Conquer Club

King Conan, hammertime65 [Busted] BrutalMaggot [Blocked]

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Moderators: Multi Hunters, Cheating/Abuse Team

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Re: King Conan, hammertime65 [Busted] BrutalMaggot [Blocked]

Postby delboy01 on Tue Jul 01, 2008 9:27 am

Firstly BM I would like to thank you for giving me the opportunity to completely dismiss your accusations and to expose you for what you are. I will leave it up to those reading to make up their minds as to what that is.

You said 'The games Delboy even tries to quote are TEAM games. Hey idiot, you are allowed to aid your teammate, lmfao'. You have only played two doubles games with hammertime65 and that was after this thread was started.

The list below is all of the singles played with Brutalmaggot and Hammertime65 in the games. There is one unfinished game with 3 players left in an 8 player game, one of those being........Brutalmaggot!! Also present in some is king conan.

Total points gained from these wins. 1439 And that is just from the BM/HT games and does not included king conan.

Oh, and one more thing. ALL of the defeats came AFTER this thread was published!!!

Game number Number of players Winner
Game 2139493 3 player singles BM Last 2
Game 2139772 8 player singles BM Last 2
Game 2140584 5 player singles BM Last 2
Game 2140617 5 player singles BM Last 2
Game 2149111 8 Player singles BM
Game 2151491 8 player singles BM Last 2
Game 2152937 4 player singles BM Last 2
Game 2153339 5 player singles HM (about time you let him win one!)
Game 2205471 8 player singles BM (Normal service resumed) - Last 3 King conan as well!!!!
Game 2209076 6 player singles BM Last 2
Game 2210523 8 player singles A defeat (gasp)
Game 2281168 4 player singles BM Last 2
Game 2282932 6 player singles A second defeat!
Game 2282982 8 player singles A third
Game 2283392 8 player singles BM Last 2
Game 2283448 8 Player singles BM Last 2
Game 2338121 8 player singles 4th defeat
Game 2345811 6 player singles BM Last 2
Game 2377736 4 player singles BM Last 2
Game 2412222 8 player singles BM Last 2
Game 2442516 8 player singles BM last 4 with general hoffman, hammertime65 and stormrising
Game 2443476 8 Player singles BM last 4 with general hoffman, hammertime65 and stormrising
Game 2445234 8 player singles BM last 3 with general hoffman, hammertime65 (stormrising not in the game)

Finished games 23

BM 18 (win ratio 78%)
HT 1
Lost 4

Last edited by delboy01 on Mon Jul 07, 2008 11:05 am, edited 6 times in total.
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Re: King Conan, hammertime65 [Busted] BrutalMaggot [Blocked]

Postby BrutalMaggot on Sun Jul 06, 2008 12:24 am

LycanWarrior wrote:
BrutalMaggot wrote:The joke is Delboy and his harrassment of other players. This is utter bullshit. The people "investigating" obviously don't do anything but guess work. Delboy I can see making blind accusations because he is a poor loser and a pathetic 14 year old but, on a pay site you expect more from staff members servicing the customers.

Unlike Delqueer I have a 40+ hour work week and no time to play many games recently but via emails with 12+ other players involved in Delboy and Lucan's bullshit we all agree the research done is very, very poor. All but 4 people live in different states then the others and all have different IP addresses. A moron could have investigated this better.

Obviously this site is controlled by the freebie accounts owned by 12-14 year olds like the two idiots mentioned above. The games Delboy even tries to quote are TEAM games. Hey idiot, you are allowed to aid your teammate, lmfao.

Too stupid to be on this site, thankfully for you breathing is involuntary or you'd constantly be passing out.

Nice try, BM. you got busted. LOL!!! :lol:

By lazy retarded fucknuts who likely are relatives of yours and dellfag's. The lack of intelligence gives them away. lol. I sure hope your revenge quest over a lose on a video game gave you some serious wood because at still SUCK! lol
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Re: King Conan, hammertime65 [Busted] BrutalMaggot [Blocked]

Postby Shrinky on Sun Jul 06, 2008 2:25 am

swearing at ppl here will do u no good BM.....
Surely u can see that? Oh wait... cheaters rarely see anything beyond their long nose.
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Re: King Conan, hammertime65 [Busted] BrutalMaggot [Blocked]

Postby SlayerQC on Sun Jul 06, 2008 2:52 am

BrutalMaggot wrote:
By lazy retarded fucknuts who likely are relatives of yours and dellfag's. The lack of intelligence gives them away. lol. I sure hope your revenge quest over a lose on a video game gave you some serious wood because at still SUCK! lol

Was that BS, I mean, BM, pulling on that fishing line?
Pull my friend, pull.

What dictionary are you getting your words from?
Only kids always refer to video games.
Oh ya, proper PUNCTUATION! Basic written skill. :idea:
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Re: King Conan, hammertime65 [Busted] BrutalMaggot [Blocked]

Postby LycanWarrior on Sun Jul 06, 2008 12:03 pm

This guy, BrutalMaggot/hammertime65/King Conan, is a real loser. Glad I got the chance to play against all his alter egos so we can brand him the cheater he is. It's amazing how he truly believed he would get away with it and that he continues to try and play the victim. =D>
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Re: King Conan, hammertime65 [Busted] BrutalMaggot [Blocked]

Postby BrutalMaggot on Mon Jul 07, 2008 10:27 am

LycanWarrior wrote:This guy, BrutalMaggot/hammertime65/King Conan, is a real loser. Glad I got the chance to play against all his alter egos so we can brand him the cheater he is. It's amazing how he truly believed he would get away with it and that he continues to try and play the victim. =D>

PROVE I did ANYTHING to cheat is all I ask. You lost, thenwhined here and the lazy retards that work at this site that do nothing but witch hunt agreeed because, like you, they have no brainstem.

Bottom line is I slapped your ass around in that game without cheating and you're the biggest whiner on this site period. The other people chirping in are just jumping on the bandwagon and making comments without a clue as to what the story is. Typical rubberneckers.

All I have to say at this point Lycan is eat shit and die worm. You STILL got the lose and I 'STILL got the win! WOOOT! OWNED! lol :mrgreen:
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Re: King Conan, hammertime65 [Busted] BrutalMaggot [Blocked]

Postby delboy01 on Mon Jul 07, 2008 11:18 am

I would like to thank you for constantly drawing our attention to this and the ottoman thread. Due to your constant bleating about being hard done by and pursecuted I just have to go digging some more.

So in the list of SINGLES victories with you and hammertime65 I have now listed who was left at the end of the game. The stats are almost exactly the same as ottoman67 and hammertime65. Funny that!

Of your 18 wins, hammertime65 (or ANother, see below) were the last players in 17 of them!!!! Thats an impressive 95%.

And because you drew my attention to it again I found this.

In the last 3 games hammertime was not the last player with you. But then you had been sussed by then, No in three 8 player games the remaining players were:

8 player singles - Brutalmaggot, general hoffman (a newbie), hammertime65 and stormrising (another newbie)
8 Player singles - Brutalmaggot, general hoffman, hammertime65 and supprise supprise stormrising
8 player singles - Brutalmaggot, general hoffman, hammertime65 (stormrising not in the game)

So the same newbies managed to get the better of a number of experienced players not once but 3 times!!!

Of course both these newbies accounts have gone so you can't use them anymore.

So once again thanks for bringing it to my attention again. I will have a look at the newbies with hammertime and ottoman now.

Have a nice day

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Re: King Conan, hammertime65 [Busted] BrutalMaggot [Blocked]

Postby delboy01 on Mon Jul 07, 2008 11:28 am

I was right played the newbies played with ottoman67 and ottoman wins an 8 player game. You can add sgtfury, another newbie as well. Who was in those games with BM and ottoman.

So you can add multi's into the mix now........Unless he borrowed them from someone else!! :D
Last edited by delboy01 on Mon Jul 07, 2008 11:53 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: King Conan, hammertime65 [Busted] BrutalMaggot [Blocked]

Postby e_i_pi on Mon Jul 07, 2008 11:40 am

This is hilarious.

I think the fact that BrutalMaggot has played 49 1v1 games, and only won 22 is the real giveaway. I mean, 45% win rate on 1v1 and being in top 4% is ridiculous enough, but lets consider this... 6 of those games were against Ottoman


His actual wins are 16 from 43... thats a 37% ratio lol.

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Re: King Conan, hammertime65 [Busted] BrutalMaggot [Blocked]

Postby SlayerQC on Mon Jul 07, 2008 8:16 pm

delboy, could you make a list of all those newbie you talk about?
That would help the hunters, well, hunt!
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Re: King Conan, hammertime65 [Busted] BrutalMaggot [Blocked]

Postby delboy01 on Tue Jul 08, 2008 8:30 am

SlayerQC wrote:delboy, could you make a list of all those newbie you talk about?
That would help the hunters, well, hunt!

They have actually already been removed so they must have been found out before now, just not linked with this.

The game numbers are posted above and the players are:

General hoffman 3 games with BM. 1 with ottoman
stormrising 2 games with BM, 1 with ottoman
sgtfury 3 games with BM, 1 with ottoman.

Hammertime65 was also in each game with BM but NOT ottoman.
All were wins for the named players.

Game 2442515 8 Player game, Ottoman win. With sgtfury, general hoffman, stormrising. These were the last 4 players left in.
Game 2442516 8 player BM win, With general hoffman, hammertime65, stormrising and sgtfury These were the last 5 players.
Game 2443476 8 player BM win, With general hoffman, hammertime65, stormrising and sgtfury These were the last 5 players.
Game 2445234 8 player singles 8 player BM win, With general hoffman, hammertime65 and sgtfury. These were the last 4 players. Stormrising not in the game.

This info further links BM, Ottoman67 and hammertime65. At least one of them had to have created these multi's. Personally, having seen the style of writing (sorry abuse) that they all use, I think that they are one and the same. Strangely, or not, in games they play together the level of agreement and friendship shown is uncanny. Especially when you consider that all other players are 'retards'!!!
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Re: King Conan, hammertime65 [Busted] BrutalMaggot [Blocked]

Postby delboy01 on Thu Jul 10, 2008 6:46 am

Just in case this info has not linked I have re-posted this, with the new info, in both the ottoma67 and Brutalmaggot threads as the stats are ridiculously similar.

Ottoman67 and Hammertime65 (unless stated)

Game number(s):
Game 2124853 otto win 8 man game last two left in
Game 2126850 otto win 8 man game last two left in
Game 2138000 otto win 6 man game last two left in
Game 2138391 otto win 8 man game both left in last 3
Game 2151066 Hammer win 6 man game last two left in
Game 2152916 otto win 4 man game last two left in
Game 2154956 otto win 4 man game last two left in
Game 2281170 otto win 4 man game last two left in
Game 2283399 otto win
Game 2337890 otto win 5 man game last two left in
Game 2394981 otto win 7 man game last two left in
Game 2395221 Hammer win 5 man game last two left in
Game 2395237 otto win 5 man game last two left in
Game 2448877 Hammer win 5 man game last two left in
Game 2449072 otto win 6 man game last two left in
Game 2442515 otto win 8 man game last 4 left in with Generalhoffman, stormrising and sgtfury*

*See last three games in Brutalmaggot list

Brutalmaggot and Hammertime65 (unless stated)

Game numbers
Game 2139493 3 player singles winner BM Last 2 with Hammertime65
Game 2139772 8 player singles winner BM Last 2 with Hammertime65
Game 2140584 5 player singles winner BM Last 2 with Hammertime65
Game 2140617 5 player singles winner BM Last 2 with Hammertime65
Game 2149111 8 Player singles winner BM
Game 2151491 8 player singles winner BM Last 2 with Hammertime65
Game 2152937 4 player singles winner BM Last 2 with Hammertime65
Game 2153339 5 player singles winnerHM (about time you let him win one!)
Game 2205471 8 player singles winnerBM (Normal service resumed) - Last 3 with Hammertime65 and King conan as well!!!!
Game 2209076 6 player singles winner BM Last 2 with Hammertime65
Game 2210523 8 player singles A defeat (gasp)
Game 2281168 4 player singles winner BM Last 2 with Hammertime65
Game 2282932 6 player singles A second defeat!
Game 2282982 8 player singles A third
Game 2283392 8 player singles winner BM Last 2 with Hammertime65
Game 2283448 8 Player singles winner BM Last 2 with Hammertime65
Game 2338121 8 player singles 4th defeat
Game 2345811 6 player singles winner BM Last 2 with Hammertime65
Game 2377736 4 player singles winner BM Last 2 with Hammertime65
Game 2412222 8 player singles winner BM Last 2 with Hammertime65
Game 2442516 8 player singles winner BM last 4 with general hoffman, hammertime65 and stormrising*
Game 2443476 8 Player singles winner BM last 4 with general hoffman, hammertime65 and stormrising*
Game 24452348 player singles BM last 3 with general hoffman, hammertime65 (stormrising not in the game)*

*See last game for ottoman67 and last 3 for Brutalmaggot. The same new players are the last remaining in four 8 player games. This is beyond coincidence and yet more evidence against the cheating of these players.


Brutalmggot is a major
Hammertime65 is a major
Ottoman67 is a captain

Both Brutalmaggot and ottoman67 have been previuosly busted for secret diplomacy with each other and blocked from playing together. Clearly they have totally ignored this and simply engaged in the same activity with another user.

They have also both used the same new players to win games which is extremely suspitious.

In my opinion these players are not just deserving of a score reset but a loss of premium as well. They have been sticking the finger up at the conquer club adminstration and the paying members as well. I don't believe that they will stop cheating unless they are given an effect punishment.

Thank you.
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Re: King Conan, hammertime65 [Busted] BrutalMaggot [Blocked]

Postby SlayerQC on Wed Jul 16, 2008 7:35 pm

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