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MedalOfHonor [Cleared]-- twt, tot, tjjazbec [Busted]

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Kick premium cheaters off the site

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Total votes : 4

Postby KoolBak on Thu Nov 23, 2006 10:19 am

Yo Stinkyfrommage.....

D'accord mon tu dit......

You say we should apologize; this is based on your interpretaion of the facts...aspiring made a post which is cool but then followed up POORLY. Read my posts...his / her style pissed me off....finding multis makes me happy.

My interpretation is everyone owes me an in-game win to boost my points to apologize to me. You, frommage-tete, owe me deux!!

LOL!!!! May I be of further assistance??
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riskllama wrote:Koolbak wins this thread.
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Postby KoolBak on Thu Nov 23, 2006 10:20 am

And naktay....does Wacicha know you are using his avatar?!?!?!?! ;o)
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riskllama wrote:Koolbak wins this thread.
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Postby Evil Semp on Thu Nov 23, 2006 10:34 am

I think people are getting out of control with the accusations of being a multI. People are being accused because of their name, because they play freestyle games and play their turns to soon after each other, or their names are very similar but mostly because the accuser is losing a game and can't admit that they can't win them all.

Lets grow up a bit, make sure you have some proof before you accuse someone.
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Postby Emily_W on Thu Nov 23, 2006 10:37 am

Like me and Neil accusing Striker - he's changed the location of his multi's now, which is very impressive - they were in the UK, and now they're in the US - it's like magic.
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Postby AAFitz on Thu Nov 23, 2006 11:13 am

that is ridiculous...if you accuse me of robbing a bank with a guy who just robbed a screwed me...i dont care what the other guy did....aspiring showed no evidence that medal was a multi...merely cut and pasted his this is all im going to do on the matter line...they had one game together...and aspiring didnt elaborate when asked...the fact that the other guy was a cheater is irrelevant...only shows how thoroughly each claim is investigated...kudos for andy....still very little respect for the coward who posted this originally....i wonder what he has to say about the person who accused him of a multi...lower on this page..if i dont agree i will say it there too...that is the purpose of this forum i believe...
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Postby naktay01 on Thu Nov 23, 2006 1:14 pm

koolbank wrote
And naktay....does Wacicha know you are using his avatar?!?!?!?! ;o)
Do not know who that is. But I do know that mine is The cherokee statue for the trail of tears. So no I am not using his/her avatar. I am paying omage to my ancestors
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Postby naktay01 on Thu Nov 23, 2006 1:15 pm

messed that up but you get the picture
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Postby KoolBak on Thu Nov 23, 2006 2:03 pm

Funnin with ya - Wacicha has decreased his play here but is of Native American heritage and is one of the most highly repcted players as he is genuinely a good guy...I count him as one of my best CC friends...check out his profile and you will see.....

Not being negative my friend..........
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riskllama wrote:Koolbak wins this thread.
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Postby naktay01 on Thu Nov 23, 2006 3:03 pm

thanks koolbanks did not know how to take your question. I am glad you pointed it out though. I would have never known.
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Postby KoolBak on Thu Nov 23, 2006 4:35 pm

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riskllama wrote:Koolbak wins this thread.
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Postby AspiringYouth on Thu Nov 23, 2006 5:19 pm

AndyDufresne wrote:Medalofhonor and twt are CLEARED of being multiple accounts. However, twt, tjjazbec, tot are BUSTED.


Thanks for the check/results.. :)
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Postby AAFitz on Thu Nov 23, 2006 9:32 pm

AspiringYouth wrote:
AndyDufresne wrote:Medalofhonor and twt are CLEARED of being multiple accounts. However, twt, tjjazbec, tot are BUSTED.


Thanks for the check/results.. :)

oh and medal, sorry i made a mistake...wont happen again.....
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Postby AspiringYouth on Fri Nov 24, 2006 2:39 am

AAFitz wrote:
AspiringYouth wrote:
AndyDufresne wrote:Medalofhonor and twt are CLEARED of being multiple accounts. However, twt, tjjazbec, tot are BUSTED.


Thanks for the check/results.. :)

oh and medal, sorry i made a mistake...wont happen again.....

why? it's not going to change the fact that he hates me. i have officially prevented one person from being able to enter the kingdom of god, due to unforgiveness. it just get's better and better... :(

besides, i'd already appologized to him in-game... :wink:
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im sorry

Postby AAFitz on Fri Nov 24, 2006 6:31 pm

Im sorry i didnt realize you were crazy...I appologize
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Douche Bag

Postby MedalOfHonor on Sat Nov 25, 2006 10:48 pm

AspiringYouth you are a fag that thinks stupid shit. please never talk or pm me ever again. I will never play with you again. [-X ~MedalOfHonor
Who the hell u think u is messing wit this?
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Postby AspiringYouth on Sat Nov 25, 2006 11:12 pm

i think stupid and inconceivable crap, huh? u idiots, i'm not totally off my rocker. it's not as if this bs doesn't go on, so stop ur bickering- dips! ur acting like old women..get a real life and stop behaving like this is ur only source of life..
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Postby AAFitz on Sun Nov 26, 2006 10:04 am

AspiringYouth wrote:i think stupid and inconceivable crap, huh? u idiots, i'm not totally off my rocker. it's not as if this bs doesn't go on, so stop ur bickering- dips! ur acting like old women..get a real life and stop behaving like this is ur only source of life..

the ah...stoped someone from the kingdom of god sounds an awful lot like ummmmmmmmmm a ah......old woman... but its nice to see your not cutting and pasting any more...very impressed

oh and saying your not off youre rocker and calling us old women...nice touch...very well thought out
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Postby HotShot53 on Thu Nov 30, 2006 11:17 pm

AndyDufresne wrote:Medalofhonor and twt are CLEARED of being multiple accounts. However, twt, tjjazbec, tot are BUSTED.


What does getting busted do? tjjazbec is in one of the games I'm in, and still seems to be playing...
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Postby s.xkitten on Thu Nov 30, 2006 11:43 pm

if he's a premium member, he can't join games with any of his other accounts...if he's not, he can't join anymore games until he buys a membership....but he can finish the games he is in
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Postby HotShot53 on Fri Dec 01, 2006 12:05 am

so basically, cause I'm a premium member, I can go create a multi or two, and have no risk of punishment? Wow....
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Postby s.xkitten on Fri Dec 01, 2006 12:12 am

you get caught twice or something like that, and they strip you of your premium membership...
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Postby AAFitz on Fri Dec 01, 2006 12:15 am

well yes, you can do it once...after that theyll ban you

also, you will end up with multiple neg feedback, which is what its there for

dont blame the system for cheaters, blame the cheaters...look at how many reports there are every day...they have only a few mods...we only pay $20 each

I think theyre doing a great job considering...and you have the feedback option which was designed to cut down on cheating and abuse...

go have fun with it...

and dont worry about getting cheated...everyone does...move on and have fun playing the honest players
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Re: actually

Postby reverend_kyle on Fri Dec 01, 2006 12:17 am

AAFitz wrote:well yes, you can do it once...after that theyll ban you

also, you will end up with multiple neg feedback, which is what its there for

dont blame the system for cheaters, blame the cheaters...look at how many reports there are every day...they have only a few mods...we only pay $20 each

I think theyre doing a great job considering...and you have the feedback option which was designed to cut down on cheating and abuse...

go have fun with it...

and dont worry about getting cheated...everyone does...move on and have fun playing the honest players

Actually, lack has asked for no feedback regarding multi accounts.. He wants that all done here. If they are cleared from multi that is where feedback comes in for secret alliances.
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Postby Pedronicus on Wed Dec 20, 2006 11:03 am

AndyDufresne wrote:Medalofhonor and twt are CLEARED of being multiple accounts. However, twt, tjjazbec, tot are BUSTED.


How is it that if you search for games including medal of honour and bigass1243

you find a lot of private games that were started my medal of honour and were filled up with all the same names, made in bunches of 4 games at a time, who all deadbeated.

Why not bust the guy.
he's going around saying he's been cleared in his neg feedback response. whats the point of busting the multi's he made - bust the name with all the points. MOH
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Postby Pedronicus on Wed Dec 20, 2006 11:05 am

HotShot53 wrote:so basically, cause I'm a premium member, I can go create a multi or two, and have no risk of punishment? Wow....

this bollox and i agree with hotshot
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