by Incandenza on Fri Jun 20, 2008 11:49 pm
Actually, I wasn't implying that escalating would be a better choice. I've just always been wary of flat rate in 1v1s. At least with escalating, you know what your opponent will get. With flat rate, if player one cashes a mixed set in turn 3, and player 2 gets two pair and ends up cashing a red set in turn 5, game's basically over, unless the dice really get into the mix. Plus there's no real strategy to cashing, save to wait for a better set, as a given set will be worth exactly as much this turn as it will be after the other guy cashes.
I dunno. I'm not suggesting you change your tourney, but I've played loads of no cards games with all your other settings, and I've rather enjoyed them.
THOTA: dingdingdingdingdingdingBOOM
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