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Postby vtmarik on Mon Nov 20, 2006 9:53 pm

Another reason not to get the 360 is the fact that you pretty much have to get Xbox Live to do anything.

So, I have to pay 22 bucks a month in addition to the 400 i had to drop for the 360?

If I played online games on my console then i'd be interested, but I don't. That's why I have a PC.
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Postby P Gizzle on Mon Nov 20, 2006 9:54 pm

i dont have XBOX live yet, cuz none of my friends have it either, so i really dont care about that. im so used to the gamecube, that i dont care about online that much
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Postby sfhbballnut on Mon Nov 20, 2006 9:56 pm

The Wii might, its certainly capable of it, and I"d mostlikely be free, like the DS, whick networks to the Wii btw
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Postby P Gizzle on Mon Nov 20, 2006 9:59 pm

i believe the wii can also wirelessly connect to other wiis which will make me want to get it even more
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Postby sfhbballnut on Mon Nov 20, 2006 10:02 pm

yep, if two Wiis are in the same room they are automatically networked
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Postby P Gizzle on Mon Nov 20, 2006 10:08 pm

that is really cool.....i really want to get it now
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Postby ghoste99 on Mon Nov 20, 2006 10:14 pm

Nintendo wii is the best, and here is why

Nintendo Vs Ps3

ROFLMAO yea enough said, the ps3 has the worst games of the three systems and costs more them both of them put togeather. All the ps3 is is a small box with flashy lights. Anyone who buys the ps3 cannot consider themselfes a gamer, they can only call themselves graphic whores.

Nintendo Vs Xbox 360

Now we have a bit more of a challenge, The xbox has good graphics and has some kewl games on it (Gears of war i am in love with) but it has major glitchness all the time. And really i dont think this system has a point, all they did was take the first xbox and up the graphics. I feel no change in gameplay or anything so in my opinion this wasent even a next gen console. But The xbox dose have a couple really kewl hardcore FPS which is my game of choice so thats a big plus :D

Nintendo wii Vs Itself

Now discussing whats awsome about the wii. The wii is not a graphic whores system, its the system of people who want to play fun/hardcore games. Now i know its hard to say fun AND hardcore becouse the launch dosent seem vary hardcore (Becouse it isent) But once they start comeing out with Online FPS games like Xbox i think it will be more hardcore then the Xbox FPS's are becouse of the speed and accuracy of the wii-mote.

Now also i would like to point out that nintendo is all trying to be innovating, if we only had people like xbox/ps gameing in the future would just be uping the graphics and playing dvds. But nintendo is trying to push gameing into a new level and if it pulls off with the wii (which it will no mistake) then future of gameing will go more in the direction of graphics + innovation once xbox catches on about the interactiveness of the wii.

P.S. i would just like to point out that i dident mention Sony catching on becouse frankly, i mean come on people Sony is so long gone.
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Postby sfhbballnut on Mon Nov 20, 2006 10:18 pm

I completly agree with you that the Wii is better, but I'm not so sure that the 360 beats the PS3 I don't care for either of them, and its refreshing to see such a thorough examination of the systems and someone else who believes that graphics aren't everything, good hear from you ghoste99 :D :)
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Postby Skittlesandmnms on Mon Nov 20, 2006 10:43 pm

P Gizzle wrote:not too bad, but i do really think that the Wii is incredibly are they making a profit??

It's nintendo. they NEVER not make a profit. and also...when the n64 came out... and someone said 250$ you would laugh at them because it was so high. now... it looks cheap. even if it was 300$ it would.
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Postby FRSmk3 on Mon Nov 20, 2006 10:45 pm

Actually, I heard Nintendo WAS making a profit... oh and by the way, the PS3 doesn't necessarily label people as graphic whores. It's either that, or incredibly nerdy. The difference is that the nerds will install Linux on theirs.

Edit: No, I don't label myself as either of those. I'm a Wii supporter.
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Postby ghoste99 on Mon Nov 20, 2006 10:47 pm

Even if some people out there consider the wii cheap, there going to sell alot of them so they will make a good deal of money. But they also have the scheme of there Pay to DL old nintendo/sega games online deal that is going to make em rich :P loads of people are gonna be looking through the list and see a game that brings back memorys and want to buy it.

Currently they dont have any goods ones in my opinion though, Im looking foreward to them puting up donkey kong country for the SNES though :D that will definently bring back some memorys for me.
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Postby sfhbballnut on Mon Nov 20, 2006 10:49 pm

Skittlesandmnms wrote:
P Gizzle wrote:not too bad, but i do really think that the Wii is incredibly are they making a profit??

It's nintendo. they NEVER not make a profit. and also...when the n64 came out... and someone said 250$ you would laugh at them because it was so high. now... it looks cheap. even if it was 300$ it would.

They are making profit and theirs will outlast the other two, a much better investment if you ask me
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Postby FRSmk3 on Mon Nov 20, 2006 10:55 pm

Another good trait about Nintendo: Durability.

I have a working SNES that I bought used, and it's still in almost perfect condition. The only console they made that would die easily was the NES, and they even made a second version modeled after the SNES design with that problem fixed.

Edit: I forgot to mention that the PS2 and Xbox had a history of breaking (especially Xbox dvd drives) and that I've never come across a problem with a gamecube.
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Postby Skittlesandmnms on Mon Nov 20, 2006 10:58 pm

oh hell yes those things are durable. i firmly believe that gameboys = almost indestructable. ive dropped mine from the top bunch so many times when i was little. its fallen from trees. the only thing not super strong is the battery thing. those things are TOUGH

when my stepsister got a PS2 we had to send it in for repairsl ike a month later. we didnt even do anything to it.
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Postby sfhbballnut on Mon Nov 20, 2006 11:02 pm

again, nintendo looking out for its customers, my aunt still has a woking Gameboy, the original and that kind of strength holds true in all of their products
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Postby FRSmk3 on Mon Nov 20, 2006 11:04 pm

I've dropped my GameCube and DSLite once each, neither had a problem. Heck, after dropping my DSLite on a tile floor I didn't even notice a scratch or anything. That could just be dumb luck, though.
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Postby sfhbballnut on Mon Nov 20, 2006 11:06 pm

the DS lite especialy is a bit more fragile but is still holds up better than the PSP or any other non nintendo system. My friend put his PSP in his pocket and the screen was permenantly messed up.
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Postby vtmarik on Mon Nov 20, 2006 11:39 pm

sfhbballnut wrote:the DS lite especialy is a bit more fragile but is still holds up better than the PSP or any other non nintendo system. My friend put his PSP in his pocket and the screen was permenantly messed up.

Not to mention that the PSP has a design flaw that Sony dismissed as a "feature."
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Postby Ham on Tue Nov 21, 2006 12:02 am

Ps3. The reason ? Its got the best graphics out there the best technology and its at a great deal.Blu-ray is going to revolutionize games by making them able to process many more things.

Now most of you are going to fuss 600 bucks is not a great deal but it costs around 900 dollars for sony to make one PS3 so isnt that a good deal?
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Postby Skittlesandmnms on Tue Nov 21, 2006 12:03 am

vtmarik wrote:
sfhbballnut wrote:the DS lite especialy is a bit more fragile but is still holds up better than the PSP or any other non nintendo system. My friend put his PSP in his pocket and the screen was permenantly messed up.

Not to mention that the PSP has a design flaw that Sony dismissed as a "feature."

hehe... What bugs?!? oh that? thats just another feature!

thats what they said about windos 95 too...
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Postby Skittlesandmnms on Tue Nov 21, 2006 12:06 am

Ham wrote:Ps3. The reason ? Its got the best graphics out there the best technology and its at a great deal.Blu-ray is going to revolutionize games by making them able to process many more things.

Now most of you are going to fuss 600 bucks is not a great deal but it costs around 900 dollars for sony to make one PS3 so isnt that a good deal?

yeah... i agree with him on that... but the Wii is still better.

im guessing that in 3 or 4 years, the blu ray discs are gonna be like DVDs now. but for now... the discs themselves wont be that much more expenseive, but the things that read them will be. almost 1000 for one. and for one that reads dvds and blue ray would be about 3000. they have them.... in japan.

my point is that if u want to chalk up the money to get the blu ray thing going...more power to you. but the rest of us are probably gonna wait till its cheap
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Postby ghoste99 on Tue Nov 21, 2006 12:19 am

Here will shut up PS3 fans forever. I buy a gameing system to play games, not to have a dvd player, not to have a music player, not to have any other gay feature the PS3 has. I bought my wii for games, the PS3 dosent have games they have graphics poseing as games. Anyone who bought a PS3 to play games i feel sad for you :_( really i do.
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Postby vtmarik on Tue Nov 21, 2006 12:32 am

Skittlesandmnms wrote:
vtmarik wrote:Not to mention that the PSP has a design flaw that Sony dismissed as a "feature."

hehe... What bugs?!? oh that? thats just another feature!

thats what they said about windos 95 too...

Yeah, the PSP's square button is too close to the screen, it doesn't work properly. When this was pointed out, sony execs dismissed the concerns saying something along the lines "It's fine the way it is, you wouldn't complain to a famous architect if he placed a gate in the wrong place."
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Postby Skittlesandmnms on Tue Nov 21, 2006 2:54 am

vtmarik wrote:
Skittlesandmnms wrote:
vtmarik wrote:Not to mention that the PSP has a design flaw that Sony dismissed as a "feature."

hehe... What bugs?!? oh that? thats just another feature!

thats what they said about windos 95 too...

Yeah, the PSP's square button is too close to the screen, it doesn't work properly. When this was pointed out, sony execs dismissed the concerns saying something along the lines "It's fine the way it is, you wouldn't complain to a famous architect if he placed a gate in the wrong place."

But... famous architects do almost everything else right... and they rarely f*ck up gates... cuz lets be honest... gates arent all that common


ghoste99 wrote:Here will shut up PS3 fans forever. I buy a gameing system to play games, not to have a dvd player, not to have a music player, not to have any other gay feature the PS3 has. I bought my wii for games, the PS3 dosent have games they have graphics poseing as games. Anyone who bought a PS3 to play games i feel sad for you :_( really i do.

i totally agree with you.
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Postby reverend_kyle on Tue Nov 21, 2006 3:10 am

to all the nintendo has durability folks heres a statistic..

Best Buy in my town got 18 wii's.. all 18 were returned same day broken..

Not a ps3 has been returned... and it got released first.
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