Most of his games are filled with Deadbeats and he offers to mark all with 5's in spite that! he choses Circus Maximus as he has calculated that most of them will deadbeat due to the crappy board and 'esoteric' appeal. he knows all or most will deadbeat and then offers high ratings to maintain his rating.
Game 2505752
Elimination Summary
2008-06-09 13:17:21 - spearce was kicked out for missing too many turns in round - 3
2008-06-10 13:17:21 - catchat4 was kicked out for missing too many turns in round - 3
2008-06-11 13:17:21 - Norris was kicked out for missing too many turns in round - 3
2008-06-12 13:17:21 - xufan1089 was kicked out for missing too many turns in round - 3
2008-06-14 13:06:45 - fireburnscold was kicked out for missing too many turns in round - 3
Game Chat
2008-06-13 15:52:44 - KLOBBER: By the way, I am in the habit of rating all members with all 5's. : )
as you can see:
Game 2527285
Game 2614288 in this one he instructs/ 'encourages' a player to deadbeat.
2008-06-13 15:45:48 - KLOBBER: By the way, I am in the habit of rating all members with all 5's. : )
2008-06-15 00:26:10 - DJ Glass: This game is taking forever. How can I leave a game?
2008-06-16 02:24:57 - KLOBBER: "You are automatically kicked out from the game if you miss 3 consecutive turns."
2008-06-16 02:25:23 - KLOBBER: The above is from the official CC Instructions page, under "How to Play."
Game 2614297
Game 2614301
Game 2620144 look at this gamechat... his intent is all too obvious! (almost like a set up in the crowd!?)
2008-06-13 15:49:16 - KLOBBER: By the way, I am in the habit of rating all members with all 5's. : )
2008-06-16 19:28:04 - rjgirardi: well Klobber, I will take that into consideration when I rate you as well...
2008-06-19 06:46:58 - KLOBBER: Cool, thanks!
Game 2621730
It goes on and on! you could pick any active game and see that he is engaging not just point theft but also in the Manipulation of the newest players to maintain a high rating and in so doing keep steeling points!
Should we not be protecting those who first enter the site!? at the moment their first contact, robs them and then talks them into giving him a reference to make the next mugging more easy!
come on, someone do something please!