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MedalOfHonor [Cleared]-- twt, tot, tjjazbec [Busted]

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MedalOfHonor [Cleared]-- twt, tot, tjjazbec [Busted]

Postby AspiringYouth on Mon Nov 20, 2006 9:29 pm

Subject line: <MedalOfHonor>

These are suspected Multis

Suspect users: <MedalOfHonor and twt>

Game number:

Comments: <Should be quite evident, upon viewing, that these are multis. But, I'm so sick of being victimized by multis that I could kill. I've noticed them only among high ranking players. I supposed it's to cushion or secure their positions, and so it does. Usually, the lil punks will try and cover up or shake the trail, by performing certain erroneous movements w/their multi. However, in this particular game, there was no attempt at such. Instead, both players focused on me, even when I tested the muti by completely vacating a territory and leaving it no option but to turn focus toward "Medal". Wouldn't you know it- no more advances. Hmmm... Ijust want a decent game w/o multis. Is that too much to ask? I mean- why even pay for a premie if I can't even enjoy it?! I only wish that I had reported it when I first detected it. Then, one could have monitored every movement up to this point w/o doubt. Please, hang this #!#$%!!. I have one other multi-game i would like to report, but I won't comment at all. I would rather be punching face into cement than pressing these !#@#$! keys. The other game that I will report is probably, already archived. But if there's anything that can be done about it, I'd appreciate it. Thanks...>

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Postby AAFitz on Mon Nov 20, 2006 9:51 pm

so...twt played 15 games, just so at the pivotal moment...moh could use him in the game with you.....dude...moh doesnt need a multi to beat you...or anyone....they are in one game together and as you will learn...noobs do crazy and annoying things sometimes...they do not always hit the stronger cant throw those accusations out there so a little research....maybe find another game with them or many games that are similar, but i assure you noobs do not play the way you expect.....i pm a colonel the other day to assure him i wansnt in a secret alliance because i had a guy on his first game who just wouldnt attack me...i suspected the other guy might be a multi, but i saw he played with noobs all the time...almost exclusively, but i saw they played only one game together....research...give it a try
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Postby MedalOfHonor on Mon Nov 20, 2006 11:54 pm

thank you man this fag has no idea what is going on or what he is getting into :-({|= [-X
Who the hell u think u is messing wit this?
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Postby naktay01 on Tue Nov 21, 2006 12:05 am

Aspiring if you think someone is a multi then report them. But be careful what you say. Especially in this case where it is going to come back and haunt you. Your gonna owe Medal an apology
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Postby AspiringYouth on Tue Nov 21, 2006 2:45 am

Will you supporters please mind your own business and stay out of mine? This isn't open for debate. It is rather based upon evidence discovered. So, if you're unable to provide the evidence, why do I find your conceit within my posting and why must you insist that my opponent is Jesus and, therefore incapable of performing such a deed? This is not a poll that is being taken to determine the result. Please stop trying to complicate things and leave this matter to the officials- whom neither of you are. Thank you for your understanding... :wink:
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Postby tals on Tue Nov 21, 2006 2:56 am

The only strange thing I see :) twt leaves feedback saying

Johnyrocket24, we meet again. I recognized your userid in this game. You are a tough opponent. I like playing in games that you are in. We should be doubles partners sometime. Nice game again.

Strange thing is he has never played him before in CC. Of course he could be referring to another game club so could mean nothing. Medalofhonor has of course played (JR24) him lots of times.

Like others I don't see anything in the original game to reflect he is a multi - other than one of the players playing poorly.

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Re: pertinent..

Postby AAFitz on Tue Nov 21, 2006 8:02 am

AspiringYouth wrote:Will you supporters please mind your own business and stay out of mine? This isn't open for debate. It is rather based upon evidence discovered. So, if you're unable to provide the evidence, why do I find your conceit within my posting and why must you insist that my opponent is Jesus and, therefore incapable of performing such a deed? This is not a poll that is being taken to determine the result. Please stop trying to complicate things and leave this matter to the officials- whom neither of you are. Thank you for your understanding... :wink:

simple question asked with the utmost respect: what evidence?
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Postby AAFitz on Tue Nov 21, 2006 8:06 am

tals wrote:The only strange thing I see :) twt leaves feedback saying

Johnyrocket24, we meet again. I recognized your userid in this game. You are a tough opponent. I like playing in games that you are in. We should be doubles partners sometime. Nice game again.

Strange thing is he has never played him before in CC. Of course he could be referring to another game club so could mean nothing. Medalofhonor has of course played (JR24) him lots of times.

Like others I don't see anything in the original game to reflect he is a multi - other than one of the players playing poorly.


good leg work....moh would never say that...not like that...and JR is easily identifiable because as almost anyone knows he sets up 40 games at a time, and his name is rather memorable...ive said ive played games with people that i never had too, because of faulty memory...but good did more work than aspiring...
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Postby AspiringYouth on Tue Nov 21, 2006 5:48 pm

Will you supporters please mind your own business and stay out of mine? This isn't open for debate. It is rather based upon evidence discovered. So, if you're unable to provide the evidence, why do I find your conceit within my posting and why must you insist that my opponent is Jesus and, therefore incapable of performing such a deed? This is not a poll that is being taken to determine the result. Please stop trying to complicate things and leave this matter to the officials- whom neither of you are. Thank you for your understanding... :wink:
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Postby Kayla on Tue Nov 21, 2006 5:52 pm

how come everytime someone complains about someone else they get bitched at, thats what this section is for so f*ck off if you cant handle it
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Postby AAFitz on Tue Nov 21, 2006 6:23 pm

no....i will voice my opinion...i fully believe that both of these claims are absolutely unwarranted and wont even take the time to research them as much as i did...but i do appreciate the time it took you to cut and paste...very professional....when someone as lazy and unscrupulous accuses me of cheating in such a situation...i want them to know they cant just throw out ridiculous claims with no proof whatsoever and sit back while the names are in the cheating forum...sorry not that want to further explain yourself, by all me what im not seeing...explain how they both set up accounts just to mess with you, and no one else. please, im listening...
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Postby tals on Tue Nov 21, 2006 6:34 pm

Kayla wrote:how come everytime someone complains about someone else they get bitched at, thats what this section is for so f*ck off if you cant handle it

You're in the wrong section if you think that is what this area is for.

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Postby AAFitz on Tue Nov 21, 2006 6:40 pm

tals wrote:
Kayla wrote:how come everytime someone complains about someone else they get bitched at, thats what this section is for so f*ck off if you cant handle it

You're in the wrong section if you think that is what this area is for.


i was going to respond to her too, but i cant figure out who she's talking for commenting on the claims or aspiring for complaining about it...besides she kind of scares me and outranks me
Last edited by AAFitz on Wed Nov 22, 2006 1:14 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby KoolBak on Tue Nov 21, 2006 6:41 pm

I appreciate comembers trying to cleanse the site of multis as much as the next guy / gal, but for crap sake Aspiring...quit pasting that SHITE! You have made 6 posts on this site; 2 funky accusations and 4 pastes of your BS saying this isnt there isnt free f'ing speech in a PUBLIC freaking forum.

Go get a set of spine and balls and try writing again for hells sake.....geez! Like the fellow said, do some research and see how this place works.

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riskllama wrote:Koolbak wins this thread.
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Postby Streetracer111 on Tue Nov 21, 2006 7:40 pm

AspiringYouth- you have no clue what the hell you are saying. medal could beat you hands down. Ive played many games with medal and he is a good and honest player. You owe medal an apology for just randomly going around and convicting people of being a multi.
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Postby AspiringYouth on Tue Nov 21, 2006 11:54 pm

Will you supporters please mind your own business and stay out of mine? This isn't open for debate. It is rather based upon evidence discovered. So, if you're unable to provide the evidence, why do I find your conceit within my posting and why must you insist that my opponent is Jesus and, therefore incapable of performing such a deed? This is not a poll that is being taken to determine the result. Please stop trying to complicate things and leave this matter to the officials- whom neither of you are. Thank you for your understanding... :wink:
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Postby KoolBak on Wed Nov 22, 2006 12:03 pm

Thats 2 questionable posts and 6 cut-and-pastes.

I think its a vitamin B deficiency.

Incre ignore list.
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riskllama wrote:Koolbak wins this thread.
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Postby AAFitz on Wed Nov 22, 2006 8:15 pm

i think he had a stroke when he saw the responses and can only use the mouse and not type offense to any stroke victims...and aspiring if im right i truly am sorry...please cut and paste again to confirm...
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Postby AndyDufresne on Wed Nov 22, 2006 9:53 pm

Medalofhonor and twt are CLEARED of being multiple accounts. However, twt, tjjazbec, tot are BUSTED.

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Postby naktay01 on Wed Nov 22, 2006 9:59 pm

I'll refer to my original statement :!:
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Postby AAFitz on Wed Nov 22, 2006 10:59 pm

glad i didnt defend twt here...good catch
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Postby stinkycheese on Thu Nov 23, 2006 1:27 am

Aspiringyouth may have been wrong the entire time, but if this hadn't been reported then there would be one more multi out there. In my opinion everyone owes aspiringyouth an apology except medalofhonor.

There is no need for people to get all offensive and start arguing over stupid shit like this...just let Andy sort it out.
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Postby KoolBak on Thu Nov 23, 2006 1:59 am

Using that logic, stinky, you owe me an apology too.....
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riskllama wrote:Koolbak wins this thread.
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Postby stinkycheese on Thu Nov 23, 2006 2:38 am

KoolBak wrote:Using that logic, stinky, you owe me an apology too.....

Elaborate mon ami.
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Postby naktay01 on Thu Nov 23, 2006 9:23 am

I am pretty sure everyone is happy that another multi has been busted. But the facts remain that the person that was getting slandered on this report was not Inspiring Youth it was Medalofhonor.
If you look at the game and the report no one is owed an apology except Medal
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