by barterer2002 on Sat Apr 19, 2008 9:28 am
The resistence is starting to fall back for the next push at moving out the Aliens.
In Europe, the surviving members are: Barterer2002, goggles paisano, mangus and vampir2124
In Axis the surviving members are: Sir. Ricco, taxmanjle, illusions850 and BaldAdonis
In North America the surviving members are: EdwinG, Bagwellthegreat, hijay, and KidWhisky
In Asia/Southern Hemisphere the surviving members are: Sackett58, TheWreckless1, and Lufsen75. There is currently a report of an alien POW camp where Natewolfman, Lord Voldemort, kotaro, DirtyDishSoap, Fancy_KC, LordZack72, Drunk_Idiot, and kotaro are being held. We're not sure how many of them will get out but even one makes it worth the efforts.
We'll have a short momement of silence while we grieve for our fallen comrades and await word from Cairns on the rescue operations.