Conquer Club

US Pro Sports Showdown[Winner: killmanic][2ndTO:Redbaron0]

Tournaments completed in 2008.

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US Pro Sports Showdown[Winner: killmanic][2ndTO:Redbaron0]

Postby gameplayer on Sun Jul 13, 2008 9:09 pm

Hi everyone and welcome to the US Pro Sports Showdown, run by gameplayer and Redbaron0, where we'll be deciding which US pro sport team in which city is the best.
This is an expansion of the NYC Pro Sports Showdown Tournament:
The winner will receive a 9 month premium membership, and the runner-up gets a 3-month premium membership

When signing up, please specify which team you want to play for (See player's list for complete listings)

Round 1: City Plus-Score
Players in each city will be randomly split into groups of 4 or 5, where they will play a set of 1v1 games. The players will then be scored by win-loss percentage. The top 50% in each group advance to the next round, escalating games will be used to solve tiebreakers.
Map: Determined by which city you're in (see player's list for full details)
Settings: 2 player Standard, Sequential, No Cards, Chained, Sunny

Round 2: City Champions
All of the people in each city who advanced in the last round play a round-robin of 1v1 games and 6 games with all of the players in their city. (I.e. there's 5 players with plus-scores from the last round, they play 4 1v1 games and 6 5-player games)
Each 1v1 win: 1 point
Each larger game win: 2 points
Each larger game elimination: 1 point
1v1 Settings: Same as before
Large-Player Settings: Same map as before, Standard Seq Esc Unlimited Sunny
If there's a tie the person who won the most large-player games wins, if there's still a tie whoever won their 1v1 game against the other person wins

Final Round: USA
The 6 city champions play the same format as in Round 2, with the person scoring the most points winning
1v1 Settings: USA, Same settings as before
6 player Settings: USA, Same settings as before
Tiebreakers: same as last round
Last edited by gameplayer on Wed Nov 19, 2008 9:21 pm, edited 50 times in total.
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Player List

Postby gameplayer on Sun Jul 13, 2008 9:09 pm

Seattle (Puget Sound Map):
1. heatz
2. MostMackinest
3. Shai
4.Fire Mario

1. Bones2484
2. Icefog99
3. Kiwitaker
4. prismsaber

1. Night Strike
2. cougfan82
3. danodukebb
4. ntffl07

1. supposesublys

1. Destroyer Sol
2. redtide
3. mangus

Chicago (Prohibition Chicago Map)
White Sox
2. taggat
3. Evil Semp

1. killmanic
2. Drunk_Idiot
3. jackofalltrades
4. AtreidesHouse

1. Miandw
2. Gamefreakguy
3. MuzzaG

1. lisbon101
2. bigdaddyslim2
3. acores2005
4. gcwca_4_life

1. sharpie129

1. ilarry

New York (NYC Map):
1. blindmatt
2. dazdaz

1. seeso
2. AxeMusicMan

1. Godd
2. leolou2

1. tinal67

1. arkie

1. Luvr
2. bluenose

Philadelphia Area (Great Lakes Map)
1. Gilligan
2. ralphcptc
3. barterer2002
4. riskmaster101

1. Corman
2. Army of Achilles
3. gburg gunner
4. Ipwn Q

1. Marfski
2. punky206765

1. Revlisd
2. blockhead15

1. Natewolfman
2. fbonsignori

San Francisco (SF Map)
1. negoeien

1. Wendt100
2. zissou2

1. shoop76

1. Muleyak

1. MikeMcD5858
2. MEK

1. amazzony
2. sunshining

D.C. (US Senate Map)
1. BaldAdonis

1. reahma

1. harvmax
2. Lexitonia5
3. elmerfudd
4. jennifermarie

1. madman7

DC United
1. doochbagbill

1. dexterdexter
2. assassin07

1. gameplayer
2. RedBaron0
3. AndrewB
Last edited by gameplayer on Thu Aug 21, 2008 2:54 pm, edited 46 times in total.
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Standings (killmanic wins!)

Postby gameplayer on Sun Jul 13, 2008 9:10 pm

Round 1

Final Seattle Standings
Night Strike 3-0
Shai 3-0
danodukebb 3-0
MostMackinest 2-1
Fire Mario 2-1
Bones2484 2-1
redtide 2-1
ntffl07 2-1

Icefog99 1-2
kiwitaker 1-2
supposesublys 1-2
mangus 1-2
Destroyer Sol 1-2
prismsaber 0-3
heatz 0-3
cougfan82 0-3

Seattle Group A FINISHED
MostMackinest 2-1
Icefog99 1-2
prismsaber 0-3
Night Strike 3-0

Seattle Group B FINISHED
Fire Mario 2-1
kiwitaker 1-2
Bones2484 2-1
supposesublys 1-2

Seattle Group C FINISHED
heatz 0-3
redtide 2-1
mangus 1-2
danodukebb 3-0

Seattle Group D FINISHED
Shai 3-0
ntffl07 2-1
cougfan82 0-3
Destroyer Sol 1-2

Final Chicago Standings
bigdaddyslim2 3-0
Evil Semp 3-0
MuzzaG 3-0
Miandw 2-1
Drunk_Idiot 2-1
killmanic 2-1
AtreidesHouse 2-1
Gamefreakguy 1-2


JackOfAllTrades 1-2
nathanef 1-2
sharpie129 1-2
ilarry 1-2
taggat 1-2
acores2005 1-2
gcwca_4_life 0-3
lisbon101 0-3

Chicago Group A FINISHED
JackOfAllTrades 1-2
Miandw 2-1
bigdaddyslim2 3-0
gcwca_4_life 0-3

Chicago Group B FINISHED
Evil Semp 3-0
Gamefreakguy 1-2
lisbon101 0-3
Drunk_Idiot 2-1

Chicago Group C FINSIHED
taggat 1-2
killmanic 2-1
AtreidesHouse 2-1
acores2005 1-2

Chicago Group D FINISHED
nathanef 1-2
sharpie129 1-2
MuzzaG 3-0
ilarry 1-2

Final New York Standings
AndrewB 4-0
Godd 3-1
AxeMusicMan 3-1
leoulou2 2-2
dazdaz 2-2

seeso 2-2
bluenose 2-2
blindmatt 1-3
arkie 1-3
tinal67 0-4

AxeMusicMan 3-1
blindmatt 1-3
dazdaz 2-2
Godd 3-1
arkie 1-3

New York B
leolou2 2-2
Luvr- replaced by AndrewB 4-0
bluenose 2-2
seeso 2-2
tinal67 0-4

Final Philadelphia Standings
Army of Achilles 4-0
Natewolfman 3-0
RedBaron0 3-1
blockhead15 3-1
ralphcptc 3-1
Revlisd 2-1
Ipwn Q 2-2

punky206765 2-2 (busted as multi, doesn't exist)
fbonsignori 1-2
barterer2002 1-3
riskmaster101 1-3
Marfski 1-3
Gilligan 0-3
Gburg Gunner 0-4

Philadelphia A FINISHED
Revlisd 2-1
fbonsignori 1-2
Gilligan 0-3
Natewolfman 3-0

Philadelphia B
gburg gunner 0-4
ralphcptc 3-1
blockhead15 3-1
punky206765 2-2
Ipwn Q 2-2

Philadelphia C FINISHED
barterer2002 1-3
Corman- replaced by RedBaron0 3-1
Marfski 1-3
Army of Achilles 4-0
riskmaster101 1-3

Final San Francisco Standings
sunshining 4-0
negoeien 3-0
Muleyak 2-1
amazzony 2-2
Mek 2-2

shoop76 1-2
Wendt100 1-3
zissou2 1-3
MikeMcD5858 0-3

San Francisco A FINISHED
amazzony 2-2
Wendt100 1-3
zissou2 1-3
sunshining 4-0
MEK 2-2

San Francisco B FINISHED
Muleyak 2-1
negoeien 3-0
MikeMcD5858 0-3
shoop76 1-2

Final DC Standings
BaldAdonis 4-0
dexterdexter 4-0
harvmax 3-1
elmerfudd 3-1
doochbagbill 2-2

madman7 2-2
jennifermarie 1-3
Lexitonia5 1-3
assassin07 0-4
reahma 0-4

BaldAdonis 4-0
reahma 0-4
elmerfudd 3-1
jennifermarie 1-3
madman7 2-2

harvmax 3-1
Lexitonia5 1-3
doochbagbill 2-2
dexterdexter 4-0
assassin07 0-4
Round 2

redtide- 11
Night Strike- 33
Bones2484- 6
dittoeevvee8888- 13
ntffl07- 5
Shai- 5
danodukebb- 2

MuzzaG- 10
AtreidesHouse- 3
Miandw- 19

killmanic- 29
Evil Semp- 7
Drunk_Idiot- 8
bigdaddyslim2- 3
Gamefreakguy- 2

New York
leolou2- 6
AndrewB- 12
dazdaz- 8
Godd- 16
AxeMusicMan- 0

Great Lakes
RedBaron0- 12
ralphcptc- 10
blockhead15- 9
fbonsignori- 13

Army of Achilles- 18
Natewolfman- 4
Revlisd- 3

San Francisco
MEK- 20
amazzony- 4
negeoien- 15
sunshining- 6
Muleyak- 1

Washington DC
doochbagbill- 13
BaldAdonis- 10

harvmax- 18
dexterdexter- 2
elmerfudd- 2


Night Strike- 14
1v1 games: 2-3
8 player games: 12

killmanic- 18
1v1 games: 3-2
8 player games: 15

Godd- 4
1v1 games: 4-1
8 player games: 0

Army of Achilles- 12
1v1 games: 4-1
8 player games: 8

MEK- 7
1v1 games: 1-4
8 player games: 6

harvmax- 2
1v1 games: 1-4
8 player games: 1

Last edited by gameplayer on Wed Nov 19, 2008 9:20 pm, edited 44 times in total.
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Re: US Pro Sports Showdown (0/144)(Premium Prize)

Postby Corman on Sun Jul 13, 2008 9:29 pm

Im in for the Eagles
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Re: US Pro Sports Showdown (0/144)(Premium Prize)

Postby killmanic on Sun Jul 13, 2008 9:32 pm

in for any boston team but the bruins
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Re: US Pro Sports Showdown (0/144)(Premium Prize)

Postby Army of Achilles on Sun Jul 13, 2008 9:34 pm

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Re: US Pro Sports Showdown (0/144)(Premium Prize)

Postby Night Strike on Sun Jul 13, 2008 9:51 pm

Your city choices suck, just to let you know. (I'm a midwest fan)

Oh well, put me in for the Seahawks.

And I'm going to lock and move your NYC Showdown thread.
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Re: US Pro Sports Showdown (0/144)(Premium Prize)

Postby gameplayer on Sun Jul 13, 2008 10:11 pm

Night Strike wrote:Your city choices suck, just to let you know. (I'm a midwest fan)

Oh well, put me in for the Seahawks.

And I'm going to lock and move your NYC Showdown thread.

i know...Heavily influenced by the maps out there.

killmanic wrote:in for any boston team but the bruins

Unfortunately that isn't one of the choices...there aren't any Boston Maps out there :(

Everything else is updated
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Re: US Pro Sports Showdown (3/144)(Premium Prize)

Postby Miandw on Sun Jul 13, 2008 10:28 pm

Please put me in for da Bears
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Re: US Pro Sports Showdown (4/144)(Premium Prize)

Postby blindmatt on Mon Jul 14, 2008 3:54 am

in please

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Re: US Pro Sports Showdown (4/144)(Premium Prize)

Postby Destroyer Sol on Mon Jul 14, 2008 4:28 am

I'm in, Blazers thanks.
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Re: US Pro Sports Showdown (4/144)(Premium Prize)

Postby Gilligan on Mon Jul 14, 2008 7:16 am

In for the Phillies
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Re: US Pro Sports Showdown (4/144)(Premium Prize)

Postby Muleyak on Mon Jul 14, 2008 8:35 am

Could you put me on the RAIDERS team.
Thanks, Muleyak
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Re: US Pro Sports Showdown (8/144)(Premium Prize)

Postby gameplayer on Mon Jul 14, 2008 11:01 am

You're all in, thanks for joining
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Re: US Pro Sports Showdown (8/144)(Premium Prize)

Postby cougfan82 on Mon Jul 14, 2008 3:54 pm

Seahawks please!!
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Re: US Pro Sports Showdown (8/144)(Premium Prize)

Postby killmanic on Mon Jul 14, 2008 4:16 pm

I know i was saying i wanted to be a true sports team (as boston is dominating in everything right now), but i guess the cubs will have to do
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Re: US Pro Sports Showdown (10/144)(Premium Prize)

Postby gameplayer on Mon Jul 14, 2008 5:09 pm

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Re: US Pro Sports Showdown (10/144)(Premium Prize)

Postby RedBaron0 on Mon Jul 14, 2008 10:20 pm


Boston can kiss his(gameplayer's) shiny metal ass... There was once a time when The Philly teams dominated during the late 70's and early 80's, and after the 76ers won the NBA championship in 1983 they haven't won since... what I'm saying is what goes around, comes around... :P

Night Strike wrote: by Night Strike on Sun Jul 13, 2008 10:51 pm
Your city choices suck, just to let you know. (I'm a midwest fan)

Oh well, put me in for the Seahawks.

And I'm going to lock and move your NYC Showdown thread.

When I first ask gameplayer about expanding his tournament, I suggested about 12-16 cities/regions... which ended up being between 350 and 500 players... which was crazy! We settled on this which is a lot more managable.

Put me on the reserve list GP, reguardless of anything, my alligence is to PHILLY!!!!
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Re: US Pro Sports Showdown (10/144)(Premium Prize)

Postby whitestazn88 on Tue Jul 15, 2008 12:34 am

not joining because i'm freemium, but i'd like to put in a suggestion.

instead of the liberty, maybe you could do the Giants or Jets? because really? no football team for the new york region is kinda a joke

philladelphia should not include the nets, in fact, they're changing their name to the brooklyn nets soon i believe, maybe you could use the AFL team the philadelphia soul?

and as for dc, the mystics should be replaced by either the ravens or the orioles.

i just don't think the wnba teams are worth-while, and the teams that i've mentioned might be a better fit in this male dominated website... and as for the nets, i dunno, i just don't really like the idea that you lump philly and nj together. it makes for a bad combination
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Re: US Pro Sports Showdown (10/144)(Premium Prize)

Postby whitestazn88 on Tue Jul 15, 2008 12:36 am

RedBaron0 wrote:When I first ask gameplayer about expanding his tournament, I suggested about 12-16 cities/regions... which ended up being between 350 and 500 players... which was crazy! We settled on this which is a lot more managable.

you could have had more cities, just less teams per... it would have allowed you to choose the best teams too...
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Re: US Pro Sports Showdown (10/144)(Premium Prize)

Postby gameplayer on Tue Jul 15, 2008 10:44 am

whitestazn88 wrote:not joining because i'm freemium, but i'd like to put in a suggestion.

instead of the liberty, maybe you could do the Giants or Jets? because really? no football team for the new york region is kinda a joke

philladelphia should not include the nets, in fact, they're changing their name to the brooklyn nets soon i believe, maybe you could use the AFL team the philadelphia soul?

and as for dc, the mystics should be replaced by either the ravens or the orioles.

i just don't think the wnba teams are worth-while, and the teams that i've mentioned might be a better fit in this male dominated website... and as for the nets, i dunno, i just don't really like the idea that you lump philly and nj together. it makes for a bad combination

Those football teams you mentioned actually play in NJ.
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Re: US Pro Sports Showdown (10/144)(Premium Prize)

Postby MikeMcD5858 on Tue Jul 15, 2008 3:16 pm

Sharks Please...
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Re: US Pro Sports Showdown (11/144)(Premium Prize)

Postby heatz on Tue Jul 15, 2008 5:11 pm

i'll join for the sonic's please
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Re: US Pro Sports Showdown (12/144)(@@@Premium Prize@@@)

Postby gameplayer on Wed Jul 16, 2008 1:21 pm

updated, still plenty of spots left for every team, join now and win free premium!
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Re: US Pro Sports Showdown (12/144)(@@@Premium Prize@@@)

Postby Marfski on Wed Jul 16, 2008 2:09 pm

Philadelphia Flyers
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