[b]Accused: snakeyes
[*]Other: <Explanation> snakeeyes is holding up a game to gain more points and is waiting for me to finish another game so he doesn't lose more points!
[b]Game number(s): 2727165
[b]Comments: This dude, snakeyes, tells me (in quotes) in another game that "2008-06-26 17:12:44 - snakeyes: points are awarded based on our scores.. if i have a higher score and you have a lower score you will get more points. if i were to beat you first my score would be that much higher and yours would be that much lower meaning you would gain more points.."
and is purposely holding up our other game (2727165) to use this method to quote on quote lose less points" (see above evidence)
Now he is refusing to end game 2727165 untill i finsh another game, game * 2727164* to hopefully lose less points and for me to gain less
Please let me know if what he is doing is necessary and if i should just finish the other game because i think snakeeyes is getting to serious with the whole conquer club points termonalogy.
Thanks, Corman
more evidence provided:
2008-06-26 17:41:17 - FabledIntegral: Corman - you don't even have to finish. You have premium and he doesn't. Play as many games as you want. He's using 50% of his games for this.
2008-06-26 17:45:43 - FabledIntegral: Furthermore, I just did the math. His point of delaying the game himself is idiotic - if he takes the win first then you win, his score will end up being 1739.
2008-06-26 17:46:27 - FabledIntegral: However, if you take the win first then he takes the win, his score will end up being 1741.
2008-06-26 17:47:21 - FabledIntegral: The difference for his score is 2 points, I hope the 2 points is worth the days you can hold the game up since you have premium (and he better hopes he doesn't win any games in the meantime, otherwise he'll lose more points due to him not ending these
2008-06-26 17:47:28 - FabledIntegral: sooner)
(see game 2727164)