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Re: IMPERIUM ROMANUM-p-1-27-NEW!!!!! 3jul[idea,gameplay,graphic]

Postby Qwert on Tue Jul 08, 2008 4:43 pm

general rule
Once moved to the final forge sub forum a maps XML should go under development (Although theres nothing stopping a cartographer starting their XML earlier in the process) and nit picking of the map will be begin.

Pamoa, aim not quit understand what you ask from me.
Its quit easy to fix all army number problem when i finish all major other problems.

My point was graphical issue, 3 digits armies are very large! You should test it to adjust border and so on!

:lol: ,are you serious,i remember when i Work WWII Eastern front,keyogu demand that mine army circle must be in terittories and not touch borders,and these whas very strange demand. Many new quenched maps will be back to FF to fix these yours rules. :lol:
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Re: IMPERIUM ROMANUM-p-1-27-NEW!!!!! 3jul[idea,gameplay,graphic]

Postby Qwert on Tue Jul 08, 2008 4:51 pm

aim check these link,what you present and find that these is yours rules for 3 digit numbers.What is point of these.
Army circle have same number of px(horisontal and vertical).Everyone create circle for 2 digit. Circle for 3 digit will look bad on map,and its no point for creating these.
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Re: IMPERIUM ROMANUM-p-1-27-NEW!!!!! 3jul[idea,gameplay,graphic]

Postby Qwert on Tue Jul 08, 2008 4:53 pm

new update
Click image to enlarge.

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Re: IMPERIUM ROMANUM-p-1-27-NEW!!!!! 3jul[idea,gameplay,graphic]

Postby ZeakCytho on Tue Jul 08, 2008 4:55 pm

The names look much better now =D>
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Re: IMPERIUM ROMANUM-p-1-29-NEW!!!!! 8jul[idea,gameplay,graphic]

Postby Qwert on Tue Jul 08, 2008 4:59 pm

by ZeakCytho on Tue Jul 08, 2008 11:55 pm

The names look much better now

thank,i try to create look like some old historical maps.
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Re: IMPERIUM ROMANUM-p-1-27-NEW!!!!! 3jul[idea,gameplay,graphic]

Postby pamoa on Wed Jul 09, 2008 1:01 am

qwert wrote:aim check these link,what you present and find that these is yours rules for 3 digit numbers.What is point of these.
Army circle have same number of px(horisontal and vertical).Everyone create circle for 2 digit. Circle for 3 digit will look bad on map,and its no point for creating these.

So you don't care your map looks awful with players using armies color code ?!? :shock:
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Re: IMPERIUM ROMANUM-p-1-29-NEW!!!!! 8jul[idea,gameplay,graphic]

Postby yeti_c on Wed Jul 09, 2008 1:15 am

I wouldn't be surprised if Belgica & Gemania inferiour are too close for 3 digits...

Otherwise - the 3 digits should be OK.

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Re: IMPERIUM ROMANUM-p-1-27-NEW!!!!! 3jul[idea,gameplay,graphic]

Postby cairnswk on Wed Jul 09, 2008 4:20 am

ZeakCytho wrote:The names look much better now =D>

Very much in agreement with that ^ Qwert. So much more "eye space" with that font change? and movement of those names. Well done :)
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Re: IMPERIUM ROMANUM-p-1-29-NEW!!!!! 8jul[idea,gameplay,graphic]

Postby MrBenn on Wed Jul 09, 2008 5:08 am

Qwert, you have made some significant improvements since I last commented here, and the map looks heaps better now ;-)

A couple of comments:

1. The 'house' image is much better than the old blue dots. I think the black border around the edge is too thick - can you lighten it at all?

2.I think you still have some room to make the top legend clearer. THis is a really rough image, but shows there could be some more space to line things up better:

3. The aligned text across the map is a VAST improvement on before, although the text looks a bit blurry/pixelly. You could try changing the anti-aliasing to 'crisp', and possibly reduce the kerning between letters.
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Re: IMPERIUM ROMANUM-p-1-29-NEW!!!!! 8jul[idea,gameplay,graphic]

Postby Qwert on Wed Jul 09, 2008 9:43 am

i repeat again,all problems with 3 digit will be solve when i start work on XML.

Thanks cairnswk

Ansver to mrbenn

1.Be more precise
2.If i do like you show,soldier will be double smaller and will be blurr,and not look on soldier,and will be very bad(i try and not look good)
3.In mine photoshop i use Strong(also i have crisp,but strong is better then crisp).

what is kerning?
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Re: IMPERIUM ROMANUM-p-1-29-NEW!!!!! 8jul[idea,gameplay,graphic]

Postby AndyDufresne on Wed Jul 09, 2008 12:53 pm

Everything is looking better Qwert. In some places you are using a "V" in place of a "U", but other times you still use a "U"? You'll have more knowledge of me on this, so I'll bow to you, just making sure you are aware, if it is inconsistent. :)

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Re: IMPERIUM ROMANUM-p-1-29-NEW!!!!! 8jul[idea,gameplay,graphic]

Postby MrBenn on Wed Jul 09, 2008 1:31 pm

qwert wrote:what is kerning?

It's the space between the letters... although I actually think I meant tracking...

Tracking and Kerning are related and often confused typographic terms. Both terms refer to the spacing between letters. Tracking however is the process of adding an even amount of space to groups of letters or entire blocks of text while kerning increases the space based on the letter combinations. Tracking can change the overall look and readability of the text and is best used for typographic effect. Kerning is best used to fix poor spacing between letters.

The Tracking and Kerning icons look similar and are usually located in the same general location.
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Re: IMPERIUM ROMANUM-p-1-29-NEW!!!!! 8jul[idea,gameplay,graphic]

Postby MrBenn on Wed Jul 09, 2008 1:39 pm

MrBenn wrote:1. The 'house' image is much better than the old blue dots. I think the black border around the edge is too thick - can you lighten it at all?
qwert wrote:1.Be more precise

Try something like this:
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Re: IMPERIUM ROMANUM-p-1-29-NEW!!!!! 8jul[idea,gameplay,graphic]

Postby Qwert on Thu Jul 10, 2008 6:07 am

by AndyDufresne on Wed Jul 09, 2008 7:53 pm

Everything is looking better Qwert. In some places you are using a "V" in place of a "U", but other times you still use a "U"? You'll have more knowledge of me on this, so I'll bow to you, just making sure you are aware, if it is inconsistent.


Yes these is how romans write,but i apply only for nonplayabile terittories,i dont want to people be confused with playabile names if i start using in all names v insted u.

It's the space between the letters... although I actually think I meant tracking...

well i dont use nothing of these two,i just tape T R A C I N G,to look like in historical maps.

MrBenn wrote:
1. The 'house' image is much better than the old blue dots. I think the black border around the edge is too thick - can you lighten it at all?

I have some feel that then will be bad town image.But i will try to do something.
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Re: IMPERIUM ROMANUM-p-1-29-NEW!!!!! 8jul[idea,gameplay,graphic]

Postby pamoa on Thu Jul 10, 2008 8:47 am

I never ask you to do ovals or rectangles but to check supperposition with other armies and territories names.
Here is a quick test with your map... so moving some armies circle is quite important and something I think you need to do, because your map is very clustered and it's not so easy to solve these.
Anyway, all I said is to help you having a more playable map. It's still a great map, go on. =D>
Click image to enlarge.
De gueules à la tour d'argent ouverte, crénelée de trois pièces, sommée d'un donjon ajouré, crénelé de deux pièces
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Re: IMPERIUM ROMANUM-p-1-29-NEW!!!!! 8jul[idea,gameplay,graphic]

Postby MrBenn on Thu Jul 10, 2008 8:57 am

Hmm.. I don't think that we need to test for 4-digit numbers... The standard currently only requires 3-digits to be acceptable.

The point I was making about the text is that it a l l s e e m s a b i t s p a c e d o u t .
And that tightening the tracking might help make it clearer.
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Re: IMPERIUM ROMANUM-p-1-29-NEW!!!!! 8jul[idea,gameplay,graphic]

Postby Qwert on Thu Jul 10, 2008 10:04 am

pamoa i dont know what to say :? Why you testing 4 digit?

Mrbeen,its look that you miss why i put names to look that. i want to be like that and i all ready give reasons(valid reasons)

Any way today will be new update.
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Re: IMPERIUM ROMANUM-p-1-29-NEW!!!!! 8jul[idea,gameplay,graphic]

Postby pamoa on Thu Jul 10, 2008 11:53 am

never mind :D
Last edited by pamoa on Thu Jul 10, 2008 2:55 pm, edited 1 time in total.
De gueules à la tour d'argent ouverte, crénelée de trois pièces, sommée d'un donjon ajouré, crénelé de deux pièces
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Re: IMPERIUM ROMANUM-p-1-29-NEW!!!!! 8jul[idea,gameplay,graphic]

Postby MrBenn on Thu Jul 10, 2008 2:33 pm

qwert wrote:Mrbeen,its look that you miss why i put names to look that. i want to be like that and i all ready give reasons(valid reasons)

But I think that the text looks pixelly and is difficult to read in places.

I understand that you want your map to have an authentic feel to it, but I think clarity has to take preference. In any case, your map does NOT look like an old map; it is too crisp and clean (which is a back-handed complement ;-))
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Re: IMPERIUM ROMANUM-p-1-29-NEW!!!!! 8jul[idea,gameplay,graphic]

Postby Qwert on Thu Jul 10, 2008 4:13 pm

But I think that the text looks pixelly and is difficult to read in places.

I understand that you want your map to have an authentic feel to it, but I think clarity has to take preference. In any case, your map does NOT look like an old map; it is too crisp and clean (which is a back-handed complement )

First i must say that names is very clear and can read without any problem,ofcourse its your turn to say what names is problem for read.
Second-ofcourse that is imposible to create map like some old map from year 117AD(if these map exist,then only arxeology people will play on these map)
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Re: IMPERIUM ROMANUM-p-1-29-NEW!!!!! 8jul[idea,gameplay,graphic]

Postby Qwert on Thu Jul 10, 2008 4:16 pm

new update
-change bonus legend like MRbenn sugested.
-put towns to be more bright-like mrbenn sugested.
-also add insted Each town-Civitas romanum to be with orders with other bonuses.
-add nonplayabile terittory name libyes.
Click image to enlarge.
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Re: IMPERIUM ROMANUM-p-1-30-NEW!!!!!10jul[idea,gameplay,graphic]

Postby yeti_c on Thu Jul 10, 2008 4:19 pm

OK - Last attempt at trying this...

Could you perhaps write "Alpes" somewhere between the 3 dots on the main map?

Just so that ingrates who don't know where the alps are - understand?

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Re: IMPERIUM ROMANUM-p-1-30-NEW!!!!!10jul[idea,gameplay,graphic]

Postby Qwert on Thu Jul 10, 2008 4:26 pm

by yeti_c on Thu Jul 10, 2008 11:19 pm

OK - Last attempt at trying this...

Could you perhaps write "Alpes" somewhere between the 3 dots on the main map?

Just so that ingrates who don't know where the alps are - understand?

o cam on yeti,now you realy insulting inteligence of people,now i feel like create map for retarded people :x
You very clear understand what is what,and constanly want to show that people is stypid,and i belive that people is smart,and that will understand that dots is conected. Its not require to be enstain to play these map. :x
Why,Why,Why all mine map must be slow with noncese sugestion,these is something what i never understand,and what is worst,people who sugested these,very clear understand all things on mine map.
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Re: IMPERIUM ROMANUM-p-1-30-NEW!!!!!10jul[idea,gameplay,graphic]

Postby yeti_c on Thu Jul 10, 2008 4:32 pm

qwert wrote:
by yeti_c on Thu Jul 10, 2008 11:19 pm

OK - Last attempt at trying this...

Could you perhaps write "Alpes" somewhere between the 3 dots on the main map?

Just so that ingrates who don't know where the alps are - understand?

o cam on yeti,now you realy insulting inteligence of people,now i feel like create map for retarded people :x
You very clear understand what is what,and constanly want to show that people is stypid,and i belive that people is smart,and that will understand that dots is conected. Its not require to be enstain to play these map. :x
Why,Why,Why all mine map must be slow with noncese sugestion,these is something what i never understand,and what is worst,people who sugested these,very clear understand all things on mine map.

Well you have "Roma" written next to the other symbol... why not have Alpes written in those?

Not many other maps have insets - therefore you cannot expect people to understand them...

Also - a lot of people are from America - and they have no knowledge of Europe... I've been travelling - I spoke to people - They asked where are you from - I replied Birmingham - they replied - is that anywhere near London? -> A lot of people only know London in England/UK - so I wouldn't be surprised if people didn't know that there is a mountain range called "the alps"... especially as it is spelt differently.

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Re: IMPERIUM ROMANUM-p-1-30-NEW!!!!!10jul[idea,gameplay,graphic]

Postby Qwert on Thu Jul 10, 2008 4:41 pm

Well you have "Roma" written next to the other symbol... why not have Alpes written in those?

Not many other maps have insets - therefore you cannot expect people to understand them...

Also - a lot of people are from America - and they have no knowledge of Europe... I've been travelling - I spoke to people - They asked where are you from - I replied Birmingham - they replied - is that anywhere near London? -> A lot of people only know London in England/UK - so I wouldn't be surprised if people didn't know that there is a mountain range called "the alps"... especially as it is spelt differently.

Maybe its time to learn something abouth Roman empire(these map contain all real provinces,and fleets,and non playabile terittories),if people think that map is interesting,then will go in other sites(historical)to get more information. You want to tell me that people from america is not know about world history(ofcourse is quit easy to learn oF USA history because is very short).
lets stay like now,and if i get to many complainin when map be on play,then i will have valid reason to do that.
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