameplay,graphic]

Postby yeti_c on Tue Jul 15, 2008 8:50 am

Qwert - I read this...

MrBenn wrote:My major niggle is still the text on the territory names. It looks a lot better now than ever before, although I still think the font is slightly blurry/pixelly. The text on non-playable Germania Magna is MUCH clearer than any of the territory names beneath it - and it isn't just because of the larger font.

So I stared at the top types of lettering...

The territory names - have a brown stroke...

The non playable names - don't have a brown stroke...

I ask - could you remove the Brown stroke - and post an example?

You say No! <- This is the bit that history is repeating!?

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Re: IMPERIUM ROMANUM-p-1-31-NEW 11 jul [id,ga,gr]

Postby Qwert on Tue Jul 15, 2008 10:26 am

So I stared at the top types of lettering...

The territory names - have a brown stroke...

The non playable names - don't have a brown stroke...

I ask - could you remove the Brown stroke - and post an example?

You say No! <- This is the bit that history is repeating!?

These is what anoing me most, when you can not find problem,then you want to create problem. That why aim angry when Mods map and mods frend map move faster,because can in one word to refuse changes,but here when i say that letter dont have any problem,then some guys stick to one non exist problem and not want to say that is ok. Yes history is repeating,because i refuse to do something what is not need,and yes people will see that Mrbeen request is quit strange.
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Re: IMPERIUM ROMANUM-p-1-31-NEW 11 jul [id,ga,gr]

Postby yeti_c on Tue Jul 15, 2008 10:28 am

Why don't you just work with the process and not against it?

Things would move a lot quicker if you did?

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Re: IMPERIUM ROMANUM-p-1-31-NEW 11 jul [id,ga,gr]

Postby AndyDufresne on Tue Jul 15, 2008 11:56 am

Qwert, why don't you be our friend then, and your map will move faster. ;)

I have a feeling the names can be cleaned up, do you agree? I'm not saying they should, but there seems to be a generally feeling that it is possible to make them more pleasant.

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Re: IMPERIUM ROMANUM-p-1-31-NEW 11 jul [id,ga,gr]

Postby ZeakCytho on Tue Jul 15, 2008 12:00 pm

AndyDufresne wrote:I have a feeling the names can be cleaned up, do you agree? I'm not saying they should, but there seems to be a generally feeling that it is possible to make them more pleasant.

A bunch of people are saying they'd like to see work on the names. And, now that I think about it, no one but qwert himself has posted in support of the current text...
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Re: IMPERIUM ROMANUM-p-1-30-NEW!!!!!10jul[idea,gameplay,graphic]

Postby pamoa on Tue Jul 15, 2008 12:15 pm

Easy qwert, I know what it is going angry against the whole world...
If you want it, I have some explanation about what is "creating" the problem.
In non-playable area you have a "dark" background so the light brown around your letters is contrasting with it, but in palyable area the background is the same color as the glow so it is anihilating the effect. What you can try, is to make the glow more white in the playable area than the actual one. Try it, and if it works, it's a quick way of getting rid of this issue. :)
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Re: IMPERIUM ROMANUM-p-1-31-NEW 11 jul [id,ga,gr]

Postby Qwert on Tue Jul 15, 2008 1:21 pm

I dont understand what is problem with names, and i repeat again that text is good.

by AndyDufresne on Tue Jul 15, 2008 6:56 pm

Qwert, why don't you be our friend then, and your map will move faster.

I have a feeling the names can be cleaned up, do you agree? I'm not saying they should, but there seems to be a generally feeling that it is possible to make them more pleasant.


Andy,i only want to all be right,that why i not post in other topic,because some people know to stike back requestion non exist issue. Its easy to say when every thing and you know that some people will supporting you even if you know that these problem not exist,and unfortunatly i dont have that kind of support,and frankly i dont need these kind of support,when will mine map move faster and in one month been in Main map foundry,or even worst,been in FF,and i know that i not deserve these.These is how fell all new map makers,when realise that map of MOD or Mod frends go faster,and quality of these map is same like hes maps.
Mrbenn is fight for hes Europe map,even if hes explanation abouth BAlkan is wrong,and mine sugestion not worth nothing in hes topic,but here hes sugestion that names is strange,bluur,and not readabile(what is complete not true)is more importan,then all mine explanation.Its these right?
You also andy thinking that text is OK,but you dont want to spoil all these fun,but i dont want to cross these line,even if these mean penalty for me.
I just hope that some other people will realise that text issue not exist,and that Mrbeen play some strange game with me,but for now he have support,and i dont because i dont want to PM frends to give me support and to arguing for nothing relevant.
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Re: IMPERIUM ROMANUM-p-1-31-NEW 11 jul [id,ga,gr]

Postby MrBenn on Tue Jul 15, 2008 1:49 pm

Qwert, let me put the record straight... I have never said that I can't read the text - I simply think that you could try and make the text a bit clearer. The change you made to line all the names up has made a fantastic difference to the clarity of the map, I just want to see you get something that looks better than just good ;-)

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Re: IMPERIUM ROMANUM-p-1-31-NEW 11 jul [id,ga,gr]

Postby Qwert on Tue Jul 15, 2008 2:16 pm

by MrBenn on Tue Jul 15, 2008 8:49 pm

Qwert, let me put the record straight... I have never said that I can't read the text - I simply think that you could try and make the text a bit clearer. The change you made to line all the names up has made a fantastic difference to the clarity of the map, I just want to see you get something that looks better than just good

Each map that a cartographer gets quenched should actually make it harder for the next one... The standard expected will always be made higher and higher. The price to pay for being the best, is having to be the best!

Mrbeen when you work on map with historical theme,you know that some things is need to be inplement on map,and when you reach that,you dont need to change to some diferent.
for these map i use text style Book Antiqua Italic(i hope that you agree that is normal for these map).Also i streech names to be more look to some maps who is mine source how will old map look. Also i create that Nonplayabile be diferent then playabile names(and these is again normal ).
If you realy think that you know better then i,then i can clear map of names and you can show me better option,but you must use all these require text style for Ancient roman empire,ofcourse names with shadow,will be unrealistic for these map.These is only what i see can solve these what you call "text issue".
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Re: IMPERIUM ROMANUM-p-1-31-NEW 11 jul [id,ga,gr]

Postby MrBenn on Tue Jul 15, 2008 4:30 pm

qwert wrote:If you realy think that you know better then i,then i can clear map of names and you can show me better option,but you must use all these require text style for Ancient roman empire,ofcourse names with shadow,will be unrealistic for these map.These is only what i see can solve these what you call "text issue".

Qwert, I have never said, or even thought that I know better than you - in fact I believe that your graphics skills are much better than mine.

All I have said is that I think the territory names look a bit blurry/pixelly when compared to the non-playable areas. I appreciate the style you are trying to achieve, I really do. Personally I feel that some compromise is inevitable, and I think that clarity is more important in this case.

Earlier in this thread, you mentioned the Balkans issue in the Europa map. In this instance I compromised geographical/political accuracy. You'll see the same in the British Isles revamp (which has immediacy for me) amongst many others. What you failed to mention though, is that I spent a long time encouraging discussion about the region groupings, and have tried many different options while trying to respond positively to the feedback received.

For some reason, your last few maps (this one and Ardennes) have failed to gather up a lot of feedback. You have very few active commentators, and when you do get any feedback, you seem to take the comments personally, often reacting stubbornly and negatively.

Please please try and find some way of encouraging feedback and responding positively. Believe it or not, we are actually trying to help you - and spur you on. It is the community as a whole that holds the key to progression for any map...
AndyDufresne wrote:why don't you be our friend then, and your map will move faster. ;-)
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Re: IMPERIUM ROMANUM-p-1-31-NEW 11 jul [id,ga,gr]

Postby Qwert on Tue Jul 15, 2008 4:44 pm

Qwert, I have never said, or even thought that I know better than you - in fact I believe that your graphics skills are much better than mine.

All I have said is that I think the territory names look a bit blurry/pixelly when compared to the non-playable areas. I appreciate the style you are trying to achieve, I really do. Personally I feel that some compromise is inevitable, and I think that clarity is more important in this case.

Now aim totaly confused :? :?
You want to help,but you dont know how? Can you tell me clearly what names present problem for you,i can not work if you dont show me where is a problem.When i dont se a problem,then only visualy can help me,and these is not will be first time to get help in that way,but still i belive that names is not blurry or pixelly,like you say, in one reason-the names is same text style,and only outer glow is diferent.Nonplayabile have same outer glow,and playabile have same outer glow. So i realy dont understand how you see that playabile names is blurry pihely,and nonplayabile is not. I want to be diferent and that why i use diferent outer glow. Now if you still dont belive,then i realy dont know how to help you.
Like i say previously,bigger names give feel that they more clear,but they is same.
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Re: IMPERIUM ROMANUM-p-1-30-NEW!!!!!10jul[idea,gameplay,graphic]

Postby AndyDufresne on Tue Jul 15, 2008 4:48 pm

pamoa wrote:Easy qwert, I know what it is going angry against the whole world...
If you want it, I have some explanation about what is "creating" the problem.
In non-playable area you have a "dark" background so the light brown around your letters is contrasting with it, but in palyable area the background is the same color as the glow so it is anihilating the effect. What you can try, is to make the glow more white in the playable area than the actual one. Try it, and if it works, it's a quick way of getting rid of this issue. :)

Pamoa had a suggestion on how to improve the map.

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Re: IMPERIUM ROMANUM-p-1-31-NEW 11 jul [id,ga,gr]

Postby Qwert on Tue Jul 15, 2008 4:56 pm

Pamoa had a suggestion on how to improve the map.


I doubt of that,but i will give map without names,so he can experiment with that,if he want to.I stay with mine version is best,but who know,maybe someon show better version.
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Re: IMPERIUM ROMANUM-p-1-31-NEW 11 jul [id,ga,gr]

Postby ZeakCytho on Tue Jul 15, 2008 4:58 pm

](*,) ](*,) ](*,)

There's really nothing else to say or do. Just slam my head against a brick wall. I support everything MrBenn and Pamoa have said, yet this clearly means nothing.
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